Source code for y.prices.dex.uniswap.uniswap

import asyncio
import logging
import threading
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import a_sync
from brownie import ZERO_ADDRESS, chain
from web3.exceptions import ContractLogicError

from y import convert
from y._decorators import stuck_coro_debugger
from y.classes.common import ERC20
from y.datatypes import Address, AnyAddressType, Block, Pool, UsdPrice
from y.exceptions import NonStandardERC20, contract_not_verified
from y.networks import Network
from y.prices.dex.solidly import SolidlyRouter
from y.prices.dex.uniswap.v1 import UniswapV1
from y.prices.dex.uniswap.v2 import (NotAUniswapV2Pool, UniswapRouterV2,
from y.prices.dex.uniswap.v2_forks import UNISWAPS
from y.prices.dex.uniswap.v3 import UniswapV3, uniswap_v3
from y.prices.dex.velodrome import VelodromeRouterV2
from y.utils.logging import _gh_issue_request, get_price_logger

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# NOTE: If this is failing to pull a price for a token you need, it's likely because that token requires a special swap path.
#       Please add a viable swap path to ..protocols to fetch price data successfully.

_special_routers = {
    "solidly": SolidlyRouter,
    "velodrome v1": SolidlyRouter,
    "velodrome v2": VelodromeRouterV2,
    "aerodrome": VelodromeRouterV2,
    "ramses": SolidlyRouter,

Uniswap = Union[UniswapV1, UniswapRouterV2, UniswapV3]

[docs] class UniswapMultiplexer(a_sync.ASyncGenericSingleton):
[docs] def __init__(self, asynchronous: bool = False) -> None: self.asynchronous = asynchronous self.v2_routers = {} for name in UNISWAPS: router_cls = _special_routers.get(name, UniswapRouterV2) try: self.v2_routers[name] = router_cls(UNISWAPS[name]['router'], asynchronous=self.asynchronous) except ValueError as e: # TODO do this better if not contract_not_verified(e): raise self.v1 = UniswapV1(asynchronous=self.asynchronous) if == Network.Mainnet else None self.v3 = UniswapV3(asynchronous=self.asynchronous) if uniswap_v3 else None self.uniswaps: List[Uniswap] = [] if self.v1: self.uniswaps.append(self.v1) self.uniswaps.extend(self.v2_routers.values()) if self.v3: self.uniswaps.append(self.v3) self.v2_factories = [UNISWAPS[name]['factory'] for name in UNISWAPS] self._uid_lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def is_uniswap_pool(self, token_address: AnyAddressType) -> bool: token_address = convert.to_address(token_address) try: await ERC20(token_address, asynchronous=True).decimals except NonStandardERC20: return False pool = UniswapV2Pool(token_address, asynchronous=True) with suppress(NotAUniswapV2Pool, ContractLogicError): if await pool.is_uniswap_pool(sync=False): factory = await pool.__factory__ if factory not in self.v2_factories and factory != ZERO_ADDRESS: _gh_issue_request(f'UniClone Factory {factory} is unknown to ypricemagic.', logger) self.v2_factories.append(factory) return True return False
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_price( self, token_in: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None, ignore_pools: Tuple[Pool, ...] = (), skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE, ) -> Optional[UsdPrice]: """ Calculate a price based on Uniswap Router quote for selling one `token_in`. Always finds the deepest swap path for `token_in`. """ router: Uniswap token_in = convert.to_address(token_in) logger = get_price_logger(token_in, block, extra=type(self).__name__) routers_by_depth = await self.routers_by_depth(token_in, block=block, ignore_pools=ignore_pools, sync=False) logger.debug("uniswap routers by depth: %s", routers_by_depth) for router in routers_by_depth: # tries each known router from most to least liquid # returns the first price we get back, almost always from the deepest router logger.debug("fetching from %s", router) price = await router.get_price(token_in, block=block, ignore_pools=ignore_pools, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False) logger.debug("%s -> %s", router, price) if price: return price
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def routers_by_depth( self, token_in: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None, ignore_pools: Tuple[Pool, ...] = (), ) -> List[UniswapRouterV2]: ''' Returns a dict {router: pool} ordered by liquidity depth, greatest to least ''' token_in = convert.to_address(token_in) depth_to_router = dict(zip(await asyncio.gather(*[uniswap.check_liquidity(token_in, block, ignore_pools=ignore_pools, sync=False) for uniswap in self.uniswaps]), self.uniswaps)) return [depth_to_router[balance] for balance in sorted(depth_to_router, reverse=True) if balance]
[docs] @a_sync.Semaphore(100) # some arbitrary number to keep the loop unclogged @stuck_coro_debugger async def check_liquidity( self, token: Address, block: Block, ignore_pools: Tuple[Pool, ...] = (), ) -> int: return max(await asyncio.gather(*[uniswap.check_liquidity(token, block, ignore_pools=ignore_pools, sync=False) for uniswap in self.uniswaps]))
uniswap_multiplexer = UniswapMultiplexer(asynchronous=True)