import asyncio
import weakref
from logging import DEBUG, Logger, StreamHandler, getLogger, _lock
from types import MethodType
from typing import List, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
import a_sync
from brownie import chain
from lazy_logging import LazyLoggerFactory
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
from y.datatypes import AnyAddressType, Block
from y.networks import Network
T = TypeVar("T")
P = ParamSpec("P")
yLazyLogger = LazyLoggerFactory("YPRICEMAGIC")
logger = getLogger(__name__)
def enable_debug_logging(logger: str = "y") -> None:
Enables ypricemagic's debugging mode. Very verbose.
logger: The name of the logger to enable debugging for. Defaults to "y".
>>> enable_debug_logging("y")
logger = getLogger(logger)
if not logger.handlers:
class PriceLogger(Logger):
enabled: bool
address: str
block: int
key: Tuple[AnyAddressType, Block, Optional[str], str]
debug_task: Optional["asyncio.Task[None]"]
def close(self) -> None:
# since we make a lot of these we don't want logging module to cache them
self.debug("closing %s", logger)
with _lock:
Logger.manager.loggerDict.pop(, None)
def get_price_logger(
token_address: AnyAddressType,
block: Block,
symbol: str = None,
extra: str = "",
start_task: bool = False,
) -> PriceLogger:
Create or retrieve a `PriceLogger` instance for a given token address and block.
This function manages a cache of loggers to ensure they have the proper members for ypricemagic.
If a logger is enabled for DEBUG, it will start a debug task if specified.
token_address: The address of the token.
block: The block number.
symbol: An optional symbol for the token.
extra: An optional extra string to append to the logger name.
start_task: Whether to start a debug task. Defaults to False.
>>> logger = get_price_logger("0xTokenAddress", 123456)
>>> logger.debug("This is a debug message.")
See Also:
- :func:`enable_debug_logging`
address = str(token_address)
name = f"y.prices.{Network.label()}.{address}.{block}"
if extra:
name += f".{extra}"
# the built-in logging module caches loggers but we need to make sure they have the proper members for ypm
if cached_logger := _all_price_loggers.get(name, None):
return cached_logger
logger = getLogger(name)
logger.address = address
logger.block = block
logger.enabled = logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG)
if logger.enabled:
logger.debug = lambda msg, *args, **kwargs: logger._log(
DEBUG, msg, args, **kwargs
if start_task:
# will kill itself when this logger is garbage collected
logger.debug_task = a_sync.create_task(
coro=_debug_tsk(symbol, weakref.ref(logger)),
name=f"_debug_tsk({symbol}, {logger})",
logger.debug = _noop
logger.close = MethodType(PriceLogger.close, logger)
_all_price_loggers[name] = logger
return logger
def _noop(*_a, **_k): ...
async def _debug_tsk(
symbol: Optional[str], logger_ref: "weakref.ref[Logger]"
) -> NoReturn:
"""Prints a log every 1 minute until the creating coro returns."""
if symbol:
args = "price still fetching for %s", symbol
args = ("still fetching...",)
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(60)
logger = logger_ref()
if logger is None:
_all_price_loggers: "weakref.WeakValueDictionary[str, PriceLogger]" = (
f"name ({})" if else f"chainid ({})"
def _gh_issue_request(
issue_request_details: Union[str, List[str]], _logger=None
) -> None:
Log a request for a GitHub issue or pull request.
issue_request_details: The details of the issue request.
_logger: An optional logger to use. Defaults to the module logger.
>>> _gh_issue_request("This is an issue request.")
_logger = _logger or logger
if type(issue_request_details) == str:
elif type(issue_request_details) == list:
for message in issue_request_details:
"Please create an issue and/or create a PR at"
f"In your issue, please include the network {NETWORK_DESCRIPTOR_FOR_ISSUE_REQ} and the detail shown above."
"and I will add it soon :). This will not prevent ypricemagic from fetching price for this asset."