Source code for y.prices.utils.sense_check

This module contains utils for sense checking prices returned from the library.

A user will not need to use anything here.

Developers can skip the sense check for additional tokens by adding them to the

import logging
from typing import Optional

import a_sync
from brownie import chain

from y.classes.common import ERC20
from y.constants import wbtc, weth
from y.contracts import Contract
from y.exceptions import NonStandardERC20
from y.networks import Network
from y.prices.lending.aave import aave
from y.prices.lending.compound import CToken
from y.prices.stable_swap.curve import CurvePool
from y.prices.utils import check_bucket
from y.prices.yearn import YearnInspiredVault

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This module is far from perfect, but provides an acceptable way to validate some of the prices returned by `get_price`

acceptable_all_chains = [
    Network.Mainnet: [
        # eth and eth-like
        "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE", # eth
        "0x7f39C581F595B53c5cb19bD0b3f8dA6c935E2Ca0", # wsteth
        "0xA3D87FffcE63B53E0d54fAa1cc983B7eB0b74A9c", # ecrv
        "0xaA17A236F2bAdc98DDc0Cf999AbB47D47Fc0A6Cf", # ankrcrv
        "0x53a901d48795C58f485cBB38df08FA96a24669D5", # rcrv
        "0xC4C319E2D4d66CcA4464C0c2B32c9Bd23ebe784e", # alETH+ETH-f
        "0x06325440D014e39736583c165C2963BA99fAf14E", # stecrv
        "0x5e74C9036fb86BD7eCdcb084a0673EFc32eA31cb", # sETH
        "0xae78736Cd615f374D3085123A210448E74Fc6393", # rETH
        "0xE95A203B1a91a908F9B9CE46459d101078c2c3cb", # aETHc
        "0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84", # stETH
        "0x9559Aaa82d9649C7A7b220E7c461d2E74c9a3593", # rETH
        "0x836A808d4828586A69364065A1e064609F5078c7", # pETH
        "0xc3D088842DcF02C13699F936BB83DFBBc6f721Ab", # vETH
        "0xC1330aCBbcE97cb9695B7ee161c0F95B875a8b0F", # onETH
        "0x5E8422345238F34275888049021821E8E08CAa1f", # fxsETH
        "0x856c4Efb76C1D1AE02e20CEB03A2A6a08b0b8dC3", # OETH
        "0xE72B141DF173b999AE7c1aDcbF60Cc9833Ce56a8", # ETH+
        "0x3d1E5Cf16077F349e999d6b21A4f646e83Cd90c5", # dETH
        "0x0100546F2cD4C9D97f798fFC9755E47865FF7Ee6", # alETH
        "0xBe9895146f7AF43049ca1c1AE358B0541Ea49704", # cbETH
        "0x7C07F7aBe10CE8e33DC6C5aD68FE033085256A84", # icETH
        "0xA35b1B31Ce002FBF2058D22F30f95D405200A15b", # ETHx
        "0x64351fC9810aDAd17A690E4e1717Df5e7e085160", # msETH
        "0x821A278dFff762c76410264303F25bF42e195C0C", # pETH
        "0xa2E3356610840701BDf5611a53974510Ae27E2e1", # wbETH
        "0x1BED97CBC3c24A4fb5C069C6E311a967386131f7", # yETH
        "0x3A65cbaebBFecbeA5D0CB523ab56fDbda7fF9aAA", # ZUNFRXETH
        "0x6951bDC4734b9f7F3E1B74afeBC670c736A0EDB6", # pxsteth
        "0xf1C9acDc66974dFB6dEcB12aA385b9cD01190E38", # osETH
        # btc and btc-like
        "0xEB4C2781e4ebA804CE9a9803C67d0893436bB27D", # renbtc
        "0xfE18be6b3Bd88A2D2A7f928d00292E7a9963CfC6", # sbtc
        "0x49849C98ae39Fff122806C06791Fa73784FB3675", # crvrenwbtc
        "0x075b1bb99792c9E1041bA13afEf80C91a1e70fB3", # crvrenwsbtc
        "0xb19059ebb43466C323583928285a49f558E572Fd", # hcrv
        "0x64eda51d3Ad40D56b9dFc5554E06F94e1Dd786Fd", # tbtc/sbtcCrv
        "0xDE5331AC4B3630f94853Ff322B66407e0D6331E8", # pBTC/sbtcCRV
        "0x410e3E86ef427e30B9235497143881f717d93c2A", # bBTC/sbtcCRV
        "0x2fE94ea3d5d4a175184081439753DE15AeF9d614", # oBTC/sbtcCRV
        "0x0327112423F3A68efdF1fcF402F6c5CB9f7C33fd", # btc++
        "0x3212b29E33587A00FB1C83346f5dBFA69A458923", # imbtc
        "0x5228a22e72ccC52d415EcFd199F99D0665E7733b", # pbtc
        "0xFbdCA68601f835b27790D98bbb8eC7f05FDEaA9B", # ibbtc/sbtcCRV-f
        "0x0316EB71485b0Ab14103307bf65a021042c6d380", # hbtc
        "0x9BE89D2a4cd102D8Fecc6BF9dA793be995C22541", # bbtc
        "0x8064d9Ae6cDf087b1bcd5BDf3531bD5d8C537a68", # obtc
        "0x8dAEBADE922dF735c38C80C7eBD708Af50815fAa", # tbtc
        "0x8751D4196027d4e6DA63716fA7786B5174F04C15", # wibbtc
        "0x66eFF5221ca926636224650Fd3B9c497FF828F7D", # multiBTC
        "0x18084fbA666a33d37592fA2633fD49a74DD93a88", # tbtc
        # gold tokens
        "0x45804880De22913dAFE09f4980848ECE6EcbAf78", # paxg
        "0x4922a015c4407F87432B179bb209e125432E4a2A", # xaut
        # other
        "0x0bc529c00C6401aEF6D220BE8C6Ea1667F6Ad93e", # yfi
        "0x41252E8691e964f7DE35156B68493bAb6797a275", # dYFI
        "0x1cEB5cB57C4D4E2b2433641b95Dd330A33185A44", # kp3r
        "0xD5525D397898e5502075Ea5E830d8914f6F0affe", # meme
        "0x9f8F72aA9304c8B593d555F12eF6589cC3A579A2", # mkr
        "0x3A283D9c08E8b55966afb64C515f5143cf907611", # crvCVXETH
        "0x23B608675a2B2fB1890d3ABBd85c5775c51691d5", # socks
        "0xcA3d75aC011BF5aD07a98d02f18225F9bD9A6BDF", # crvtricrypto
        "0xc4AD29ba4B3c580e6D59105FFf484999997675Ff", # crv3crypto
        "0xd075e95423C5c4BA1E122CaE0f4CdFA19b82881b", # wPE
        "0xe9F84dE264E91529aF07Fa2C746e934397810334", # sak3
        "0xa1d0E215a23d7030842FC67cE582a6aFa3CCaB83", # yfii
        "0x0fe629d1E84E171f8fF0C1Ded2Cc2221Caa48a3f", # mask
        "0x5F0E628B693018f639D10e4A4F59BD4d8B2B6B44", # white
        "0xdBdb4d16EdA451D0503b854CF79D55697F90c8DF", # alcx
        "0x3aaDA3e213aBf8529606924d8D1c55CbDc70Bf74", # xMON
        "0x892A6f9dF0147e5f079b0993F486F9acA3c87881", # xFUND
        "0x0ab87046fBb341D058F17CBC4c1133F25a20a52f", # gOHM
        "0x97983236bE88107Cc8998733Ef73D8d969c52E37", # sdYFI
        "0x68749665FF8D2d112Fa859AA293F07A622782F38", # XAUt
        "0xf5f5B97624542D72A9E06f04804Bf81baA15e2B4", # crvUSDTWBTCWETH
        "0x7F86Bf177Dd4F3494b841a37e810A34dD56c829B", # crvUSDCWBTCWETH
        "0x2889302a794dA87fBF1D6Db415C1492194663D13", # crvCRVUSDTBTCWSTETH
        "0xBfAb6FA95E0091ed66058ad493189D2cB29385E6", # ETHwBETHCRV
        # nfts
        "0x641927E970222B10b2E8CDBC96b1B4F427316f16", # meeb
        "0x9cea2eD9e47059260C97d697f82b8A14EfA61EA5", # punk
        "0x269616D549D7e8Eaa82DFb17028d0B212D11232A", # punk (different)
        "0x69BbE2FA02b4D90A944fF328663667DC32786385", # punk-basic
        "0xD70240Dd62F4ea9a6A2416e0073D72139489d2AA", # glyph
        "0x114f1388fAB456c4bA31B1850b244Eedcd024136", # coolcats
        "0xEA47B64e1BFCCb773A0420247C0aa0a3C1D2E5C5", # bayc
    Network.BinanceSmartChain: [
        # eth and eth-like
        "0x8d0e18c97e5dd8ee2b539ae8cd3a3654df5d79e5", # bweth
        "0xbfF4a34A4644a113E8200D7F1D79b3555f723AfE", # ibeth
        # btc and btc-like
        "0x7130d2A12B9BCbFAe4f2634d864A1Ee1Ce3Ead9c", # btcb
        "0x08FC9Ba2cAc74742177e0afC3dC8Aed6961c24e7", # ibbtcb
    Network.Fantom: [
        # eth and eth-like
        "0xBDC8fd437C489Ca3c6DA3B5a336D11532a532303", # anyeth
        # btc and btc-like
        "0xDBf31dF14B66535aF65AaC99C32e9eA844e14501", # renbtc
        "0x2406dCe4dA5aB125A18295f4fB9FD36a0f7879A2", # anybtc
        # other
        "0x29b0Da86e484E1C0029B56e817912d778aC0EC69", # yfi
        "0xf43Cc235E686d7BC513F53Fbffb61F760c3a1882", # elite
        "0x58e57cA18B7A47112b877E31929798Cd3D703b0f", # crv3crypto
    Network.Avalanche: [
        # btc and btc-like
        "0xDBf31dF14B66535aF65AaC99C32e9eA844e14501", # renbtc
        # other
        "0xd6070ae98b8069de6B494332d1A1a81B6179D960", # bifi
    Network.Optimism: [
        # eth and eth-like
        "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE", # eth
        "0x9Bcef72be871e61ED4fBbc7630889beE758eb81D", # reth
        "0x1F32b1c2345538c0c6f582fCB022739c4A194Ebb", # wsteth
        "0x6806411765Af15Bddd26f8f544A34cC40cb9838B", # frxeth
        "0x484c2D6e3cDd945a8B2DF735e079178C1036578c", # sfrxeth
        "0x1610e3c85dd44Af31eD7f33a63642012Dca0C5A5", # mseth
        "0x3E29D3A9316dAB217754d13b28646B76607c5f04", # aleth
        "0xE405de8F52ba7559f9df3C368500B6E6ae6Cee49", # seth
        # btc and btc-like
        "0x298B9B95708152ff6968aafd889c6586e9169f1D", # sbtc
        "0x6c84a8f1c29108F47a79964b5Fe888D4f4D0dE40", # tbtc
    Network.Arbitrum: [
        "0x8e0B8c8BB9db49a46697F3a5Bb8A308e744821D2", # crv3crypto
    Network.Base: [
        # eth and eth-like
        "0x2Ae3F1Ec7F1F5012CFEab0185bfc7aa3cf0DEc22", # cbeth
        "0xc1CBa3fCea344f92D9239c08C0568f6F2F0ee452", # wsteth
        # btc and btc-like
        "0x236aa50979D5f3De3Bd1Eeb40E81137F22ab794b", # tbtc
        "0xcb327b99ff831bf8223cced12b1338ff3aa322ff", # bsdETH
}.get(, []) + acceptable_all_chains
List of tokens addresses for which high prices are acceptable.
Nothing will be logged for tokens in this list.

[docs] async def sense_check( token_address: str, block: Optional[int], price: float ): """ Performs a sense check on the given token price and logs a warning if it is unexpectedly high. This is just to help catch potential bugs before they cause issues. Args: token_address: The address of the token. block: The optional block number to use for the error message. price: The price to check. Example: >>> await sense_check("0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48", 14_000_000, 123450000.00) unusually high price ($123450000.00) returned for USDC "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48" on Mainnet block 14000000. This does not necessarily mean that the price is wrong, but you may want to validate the price for yourself before proceeding. Note: This function checks if the price is within acceptable ranges based on the token type and network. It will not log for various special cases such as ETH-like tokens, BTC-like tokens, LP tokens, and vault tokens where the underlying is exempt from the sense check. """ # if price is in "normal" range, exit sense check if price < 1000: return None # if we've already validated that the token should have a high price, exit sense check if token_address in ACCEPTABLE_HIGH_PRICES: return None # for some token types, its normal to have a crazy high nominal price # we can skip the sense check for those if await _exit_sense_check(token_address): return None # proceed with sense check price_readable = round(price, 4) network = try: symbol = await ERC20(token_address, asynchronous=True).symbol logger.warning(f'unusually high price (${price_readable}) returned for {symbol} {token_address} on {network} block {block}. This does not necessarily mean that the price is wrong, but you may want to validate the price for yourself before proceeding.') except NonStandardERC20: logger.warning(f'unusually high price (${price_readable}) returned for {token_address} on {network} block {block}. This does not necessarily mean that the price is wrong, but you may want to validate the price for yourself before proceeding.')
#yLazyLogger(logger) async def _exit_sense_check(token_address: str) -> bool: ''' For some token types, its normal to have a crazy high nominal price. We can skip the sense check for those. We can also skip wrapped versions of tokens in `ACCEPTABLE_HIGH_PRICES`. ''' bucket = await check_bucket(token_address, sync=False) if bucket in ['uni or uni-like lp', 'balancer pool']: return True elif bucket == 'curve lp': underlyings = await CurvePool(token_address, asynchronous=True).coins if questionable_underlyings := [und for und in underlyings if und not in ACCEPTABLE_HIGH_PRICES]: return await, questionable_underlyings).all(sync=False) return True elif bucket == 'atoken': underlying = await aave.underlying(token_address, sync=False) elif bucket == 'compound': underlying = await CToken(token_address, asynchronous=True).underlying elif bucket == 'solidex': contract = await Contract.coroutine(token_address) underlying = await contract.pool elif bucket == 'yearn or yearn-like': underlying = await YearnInspiredVault(token_address, asynchronous=True).underlying else: return False return underlying in ACCEPTABLE_HIGH_PRICES or await _exit_sense_check(underlying)