Source code for y.prices.pendle

import asyncio
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Tuple

from a_sync import a_sync
from async_lru import alru_cache

from y.classes.common import ERC20
from y.contracts import Contract, has_method
from y.datatypes import Address, Block
from y.exceptions import ContractNotVerified

    PENDLE_ORACLE = Contract("0x9a9Fa8338dd5E5B2188006f1Cd2Ef26d921650C2")
except ContractNotVerified:

[docs] @a_sync("sync") async def is_pendle_lp(token: Address) -> bool: """ Determines if the given token address is a Pendle LP token. Args: token: The address of the token to check. Returns: True if the token is a Pendle LP token, False otherwise. Example: >>> is_pendle = is_pendle_lp("0x1b92b5242301ce4a8c73cc3ef0d6dee33a3a5b23") >>> print(is_pendle) True """ return PENDLE_ORACLE is not None and await has_method(token, 'readTokens()(address,address,address)', sync=False)
[docs] @alru_cache(maxsize=None) async def get_tokens(lp_token: Address) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """ Retrieves the addresses of the tokens in a Pendle LP token. This function is cached to improve performance for repeated calls. Args: lp_token: The address of the Pendle LP token. Returns: A tuple containing the addresses of the SY token, PT token, and YT token. Example: >>> tokens = await get_tokens("0x1b92b5242301ce4a8c73cc3ef0d6dee33a3a5b23") >>> print(tokens) ('0x...', '0x...', '0x...') # Addresses of SY, PT, and YT tokens """ lp_token = await Contract.coroutine(lp_token) return await lp_token.readTokens
[docs] @a_sync("sync") async def get_lp_price(token: Address, block: Block = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE) -> Decimal: """ Calculates the price of a Pendle LP token. Args: token: The address of the Pendle LP token. block (optional): The block number to query. Defaults to the latest block. skip_cache (optional): Whether to skip the cache when fetching prices. Defaults to :obj:`ENVS.SKIP_CACHE`. Returns: The price of the LP token in USD. Example: >>> price = get_lp_price("0x1b92b5242301ce4a8c73cc3ef0d6dee33a3a5b23", block=14_000_000) >>> print(f"{price:.6f}") 1.234567 # The price of the Pendle LP token in USD Note: This function uses the Pendle Oracle contract to get the LP to asset rate and then calculates the USD price based on the underlying asset's price. """ tokens = await get_tokens(token) # NOTE: we might not need this, leave it commented out for now #names = await asyncio.gather(*[ERC20(t, asynchronous=True).name for t in tokens]) #if any("DAI" in name for name in names): # use_asset = True # rate = await PENDLE_ORACLE.getLpToAssetRate.coroutine(token, twap_duration, block_identifier=block) #elif any("crvUSD" in name for name in (ERC20(t) for t in tokens)): # use_asset = True # rate = await PENDLE_ORACLE.getLpToAssetRate.coroutine(token, twap_duration, block_identifier=block) #else: # use_asset = False # rate = await PENDLE_ORACLE.getLpToAssetRate.coroutine(token, twap_duration, block_identifier=block) sy_token, p_token, y_token = tokens sy, rate = await asyncio.gather( Contract.coroutine(sy_token), PENDLE_ORACLE.getLpToAssetRate.coroutine(token, TWAP_DURATION, block_identifier=block), ) _, asset, decimals = await sy.assetInfo rate /= Decimal(10**decimals) return rate * await ERC20(asset, asynchronous=True).price(block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache)