Source code for y.prices.stable_swap.belt

import logging
from typing import Optional

import a_sync
from brownie import chain

from y import convert
from y.datatypes import AnyAddressType, Block, UsdPrice
from y.networks import Network
from y.utils.raw_calls import raw_call

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    Network.BinanceSmartChain: {
        "0x86aFa7ff694Ab8C985b79733745662760e454169": "0xF16D312d119c13dD27fD0dC814b0bCdcaAa62dfD",  # bDAI/bUSDC/bUSDT/bBUSD
        "0x9cb73F20164e399958261c289Eb5F9846f4D1404": "0xAEA4f7dcd172997947809CE6F12018a6D5c1E8b6",  # 4Belt
}.get(, {})

[docs] def is_belt_lp(token: AnyAddressType) -> bool: """Check if a token is a Belt LP token. Args: token: The address of the token to check. Returns: True if the token is a Belt LP token, False otherwise. Examples: >>> is_belt_lp("0x86aFa7ff694Ab8C985b79733745662760e454169") True >>> is_belt_lp("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000") False See Also: :data:`POOLS` for the list of recognized Belt LP tokens. """ address = convert.to_address(token) return address in POOLS
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default="sync") async def get_price(token: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None) -> UsdPrice: """Get the price of a Belt LP token in USD. This function retrieves the virtual price of a Belt LP token from its associated pool and converts it to a USD price. Args: token: The address of the Belt LP token. block: The block number at which to fetch the price. Defaults to the latest block. Raises: KeyError: If the token is not found in the :data:`POOLS` dictionary. Examples: >>> await get_price("0x86aFa7ff694Ab8C985b79733745662760e454169") UsdPrice(1.23456789) >>> await get_price("0x9cb73F20164e399958261c289Eb5F9846f4D1404", block=12345678) UsdPrice(1.23456789) See Also: :func:`is_belt_lp` to check if a token is a Belt LP token. """ address = await convert.to_address_async(token) pool = POOLS[address] virtual_price = await raw_call( pool, "get_virtual_price()", output="int", block=block, sync=False ) return UsdPrice(virtual_price / 10**18)