Source code for y.prices.popsicle

import asyncio
import logging
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import a_sync
from multicall import Call

from y import convert
from y.classes.common import ERC20, WeiBalance
from y.contracts import has_methods
from y.datatypes import AnyAddressType, Block, UsdPrice, UsdValue
from y.exceptions import call_reverted
from y.utils import gather_methods
from y.utils.cache import optional_async_diskcache

_RESERVES_METHODS = 'token0()(address)', 'token1()(address)', 'usersAmounts()((uint,uint))'

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default='sync', cache_type='memory', ram_cache_ttl=5*60) @optional_async_diskcache async def is_popsicle_lp(token_address: AnyAddressType) -> bool: """ Determines if the given token address is a Popsicle Finance LP token. Args: token_address: The address of the token to check. Returns: True if the token is a Popsicle LP token, False otherwise. Example: >>> is_popsicle = is_popsicle_lp("0xd2C5A739ebfE3E00CFa88A51749d367d7c496CCf") >>> print(is_popsicle) True """ # NOTE: contract to check for reference (mainnet): 0xd2C5A739ebfE3E00CFa88A51749d367d7c496CCf return await has_methods(token_address, ('token0()(address)','token1()(address)','usersAmounts()((uint,uint))'), sync=False)
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default='sync') async def get_price(token: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None, *, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE) -> Optional[UsdPrice]: """ Calculates the price of a Popsicle Finance LP token. Args: token: The address of the Popsicle LP token. block (optional): The block number to query. Defaults to the latest block. skip_cache (optional): Whether to skip the cache when fetching prices. Defaults to :obj:`ENVS.SKIP_CACHE`. Returns: The price of the LP token in USD, or None if the price cannot be determined. Example: >>> price = get_price("0xd2C5A739ebfE3E00CFa88A51749d367d7c496CCf", block=14_000_000) >>> print(f"{price:.6f}") 1.234567 # The price of the Popsicle LP token in USD """ address = convert.to_address(token) total_val = await get_tvl(address, block, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False) if total_val is None: return None total_supply = await ERC20(address, asynchronous=True).total_supply_readable(block, sync=False) return UsdPrice(total_val / total_supply)
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default='sync') async def get_tvl(token: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE) -> Optional[UsdValue]: balances: Tuple[WeiBalance, WeiBalance] balances = await get_balances(token, block, skip_cache=skip_cache, _async_balance_objects=True, sync=False) return UsdValue(await WeiBalance.value_usd.sum(balances)) if balances else None
[docs] @a_sync.a_sync(default='sync') async def get_balances(token: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE, _async_balance_objects: bool = False) -> Optional[Tuple[WeiBalance,WeiBalance]]: try: token0, token1, (balance0, balance1) = await gather_methods(convert.to_address(token), _RESERVES_METHODS, block=block) except Exception as e: if call_reverted(e): return None elif str(e) == "not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)": # TODO determine if this is regular behavior when no tvl in pool or if this is bug to fix return None raise balance0 = WeiBalance(balance0, token0, block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache, asynchronous=_async_balance_objects) balance1 = WeiBalance(balance1, token1, block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache, asynchronous=_async_balance_objects) return balance0, balance1