Source code for y.prices.tokenized_fund.basketdao

import asyncio
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Optional

import a_sync
from brownie.convert.datatypes import EthAddress
from multicall import Call
from web3.exceptions import ContractLogicError

from y.classes.common import ERC20, WeiBalance
from y.datatypes import Block, UsdPrice

[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default='sync') async def is_basketdao_index(address: EthAddress) -> bool: """ Check if the given token is a BasketDAO token. Args: address: The address of the token to check. Returns: True if the token is a BasketDAO token, False otherwise. Example: >>> is_bd = is_basketdao("0x0ac58Df435D3dC9F6e079B2C5F358A4b7e861B69") >>> print(is_bd) True """ try: return bool(await Call(address, 'getAssetsAndBalances()(address[],uint[])')) except (ContractLogicError, ValueError): return False
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default='sync') async def get_price( address: EthAddress, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE, ) -> UsdPrice: """ Get the price of a BasketDAO token in USD. Args: address: The address of the BasketDAO token. block (optional): The block number to query. Defaults to None (latest). skip_cache (optional): Whether to bypass the disk cache. Defaults to :obj:`ENVS.SKIP_CACHE`. Returns: The price of the BasketDAO token in USD. Raises: PriceError: If unable to fetch the price. Example: >>> price = get_price("0x0ac58Df435D3dC9F6e079B2C5F358A4b7e861B69") >>> print(price) 1.05 """ balances, total_supply = await asyncio.gather( Call(address, 'getAssetsAndBalances()(address[],uint[])',block_id=block), ERC20(address, asynchronous=True).total_supply_readable(block=block), ) balances = (WeiBalance(balance, token, block, skip_cache=skip_cache) for token, balance in zip(balances[0], balances[1])) tvl = await WeiBalance.value_usd.sum(balances, sync=False) return UsdPrice(tvl / Decimal(total_supply))