Source code for y.utils.raw_calls

import asyncio
import contextlib
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union

import a_sync
import brownie
import dank_mids
from brownie import ZERO_ADDRESS, convert
from brownie.convert.datatypes import EthAddress
from eth_utils import encode_hex
from eth_utils import function_signature_to_4byte_selector as fourbyte

from y.contracts import Contract, proxy_implementation
from y.convert import to_address, to_address_async
from y.datatypes import Address, AddressOrContract, Block
from y.exceptions import (
from y.networks import Network
from y.utils.logging import yLazyLogger

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

We use raw calls for commonly used functions because its much faster than using brownie Contracts

# yLazyLogger(logger)
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(cache_type="memory") async def _cached_call_fn( func: Callable, contract_address: AddressOrContract, # Only supports one required arg besides contract_address for now block: Optional[Block], required_arg=None, ) -> Any: if required_arg is None: return await func(contract_address, block=block) else: return await func(contract_address, required_arg, block=block)
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default="sync") async def decimals( contract_address: AddressOrContract, block: Optional[Block] = None, return_None_on_failure: bool = False, ) -> int: if block is None or return_None_on_failure: return await _decimals( contract_address, block=block, return_None_on_failure=return_None_on_failure ) else: return await _cached_call_fn(_decimals, contract_address, block)
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default="sync", cache_type="memory") async def _decimals( contract_address: AddressOrContract, block: Optional[Block] = None, return_None_on_failure: bool = False, ) -> Optional[int]: decimals = None # method 1 # NOTE: this will almost always work, you will rarely proceed to further methods try: decimals = await raw_call( contract_address, "decimals()", block=block, output="int", return_None_on_failure=True, sync=False, ) except (OverflowError, ValueError): # OverflowError means the call didn't revert, but we can't decode it correctly # the contract might not comply with standards, so we can possibly fetch # using the verified non standard abi as a fallback # ValueError means the call failed for some other reason, but let's try this anyway try: contract = await Contract.coroutine(contract_address) decimals = await contract.decimals.coroutine(block_identifier=block) except ContractNotVerified: pass except AttributeError as e: if "has no attribute 'decimals'" not in str(e): raise # we got a response from the chain but brownie can't find `DECIMALS` method, # maybe our cached contract definition is messed up. let's repull it with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): decimals = brownie.Contract.from_explorer(contract_address).decimals( block_identifier=block ) if decimals is not None: return decimals # method 2 try: decimals = await raw_call( contract_address, "DECIMALS()", block=block, output="int", return_None_on_failure=True, sync=False, ) except (OverflowError, ValueError): # OverflowError means the call didn't revert, but we can't decode it correctly # the contract might not comply with standards, so we can possibly fetch DECIMALS # using the verified non standard abi as a fallback # ValueError means the call failed for some other reason, but let's try this anyway try: contract = await Contract.coroutine(contract_address) decimals = await contract.DECIMALS.coroutine(block_identifier=block) except ContractNotVerified: pass except AttributeError as e: if "has no attribute 'DECIMALS'" not in str(e): raise # we got a response from the chain but brownie can't find `DECIMALS` method, # maybe our cached contract definition is messed up. let's repull it with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): decimals = brownie.Contract.from_explorer(contract_address).DECIMALS( block_identifier=block ) if decimals is not None: return decimals # method 3 try: decimals = await raw_call( contract_address, "getDecimals()", block=block, output="int", return_None_on_failure=True, sync=False, ) except (OverflowError, ValueError): # OverflowError means the call didn't revert, but we can't decode it correctly # the contract might not comply with standards, so we can possibly fetch DECIMALS # using the verified non standard abi as a fallback # ValueError means the call failed for some other reason, but let's try this anyway try: contract = await Contract.coroutine(contract_address) decimals = await contract.getDecimals.coroutine(block_identifier=block) except ContractNotVerified: pass except AttributeError as e: if "has no attribute 'getDecimals'" not in str(e): raise # we got a response from the chain but brownie can't find `DECIMALS` method, # maybe our cached contract definition is messed up. let's repull it with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): decimals = brownie.Contract.from_explorer(contract_address).getDecimals( block_identifier=block ) if decimals is not None: return decimals # we've failed to fetch if return_None_on_failure: return None if await proxy_implementation(contract_address, block) == ZERO_ADDRESS: raise NoProxyImplementation( f""" Contract {contract_address} is a proxy contract, and had no implementation at block {block}.""" ) raise NonStandardERC20( f""" Unable to fetch `decimals` for {contract_address} on {Network.printable()} If the contract is verified, please check to see if it has a strangely named `decimals` method and create an issue on with the contract address and correct method name so we can keep things going smoothly :)""" )
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default="sync") async def _totalSupply( contract_address: AddressOrContract, block: Optional[Block] = None, return_None_on_failure: bool = False, ) -> Optional[int]: total_supply = None try: total_supply = await raw_call( contract_address, "totalSupply()", block=block, output="int", return_None_on_failure=True, sync=False, ) except OverflowError: # OverflowError means the call didn't revert, but we can't decode it correctly # the contract might not comply with standards, so we can possibly fetch totalSupply # using the verified non standard abi as a fallback try: contract = await Contract.coroutine(contract_address) total_supply = await contract.totalSupply.coroutine(block_identifier=block) except ContractNotVerified: pass except AttributeError as e: if "has no attribute 'totalSupply'" not in str(e): raise # we got a response from the chain but brownie can't find `totalSupply` method, # maybe our cached contract definition is messed up. let's repull it with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): total_supply = brownie.Contract.from_explorer( contract_address ).totalSupply(block_identifier=block) if total_supply is not None: return total_supply if return_None_on_failure: return None raise NonStandardERC20( f""" Unable to fetch `totalSupply` for {contract_address} on {Network.printable()} If the contract is verified, please check to see if it has a strangely named `totalSupply` method and create an issue on with the contract address and correct method name so we can keep things going smoothly :)""" )
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default="sync") async def balanceOf( call_address: AddressOrContract, input_address: AddressOrContract, block: Optional[Block] = None, return_None_on_failure: bool = False, ) -> Optional[int]: # method 1 # NOTE: this will almost always work, you will rarely proceed to further methods try: balance = await raw_call( call_address, "balanceOf(address)", block=block, inputs=input_address, output="int", return_None_on_failure=True, sync=False, ) except OverflowError: # OverflowError means the call didn't revert, but we can't decode it correctly # the contract might not comply with standards, so we can possibly fetch balanceOf # using the verified non standard abi as a fallback try: contract = await Contract.coroutine(call_address) return await contract.balanceOf.coroutine( input_address, block_identifier=block ) except AttributeError as e: if "has no attribute 'balanceOf'" not in str(e): raise # we got a response from the chain but brownie can't find `balanceOf` method, # maybe our cached contract definition is messed up. let's repull it balance = brownie.Contract.from_explorer(call_address).balanceOf( input_address, block_identifier=block ) if balance is not None: return balance # we've failed to fetch if return_None_on_failure: return None raise NonStandardERC20( f""" Unable to fetch `balanceOf` for token: {call_address} holder: {input_address} on {Network.printable()} If the contract is verified, please check to see if it has a strangely named `totalSupply` method and create an issue on with the contract address and correct function name so we can keep things going smoothly :)""" )
# yLazyLogger(logger) async def _balanceOfReadable( call_address: AddressOrContract, input_address: AddressOrContract, block: Optional[Block] = None, return_None_on_failure: bool = False, ) -> Optional[float]: balance, decimals = await asyncio.gather( balanceOf( call_address, input_address, block=block, return_None_on_failure=return_None_on_failure, sync=False, ), _decimals( call_address, block=block, return_None_on_failure=return_None_on_failure ), ) if balance is not None and decimals is not None: return balance / 10**decimals # we've failed to fetch if return_None_on_failure: return None else: raise NonStandardERC20( f"""Unable to fetch `balanceOfReadable` for token: {call_address} holder: {input_address} on {Network.printable()} balanceOf: {balance} decimals: {decimals} If the contract is verified, please check to see if it has a strangely named `balanceOf` or `decimals` method and create an issue on with the contract address and correct function name so we can keep things going smoothly :)""" )
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default="sync") async def raw_call( contract_address: AddressOrContract, method: str, block: Optional[Block] = None, inputs=None, output: str = None, return_None_on_failure: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Any]: """ Call a contract with only address and method. Bypasses brownie Contract object formation to save time. This function allows for direct interaction with a contract by preparing and sending the call data without creating a full contract object. It supports various input types and can handle multiple inputs. Args: contract_address: The address of the contract. method: The method signature as a string (e.g., "transfer(address,uint256)"). block: The block number at which to make the call. Defaults to the latest block. inputs: The input data for the method. Can be None, bytes, int, str, Address, EthAddress, brownie.Contract, or Contract. output: The expected output type. Options are "address", "int", "str". return_None_on_failure: If True, return None if the call fails. Default False. Examples: >>> await raw_call("0xTokenAddress", "balanceOf(address)", inputs="0xHolderAddress") 1000000000000000000 >>> await raw_call("0xTokenAddress", "decimals()") 18 Raises: ValueError: If the call fails and `return_None_on_failure` is False. TypeError: If an invalid output type is specified. See Also: - :func:`prepare_data` for preparing the call data. - :func:`prepare_input` for preparing individual inputs. """ if type(contract_address) != str: contract_address = str(contract_address) data = { "to": await to_address_async(contract_address), "data": prepare_data(method, inputs), } try: response = await, block_identifier=block) except ValueError as e: if return_None_on_failure and (call_reverted(e) or "invalid opcode" in str(e)): return None raise try: if output is None: return response elif output == "address" and response.hex() == "0x": return ZERO_ADDRESS elif output == "address": return await to_address_async(f"0x{response.hex()[-40:]}") elif output in [int, "int", "uint", "uint256"]: return convert.to_int(response) elif output in [str, "str"]: return convert.to_string(response).replace("\x00", "").strip() except OverflowError as e: if "is outside allowable range for uint256" in str(e): raise OverflowError( f"0x{response.hex()} is outside allowable range for uint256" ) from e raise else: raise TypeError( 'Invalid output type, please select from ["str","int","address"]' )
# yLazyLogger(logger)
[docs] def prepare_data( method, inputs=Union[ None, bytes, int, str, Address, EthAddress, brownie.Contract, Contract ], ) -> str: """ Prepare data for a raw contract call by encoding the method signature and input data. This function takes a method signature and input data, and returns a hexadecimal string that can be used as the data field in a raw contract call. Args: method: The method signature as a string (e.g., "transfer(address,uint256)"). inputs: The input data for the method. Can be None, bytes, int, str, Address, EthAddress, brownie.Contract, or Contract. Returns: A hexadecimal string representing the encoded method call data. Raises: CalldataPreparationError: If the input type is not supported. Note: - The method signature is encoded to its 4-byte function selector. - If inputs is None, only the method selector is returned. - For other input types, the input is prepared and appended to the method selector. Examples: >>> prepare_data("transfer(address,uint256)", inputs=("0xRecipientAddress", 1000)) '0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000RecipientAddress00000000000000000000000000000000000003e8' >>> prepare_data("decimals()") '0x313ce567' See Also: - :func:`raw_call` for making the contract call. - :func:`prepare_input` for preparing individual inputs. """ method = encode_hex(fourbyte(method)) if inputs is None: return method elif type(inputs) in [ bytes, int, str, Address, EthAddress, brownie.Contract, Contract, ]: return method + prepare_input(inputs) raise CalldataPreparationError( f""" Supported types are: Union[None, bytes, int, str, Address, EthAddress, brownie.Contract, y.Contract] You passed {type(inputs)} {inputs}""" ) # these don't work yet, wip """ elif type(inputs) in (Set,List,Tuple): # this doesn't work right now inputs = str(concat([method,*[prepare_input(_) for _ in inputs]])) logger.warning(inputs) return encode_hex(inputs) elif type(inputs) == Dict: # this doesn't work right now inputs = str(concat([method,*[prepare_input(_) for _ in inputs.values()]])) logger.warning(inputs) return encode_hex(inputs) """
# yLazyLogger(logger)
[docs] def prepare_input( input: Union[ bytes, # for bytes input int, # for int input Union[ str, Address, EthAddress, brownie.Contract, Contract ], # for address input ], ) -> str: """ Prepare input data for a raw contract call by encoding it to a hexadecimal string. This function takes various input types and converts them to a hexadecimal string that can be used as part of the data field in a raw contract call. Args: input: The input data to be prepared. Can be bytes, int, str, Address, EthAddress, brownie.Contract, or Contract. Returns: A hexadecimal string representing the encoded input data. Raises: CalldataPreparationError: If the input type is not supported. Note: - Bytes input is converted directly to its hexadecimal representation. - Integer input is converted to bytes and then to hexadecimal. - String, Address, EthAddress, brownie.Contract, and Contract inputs are assumed to be addresses and are padded to 32 bytes. Examples: >>> prepare_input("0xRecipientAddress") '000000000000000000000000RecipientAddress' >>> prepare_input(1000) '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e8' See Also: - :func:`prepare_data` for preparing the call data. - :func:`raw_call` for making the contract call. """ input_type = type(input) if input_type == bytes: return input.hex() if input_type == int: return convert.to_bytes(input).hex() # we can't process actual strings so we can assume that any string input is an address. regular strings will fail if input_type in [str, Address, EthAddress, brownie.Contract, Contract]: return f"000000000000000000000000{to_address(input)[2:]}" raise CalldataPreparationError( f""" Supported input types are uint: int, address: Union[str, Address, brownie.Contract, y.Contract] you passed input: {input} type: {input_type} """ )