Source code for y.prices.dex.genericamm

import asyncio
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import a_sync
from brownie.exceptions import ContractNotFound

from y import Contract
from y._decorators import stuck_coro_debugger
from y.classes.common import ERC20, WeiBalance
from y.datatypes import AnyAddressType, Block, UsdPrice, UsdValue
from y.exceptions import MessedUpBrownieContract
from y.utils import gather_methods, hasall

_CHECK_METHODS = "getReserves", "token0", "token1"
_TOKEN_METHODS = "token0()(address)", "token1()(address)"

[docs] async def is_generic_amm(lp_token_address: AnyAddressType) -> bool: """ Check if the given address is a generic AMM LP token. Args: lp_token_address: The address to check. Returns: True if the address is a generic AMM LP token, False otherwise. Example: >>> address = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F" >>> is_amm = await is_generic_amm(address) >>> print(is_amm) False """ try: contract = await Contract.coroutine(lp_token_address, require_success=False) return contract.verified and hasall(contract, _CHECK_METHODS) except ContractNotFound: return False except MessedUpBrownieContract: # probably false, can get more specific when there's a need. return False
[docs] class GenericAmm(a_sync.ASyncGenericBase): """ A class for handling generic Automated Market Maker (AMM) Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens. This class provides methods to interact with and price generic AMM LP token contracts. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, asynchronous: bool = False) -> None: """ Initialize the GenericAmm instance. Args: asynchronous (optional): Whether methods will return coroutines by default. Defaults to False. """ super().__init__() self.asynchronous = asynchronous
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_price( self, lp_token_address: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE, ) -> UsdPrice: """ Get the price of the LP token in USD. Args: lp_token_address: The address of the LP token. block (optional): The block number to query. Defaults to None (latest). skip_cache (optional): Whether to skip cache. Defaults to :obj:`ENVS.SKIP_CACHE`. Returns: The price of the LP token in USD. Example: >>> amm = GenericAmm(asynchronous=True) >>> address = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F" >>> price = await amm.get_price(address) >>> print(price) 0.5 See Also: - :meth:`get_tvl` - :meth:`ERC20.total_supply_readable` """ tvl, total_supply = await asyncio.gather( self.get_tvl( lp_token_address, block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False ), ERC20(lp_token_address, asynchronous=True).total_supply_readable( block=block ), ) if total_supply is None: return None elif total_supply == 0: return 0 return UsdPrice(tvl / total_supply)
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger @a_sync.a_sync(cache_type="memory") async def get_tokens(self, lp_token_address: AnyAddressType) -> Tuple[ERC20, ERC20]: """ Get the tokens in the AMM pool. Args: lp_token_address: The address of the LP token. Returns: A tuple containing the two ERC20 tokens in the pool. Example: >>> amm = GenericAmm(asynchronous=True) >>> address = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F" >>> tokens = await amm.get_tokens(address) >>> print(tokens) (ERC20(0x123...), ERC20(0x456...)) See Also: - :class:`ERC20` """ tokens = await gather_methods(lp_token_address, _TOKEN_METHODS) return tuple(ERC20(token, asynchronous=self.asynchronous) for token in tokens)
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_tvl( self, lp_token_address: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE, ) -> UsdValue: """ Get the Total Value Locked (TVL) in the AMM pool. Args: lp_token_address: The address of the LP token. block (optional): The block number to query. Defaults to None (latest). skip_cache (optional): Whether to skip cache. Defaults to :obj:`ENVS.SKIP_CACHE`. Returns: The Total Value Locked in USD. Example: >>> amm = GenericAmm(asynchronous=True) >>> address = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F" >>> tvl = await amm.get_tvl(address) >>> print(tvl) 1000000.0 See Also: - :meth:`get_price` """ lp_token_contract = await Contract.coroutine(lp_token_address) tokens, reserves = await asyncio.gather( self.get_tokens(lp_token_address, sync=False), lp_token_contract.getReserves.coroutine(block_identifier=block), ) reserves = ( WeiBalance(reserve, token, block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache) for token, reserve in zip(tokens, reserves) ) return UsdValue(await WeiBalance.value_usd.sum(reserves, sync=False))
generic_amm = GenericAmm(asynchronous=True) """A global instance of :class:`~GenericAmm` with asynchronous mode enabled."""