Source code for y.prices.yearn

import asyncio
import logging
from contextlib import suppress
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import a_sync
from a_sync.a_sync import HiddenMethodDescriptor
from brownie import chain
from import Call
from typing_extensions import Self

from y import Network
from y._decorators import stuck_coro_debugger
from y.classes.common import ERC20
from y.contracts import Contract, has_method, has_methods, probe
from y.datatypes import AnyAddressType, Block, Pool, UsdPrice
from y.exceptions import (CantFetchParam, ContractNotVerified,
                          MessedUpBrownieContract, PriceError, 
from y.utils.cache import optional_async_diskcache
from y.utils.logging import get_price_logger
from y.utils.raw_calls import raw_call

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# NOTE: Yearn and Yearn-inspired

underlying_methods = [
List of methods which might be used to get the underlying asset of a vault.

share_price_methods = [
List of methods which might be used to get the share price of a vault.

force_false = {
    Network.Mainnet: [
        "0x8751D4196027d4e6DA63716fA7786B5174F04C15",  # wibBTC
        "0xF0a93d4994B3d98Fb5e3A2F90dBc2d69073Cb86b",  # PWRD
}.get(, [])

[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default='sync', cache_type='memory', ram_cache_ttl=30*60) @stuck_coro_debugger @optional_async_diskcache async def is_yearn_vault(token: AnyAddressType) -> bool: # wibbtc returns True here even though it doesn't meet the criteria. # TODO figure out a better fix. For now I need a fix asap so this works. if == Network.Mainnet and str(token) == "0x8751D4196027d4e6DA63716fA7786B5174F04C15": return False # Yearn-like contracts can use these formats result = any( await asyncio.gather( has_methods(token, ('pricePerShare()(uint)','getPricePerShare()(uint)','getPricePerFullShare()(uint)','getSharesToUnderlying()(uint)'), any, sync=False), has_methods(token, ('exchangeRate()(uint)','underlying()(address)'), sync=False), ) ) # pricePerShare can revert if totalSupply == 0, which would cause `has_methods` to return `False`, # but it might still be a vault. This section will correct `result` for problematic vaults. if not result: with suppress(ContractNotVerified, MessedUpBrownieContract): contract = await Contract.coroutine(token) result = any([ hasattr(contract, 'pricePerShare'), hasattr(contract, 'getPricePerShare'), hasattr(contract, 'getPricePerFullShare'), hasattr(contract, 'getSharesToUnderlying'), hasattr(contract, 'convertToAssets'), ]) return result
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default='sync') async def get_price( token: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE, ignore_pools: Tuple[Pool, ...] = (), ) -> UsdPrice: return await YearnInspiredVault(token).price(block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache, ignore_pools=ignore_pools, sync=False)
[docs] class YearnInspiredVault(ERC20): """ Represents a vault token from Yearn or a similar protocol. This class extends ERC20 and provides methods to interact with vaults, including fetching the underlying asset, share price, and token price. """ # defaults are stored as class vars to keep instance dicts smaller _get_share_price = None """ Cached method to get the share price. This class will probe various share price methods to find the correct one, and then save it for reuse. """ # v1 vaults use getPricePerFullShare scaled to 18 decimals # v2 vaults use pricePerShare scaled to underlying token decimals # yearnish clones use all sorts of other things, we gotchu covered
[docs] @a_sync.aka.cached_property async def underlying(self) -> ERC20: """ Fetches the underlying asset of the vault. Returns: The underlying ERC20 token. Raises: CantFetchParam: If the underlying asset cannot be determined. Special Cases: 1. Arbitrum USDL: For the specific address 0x57c7E0D43C05bCe429ce030132Ca40F6FA5839d7 on Arbitrum, it uses the 'usdl()' method to fetch the underlying token. 2. Beefy Vaults: For certain Beefy vaults (BeefyVaultV6Matic and BeefyVenusVaultBNB), it uses 'wmatic()' or 'wbnb()' methods respectively. 3. Reaper Vaults: For certain Reaper vaults, it checks for a 'lendPlatform()' method and then queries the 'underlying()' method on the lend platform contract. Example: >>> vault = YearnInspiredVault("0x5f18C75AbDAe578b483E5F43f12a39cF75b973a9") # yvUSDC >>> underlying = vault.underlying() >>> underlying.address "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48" # USDC address """ # special cases if == Network.Arbitrum and self.address == '0x57c7E0D43C05bCe429ce030132Ca40F6FA5839d7': return ERC20(await raw_call(self.address, 'usdl()', output='address', sync=False), asynchronous=self.asynchronous) try: underlying = await probe(self.address, underlying_methods) except AssertionError: # special handler for some strange beefy vaults if not (method := {"BeefyVaultV6Matic": "wmatic()", "BeefyVenusVaultBNB": "wbnb()"}.get(await self.__build_name__)): raise underlying = await raw_call(self.address, method, output='address', sync=False) if not underlying: # certain reaper vaults lend_platform = await self.has_method('lendPlatform()(address)', return_response=True, sync=False) if lend_platform: underlying = await has_method(lend_platform, 'underlying()(address)', return_response=True, sync=False) if underlying: return ERC20(underlying, asynchronous=self.asynchronous) raise CantFetchParam(f'underlying for {self}')
__underlying__: HiddenMethodDescriptor[Self, ERC20] a_sync.a_sync(cache_type='memory', ram_cache_maxsize=1000)
[docs] async def share_price(self, block: Optional[Block] = None) -> Optional[Decimal]: """ Calculates the share price of the vault. Args: block (optional): The block number to query. Defaults to the latest block. Returns: The share price of the vault, or None if the vault's total supply is zero. Raises: CantFetchParam: If the share price cannot be fetched or calculated. Example: >>> vault = YearnInspiredVault("0x5f18C75AbDAe578b483E5F43f12a39cF75b973a9") # yvUSDC >>> share_price = await vault.share_price(block=14_000_000) >>> print(f"{share_price:.6f}") 1.096431 """ if self._get_share_price: try: share_price = await self._get_share_price.coroutine(block_id=block) except Exception as e: logger.debug("exc %s when fetching share price for %s", e, self) share_price = await probe(self.address, share_price_methods, block=block) else: share_price_method, share_price = await probe(self.address, share_price_methods, block=block, return_method=True) if share_price_method: self._get_share_price = Call(self.address, [share_price_method]) if share_price is None: # this is for element vaults and other 'scaled' share price functions. probe fails because method requires input try: contract = await Contract.coroutine(self.address) for method in ['convertToAssets', 'getSharesToUnderlying']: if hasattr(contract, method): contract_call = getattr(contract, method) scale = await self.__scale__ class call: # a hacky way we can cache this weird case and save calls function = method @staticmethod async def coroutine(block_id: Optional[Block]) -> int: return await contract_call.coroutine(scale, block_identifier=block_id) share_price = await call.coroutine(block_id=block) self._get_share_price = call except ContractNotVerified: pass if share_price is not None: if self._get_share_price and self._get_share_price.function == 'getPricePerFullShare()(uint)': # v1 vaults use getPricePerFullShare scaled to 18 decimals return share_price / Decimal(10 ** 18) underlying = await self.__underlying__ return Decimal(share_price) / await underlying.__scale__ elif await raw_call(self.address, 'totalSupply()', output='int', block=block, return_None_on_failure=True, sync=False) == 0: return None else: raise CantFetchParam(f'share_price for {self}')
a_sync.a_sync(cache_type='memory', ram_cache_maxsize=1000)
[docs] async def price( self, block: Optional[Block] = None, ignore_pools: Tuple[Pool, ...] = (), skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE, ) -> UsdPrice: """ Calculates the USD price of the vault token. Args: block (optional): The block number to query. Defaults to the latest block. ignore_pools: Pools to ignore when calculating the price. skip_cache: Whether to skip the cache when fetching prices. Returns: The USD price of the vault token. Example: >>> vault = YearnInspiredVault("0x5f18C75AbDAe578b483E5F43f12a39cF75b973a9") # yvUSDC >>> price = vault.price(block=14_000_000) >>> print(f"{price:.6f}") 1.096431 # The price of yvUSDC in USD """ logger = get_price_logger(self.address, block=None, extra='yearn') underlying: ERC20 share_price, underlying = await asyncio.gather(self.share_price(block=block, sync=False), self.__underlying__) if share_price is None: return None logger.debug("%s share price at block %s: %s", self, block, share_price) try: price = UsdPrice(share_price * Decimal(await underlying.price(block=block, ignore_pools=ignore_pools, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False))) except yPriceMagicError as e: if not isinstance(e.exception, PriceError): raise price = None logger.debug("%s price at block %s: %s", self, block, price) return price