Source code for y.utils.middleware

import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Callable

import eth_retry
from brownie import chain, web3
from requests import Session
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from web3 import HTTPProvider, Web3
from web3.middleware import filter
from web3.middleware.geth_poa import geth_poa_middleware

from y.networks import Network
from y.utils.cache import memory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

provider_specific_batch_sizes = {
    "moralis": 2_000,
    "pokt": 2_000,
    "tenderly": 2_000,
    "ankr": 2_000,

chain_specific_max_batch_sizes = {
    Network.Mainnet: 10_000,  # 1.58 days
    Network.Gnosis: 20_000,  # 1.15 days
    Network.Fantom: 100_000,  # 1.03 days
    Network.Arbitrum: 20_000,  # 0.34 days
    Network.Optimism: 800_000,  # 10.02 days

fallback_batch_size = 10_000

def _get_batch_size() -> int:
    Determine the appropriate batch size for the current network and provider.

        The determined batch size for log fetching.

        >>> batch_size = _get_batch_size()
        >>> print(batch_size)

    See Also:
        - :data:`provider_specific_batch_sizes`
        - :data:`chain_specific_max_batch_sizes`
    if batch_size := ENVS.GETLOGS_BATCH_SIZE:
        return batch_size
    for provider, size in provider_specific_batch_sizes.items():
        if provider in web3.provider.endpoint_uri:
            return size
    return chain_specific_max_batch_sizes.get(, fallback_batch_size)

BATCH_SIZE = _get_batch_size()

[docs] def should_cache(method: str, params: Any) -> bool: """ Determine if a method call should be cached. Args: method: The name of the method being called. params: The parameters of the method call. Returns: True if the method call should be cached, False otherwise. Examples: >>> should_cache("eth_getCode", ["0x1234", "latest"]) True >>> should_cache("eth_getBalance", ["0x1234", "latest"]) False """ return method == "eth_getCode" and params[1] == "latest"
[docs] def getcode_cache_middleware(make_request: Callable, web3: Web3) -> Callable: """ Middleware for caching eth_getCode calls. Args: make_request: The original request function. web3: The Web3 instance. Returns: A middleware function that caches eth_getCode calls. Examples: >>> from web3 import Web3 >>> w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('http://localhost:8545')) >>> middleware = getcode_cache_middleware(w3.manager.request_blocking, w3) >>> w3.middleware_onion.add(middleware) See Also: - :func:`should_cache` """ @memory.cache def make_request_cached(method: str, params: Any) -> Any: return make_request(method, params) @eth_retry.auto_retry def middleware(method: str, params: Any) -> Any: logger.debug("%s %s", method, params) if should_cache(method, params): return make_request_cached(method, params) return make_request(method, params) return middleware
[docs] def setup_getcode_cache_middleware() -> None: """ Set up the eth_getCode cache middleware for the current Web3 provider. This function modifies the Web3 provider to use a custom session with increased connection pool size and timeout, if the provider's endpoint URI starts with "http" or "https". If the provider is an IPCProvider, it does not modify the session. Examples: >>> setup_getcode_cache_middleware() See Also: - :func:`getcode_cache_middleware` """ # patch web3 provider with more connections and higher timeout if web3.provider: try: assert web3.provider.endpoint_uri.startswith( "http" ), "only http and https providers are supported" adapter = HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100) session = Session() session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) web3.provider = HTTPProvider( web3.provider.endpoint_uri, {"timeout": 600}, session ) except AttributeError as e: if "'IPCProvider' object has no attribute 'endpoint_uri'" not in str(e): raise web3.middleware_onion.add(getcode_cache_middleware)
[docs] def setup_geth_poa_middleware() -> None: """ Set up the geth proof-of-authority middleware for the current Web3 provider. Examples: >>> setup_geth_poa_middleware() See Also: - :func:`web3.middleware.geth_poa.geth_poa_middleware` """ try: web3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0) except ValueError as e: if str(e) != "You can't add the same un-named instance twice": raise