Source code for y.prices.dex.velodrome

import asyncio
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Set, Tuple

import a_sync
import dank_mids
import eth_retry
from import HiddenMethodDescriptor
from brownie import chain
from import Call
from typing_extensions import Self
from web3.exceptions import ContractLogicError

from y._decorators import stuck_coro_debugger
from y.contracts import Contract, contract_creation_block_async
from y.datatypes import Address, AnyAddressType, Block
from y.interfaces.uniswap.velov2 import VELO_V2_FACTORY_ABI
from y.networks import Network
from y.prices.dex.solidly import SolidlyRouterBase
from y.prices.dex.uniswap.v2 import Path, UniswapV2Pool
from y.utils import gather_methods
from y.utils.cache import a_sync_ttl_cache
from y.utils.raw_calls import raw_call

_INIT_METHODS = "token0()(address)", "token1()(address)", "stable()(bool)"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class NoReservesError(Exception): pass
default_factory = { Network.Optimism: "0xF1046053aa5682b4F9a81b5481394DA16BE5FF5a", Network.Base: "0x420DD381b31aEf6683db6B902084cB0FFECe40Da", }
[docs] class VelodromePool(UniswapV2Pool): __slots__ = ("is_stable",)
[docs] def __init__( self, address: AnyAddressType, token0: Optional[AnyAddressType] = None, token1: Optional[AnyAddressType] = None, stable: Optional[bool] = None, deploy_block: Optional[int] = None, *, asynchronous: bool = False, ): """ Initialize a :class:`VelodromePool` instance. Args: address: The address of the pool. token0: The address of the first token in the pool. token1: The address of the second token in the pool. stable: Indicates if the pool is stable. deploy_block: The block number at which the pool was deployed. asynchronous: Whether to use asynchronous operations. Examples: >>> pool = VelodromePool("0xPoolAddress", "0xToken0", "0xToken1", True, 12345678) >>> print(pool.is_stable) True See Also: - :class:`UniswapV2Pool` """ super().__init__( address, token0=token0, token1=token1, deploy_block=deploy_block, asynchronous=asynchronous, ) self.is_stable = stable """Indicates if the pool is stable, as opposed to volatile."""
[docs] class VelodromeRouterV2(SolidlyRouterBase): _supports_uniswap_helper = False
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Initialize a :class:`VelodromeRouterV2` instance. This class is a specialized router for Velodrome V2, inheriting from :class:`SolidlyRouterBase`. Args: *args: Variable length argument list. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Examples: >>> router = VelodromeRouterV2() >>> print(router.default_factory) 0xF1046053aa5682b4F9a81b5481394DA16BE5FF5a See Also: - :class:`SolidlyRouterBase` """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default_factory = default_factory[] """The default factory address for the current network.""" self._all_pools = Call(self.factory, "allPools(uint256)(address)") """A prepared call for fetching all pools from the factory."""
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger @a_sync_ttl_cache async def pool_for( self, input_token: Address, output_token: Address, stable: bool ) -> Optional[Address]: """ Get the pool address for a given pair of tokens and stability preference. Args: input_token: The address of the input token. output_token: The address of the output token. stable: Indicates if a stable pool is preferred. Returns: The address of the pool if it exists, otherwise None. Examples: >>> router = VelodromeRouterV2() >>> pool_address = await router.pool_for("0xTokenA", "0xTokenB", True) >>> print(pool_address) 0xPoolAddress See Also: - :meth:`get_pool` """ pool_address = str( await self.contract.poolFor.coroutine( input_token, output_token, stable, self.default_factory ) ) if await is_contract(pool_address): return pool_address
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger @a_sync_ttl_cache @eth_retry.auto_retry async def get_pool( self, input_token: Address, output_token: Address, stable: bool, block: Block ) -> Optional[VelodromePool]: """ Get the :class:`VelodromePool` instance for a given pair of tokens and stability preference. Args: input_token: The address of the input token. output_token: The address of the output token. stable: Indicates if a stable pool is preferred. block: The block number to consider. Returns: A :class:`VelodromePool` instance if the pool exists and the address is a contract, otherwise None. Examples: >>> router = VelodromeRouterV2() >>> pool = await router.get_pool("0xTokenA", "0xTokenB", True, 12345678) >>> print(pool) <VelodromePool instance> See Also: - :meth:`pool_for` """ if pool_address := await self.pool_for( input_token, output_token, stable, sync=False ): if await contract_creation_block_async(pool_address) <= block: return VelodromePool(pool_address, asynchronous=self.asynchronous)
[docs] @a_sync.aka.cached_property @stuck_coro_debugger async def pools(self) -> Set[VelodromePool]: """ Fetch all Velodrome pools. This method retrieves all pools for the Velodrome protocol on the current network. Returns: A set of :class:`VelodromePool` instances. Examples: >>> router = VelodromeRouterV2() >>> pools = await router.pools >>> print(len(pools)) 42 See Also: - :meth:`get_pool` """ "Fetching pools for %s on %s. If this is your first time using ypricemagic, this can take a while. Please wait patiently...", self.label, Network.printable(), ) factory = await Contract.coroutine(self.factory) if "PoolCreated" not in factory.topics: # the etherscan proxy detection is borked here, need this to decode properly factory = Contract.from_abi( "PoolFactory", self.factory, VELO_V2_FACTORY_ABI ) pools = { VelodromePool( address=event["pool"], token0=event["token0"], token1=event["token1"], stable=event["stable"], deploy_block=event.block_number, asynchronous=self.asynchronous, ) async for event in to_block=await dank_mids.eth.block_number ) } all_pools_len = await raw_call( self.factory, "allPoolsLength()", output="int", sync=False ) if len(pools) > all_pools_len: raise ValueError("wtf", len(pools), all_pools_len) if len(pools) < all_pools_len: logger.debug( "Oh no! Looks like your node can't look back that far. Checking for the missing %s pools...", all_pools_len - len(pools), ) pools_your_node_couldnt_get = self._init_pool_from_poolid, range(all_pools_len - len(pools)), name=f"load {self} poolId", ) # we want the map populated with tasks for this logger await pools_your_node_couldnt_get._init_loader logger.debug("pools: %s", pools_your_node_couldnt_get) pools.update(await pools_your_node_couldnt_get.values(pop=True)) tokens = set() for pool in pools: tokens.update(await asyncio.gather(pool.__token0__, pool.__token1__)) "Loaded %s pools supporting %s tokens on %s", len(pools), len(tokens), self.label, ) return pools
__pools__: HiddenMethodDescriptor[Self, Set[VelodromePool]]
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_routes_from_path( self, path: Path, block: Block ) -> List[Tuple[Address, Address, bool]]: """ Get the routes for a given path of tokens. Args: path: A list of token addresses representing the path. block: The block number to consider. Returns: A list of tuples, each containing the input token, output token, and stability preference. Raises: NoReservesError: If no route is available for the given path. Examples: >>> router = VelodromeRouterV2() >>> routes = await router.get_routes_from_path(["0xTokenA", "0xTokenB"], 12345678) >>> print(routes) [("0xTokenA", "0xTokenB", True)] See Also: - :meth:`get_pool` """ routes = [] for i in range(len(path) - 1): input_token, output_token = path[i], path[i + 1] # Try for a stable pool first and use that if available stable_pool: Optional[VelodromePool] unstable_pool: Optional[VelodromePool] stable_pool, unstable_pool = await asyncio.gather( self.get_pool(input_token, output_token, True, block, sync=False), self.get_pool(input_token, output_token, False, block, sync=False), ) if stable_pool and unstable_pool: # We have to find out which of these pools is deepest stable_reserves, unstable_reserves = await asyncio.gather( stable_pool.reserves(block=block, sync=False), unstable_pool.reserves(block=block, sync=False), ) if stable_reserves and unstable_reserves: stable_reserves = tuple(stable_reserves) unstable_reserves = tuple(unstable_reserves) # NOTE: using `__token0__` and `__token1__` is faster than `__tokens__` since they're already cached and return instantly # it also creates 2 fewer tasks and 1 fewer future than `__tokens__` since there is no use of `asyncio.gather`. if ( await stable_pool.__token0__ == await unstable_pool.__token0__ and await stable_pool.__token1__ == await unstable_pool.__token1__ ): stable_reserve = stable_reserves[0] unstable_reserve = unstable_reserves[0] else: # Order of tokens is flip flopped in the pools stable_reserve = stable_reserves[0] unstable_reserve = unstable_reserves[1] if stable_reserve >= unstable_reserve: is_stable = True elif stable_reserve < unstable_reserve: is_stable = False routes.append([input_token, output_token, is_stable, self.factory]) elif stable_reserves: routes.append([input_token, output_token, True, self.factory]) elif unstable_reserves: routes.append([input_token, output_token, False, self.factory]) else: raise NoReservesError(f"No route available for path {path}") elif stable_pool: routes.append([input_token, output_token, True, self.factory]) elif unstable_pool: routes.append([input_token, output_token, False, self.factory]) else: raise ValueError( "Not sure why this function is even running if no pool is found" ) return routes
@stuck_coro_debugger async def _init_pool_from_poolid(self, poolid: int) -> VelodromePool: """ Initialize a :class:`VelodromePool` from a pool ID. Args: poolid: The ID of the pool to initialize. Returns: A :class:`VelodromePool` instance. Examples: >>> router = VelodromeRouterV2() >>> pool = await router._init_pool_from_poolid(1) >>> print(pool) <VelodromePool instance> See Also: - :meth:`pools` """ logger.debug("initing poolid %s", poolid) try: pool = await self._all_pools.coroutine(poolid) except ContractLogicError: # sometimes a failure returns None above, # sometimes it raises ContractLogicError. pool = None if pool is None: # TODO: debug why this happens sometimes and why this if clause works to get back on track factory = await Contract.coroutine(self.factory) pool = await factory.allPools.coroutine(poolid) token0, token1, stable = await gather_methods(pool, _INIT_METHODS) return VelodromePool( address=pool, token0=token0, token1=token1, stable=stable, asynchronous=self.asynchronous, )
[docs] async def is_contract(pool_address: Address) -> bool: """ Check if a given address is a contract. Args: pool_address: The address to check. Returns: True if the address is a contract, otherwise False. Examples: >>> result = await is_contract("0xPoolAddress") >>> print(result) True """ if pool_address in __pools: return True if result := await dank_mids.eth.get_code(pool_address) not in ("0x", b""): __pools_append(pool_address) return result
__pools = [] __pools_append = __pools.append