Source code for y.utils.middleware

import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Callable

import eth_retry
from brownie import chain, web3
from requests import Session
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from web3 import HTTPProvider, Web3
from web3.middleware import filter
from web3.middleware.geth_poa import geth_poa_middleware

from y.networks import Network
from y.utils.cache import memory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

provider_specific_batch_sizes = {
    "moralis":  2_000,
    "pokt":     2_000,
    "tenderly": 2_000,
    "ankr":     2_000,

chain_specific_max_batch_sizes = {
    Network.Mainnet:    10_000,     # 1.58 days
    Network.Gnosis:     20_000,     # 1.15 days
    Network.Fantom:     100_000,    # 1.03 days
    Network.Arbitrum:   20_000,     # 0.34 days
    Network.Optimism:   800_000,    # 10.02 days

fallback_batch_size = 10_000

def _get_batch_size() -> int:
    Determine the appropriate batch size for the current network and provider.

        The determined batch size for log fetching.
    if batch_size := ENVS.GETLOGS_BATCH_SIZE:
        return batch_size
    for provider, size in provider_specific_batch_sizes.items():
        if provider in web3.provider.endpoint_uri:
            return size
    return chain_specific_max_batch_sizes.get(, fallback_batch_size)

BATCH_SIZE = _get_batch_size()

[docs] def should_cache(method: str, params: Any) -> bool: """ Determine if a method call should be cached. Args: method: The name of the method being called. params: The parameters of the method call. Returns: True if the method call should be cached, False otherwise. """ return method == "eth_getCode" and params[1] == "latest"
[docs] def getcode_cache_middleware(make_request: Callable, web3: Web3) -> Callable: """ Middleware for caching eth_getCode calls. Args: make_request: The original request function. web3: The Web3 instance. Returns: A middleware function that caches eth_getCode calls. """ @eth_retry.auto_retry def middleware(method: str, params: Any) -> Any: logger.debug("%s %s", method, params) if should_cache(method, params): return memory.cache(make_request)(method, params) return make_request(method, params) return middleware
[docs] def setup_getcode_cache_middleware() -> None: """ Set up the eth_getCode cache middleware for the current Web3 provider. This function modifies the Web3 provider to use a custom session with increased connection pool size and timeout, and adds the getcode cache middleware. On Optimism, it also adds the POA middleware. """ # patch web3 provider with more connections and higher timeout if web3.provider: try: assert web3.provider.endpoint_uri.startswith("http"), "only http and https providers are supported" adapter = HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100) session = Session() session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) web3.provider = HTTPProvider(web3.provider.endpoint_uri, {"timeout": 600}, session) except AttributeError as e: if "'IPCProvider' object has no attribute 'endpoint_uri'" not in str(e): raise web3.middleware_onion.add(getcode_cache_middleware) if == Network.Optimism: try: web3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0) except ValueError as e: if str(e) != "You can't add the same un-named instance twice": raise