Source code for y.prices.dex.balancer.v2

import asyncio
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import suppress
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import (Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, NewType, 
                    Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union)

import a_sync
from a_sync.a_sync import HiddenMethodDescriptor
from brownie import ZERO_ADDRESS, chain
from brownie.convert.datatypes import EthAddress
from import ContractCall, ContractTx, OverloadedMethod
from import _EventItem
from hexbytes import HexBytes
from multicall import Call
from typing_extensions import Self
from web3.exceptions import ContractLogicError

from y import constants, contracts
from y._decorators import stuck_coro_debugger
from y.classes.common import ERC20, ContractBase, WeiBalance
from y.contracts import Contract
from y.datatypes import Address, AnyAddressType, Block, UsdPrice, UsdValue
from y.exceptions import ContractNotVerified, TokenNotFound
from y.networks import Network
from y.prices.dex.balancer._abc import BalancerABC, BalancerPool
from y.utils.cache import a_sync_ttl_cache
from import ProcessedEvents
from y.utils.logging import get_price_logger

    Network.Mainnet: [
    Network.Fantom: [
    Network.Polygon: [
    Network.Arbitrum: [
    Network.Base: [
}.get(, [])

    Network.Mainnet: [
        # NOTE: this was the first ever balancer "pool" and isn't actually a pool
}.get(, [])

T = TypeVar("T")

PoolId = NewType('PoolId', bytes)
PoolBalances = Dict[ERC20, WeiBalance]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class PoolSpecialization(IntEnum): ComposableStablePool = 0 WeightedPool = 1 WeightedPool2Tokens = 2 # This is a weird one CronV1Pool = -1
[docs] @staticmethod def with_immutable_tokens() -> List["PoolSpecialization"]: return [ PoolSpecialization.ComposableStablePool, PoolSpecialization.WeightedPool, PoolSpecialization.WeightedPool2Tokens, PoolSpecialization.CronV1Pool, ]
[docs] class BalancerV2Vault(ContractBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, address: AnyAddressType, asynchronous: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(address, asynchronous=asynchronous) self._events = BalancerEvents(self, addresses=address, topics=['0x3c13bc30b8e878c53fd2a36b679409c073afd75950be43d8858768e956fbc20e']) if not self._is_cached: # we need the contract cached so we can decode logs correctly self.contract
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def pools(self, block: Optional[Block] = None) -> AsyncIterator["BalancerV2Pool"]: async for pool in yield pool
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def pools_for_token(self, token: Address, block: Optional[Block] = None) -> AsyncIterator["BalancerV2Pool"]: async for pool, tokens in, pop=True): if token in tokens: logger.debug("%s contains %s", pool, token) yield pool
[docs] @a_sync_ttl_cache @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_pool_tokens(self, pool_id: HexBytes, block: Optional[Block] = None): contract = await contracts.Contract.coroutine(self.address) return await contract.getPoolTokens.coroutine(pool_id, block_identifier = block)
[docs] @a_sync_ttl_cache @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_pool_info(self, poolids: Tuple[HexBytes,...], block: Optional[Block] = None) -> List[Tuple]: contract = await contracts.Contract.coroutine(self.address) return await, block_identifier=block)
[docs] @a_sync_ttl_cache @stuck_coro_debugger async def deepest_pool_for(self, token_address: Address, block: Optional[Block] = None) -> "BalancerV2Pool": balance_tasks: a_sync.TaskMapping[BalancerV2Pool, Optional[WeiBalance]] logger = get_price_logger(token_address, block, extra='balancer.v2') balance_tasks =, block=block) balances_aiterator =, block=block), pop=True) async for pool, balance in balances_aiterator.filter(_lookup_balance_from_tuple).sort(key=_lookup_balance_from_tuple, reverse=True): logger.debug("deepest pool %s balance %s", pool, balance) return pool
[docs] class BalancerEvents(ProcessedEvents[Tuple[HexBytes, EthAddress, Block]]): threads = a_sync.PruningThreadPoolExecutor(6) __slots__ = "asynchronous",
[docs] def __init__(self, vault: BalancerV2Vault, *args, asynchronous: bool = False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.vault = vault self.asynchronous = asynchronous self.__tasks = []
def _include_event(self, event: _EventItem) -> Awaitable[bool]: if event['poolAddress'] in MESSED_UP_POOLS: return False # NOTE: For some reason the Balancer fork on Fantom lists "0x3e522051A9B1958Aa1e828AC24Afba4a551DF37d" # as a pool, but it is not a contract. This handler will prevent it and future cases from causing problems. # NOTE: this isn't really optimized as it still runs semi-synchronously but its better than what was had previously return, event['poolAddress']) def _process_event(self, event: _EventItem) -> "BalancerV2Pool": try: specialization = PoolSpecialization(event['specialization']) except ValueError: specialization = None pool = BalancerV2Pool( address = event['poolAddress'], id = HexBytes(event['poolId']), specialization=specialization, vault=self.vault, _deploy_block = event.block_number, asynchronous = self.asynchronous, ) # lets get this cached into memory now task = asyncio.create_task(pool.tokens(sync=False)) self.__tasks.append(task) task.add_done_callback(self._task_done_callback) return pool def _get_block_for_obj(self, pool: "BalancerV2Pool") -> int: return pool._deploy_block def _task_done_callback(self, t: asyncio.Task): self.__tasks.remove(t) if not t.cancelled(): # get the exc so it doesn't log, it will come up later t.exception()
[docs] class BalancerV2Pool(BalancerPool): """A pool from Balancer Protocol v2""" # internal variables to save calls in some instances # they do not necessarily reflect real life at all times # defaults are stored as class vars to keep instance dicts smaller __nonweighted: bool = False __tokens: Tuple[ERC20, ...] = None __weights: List[int] = None
[docs] def __init__( self, address: AnyAddressType, *, id: Optional[HexBytes] = None, specialization: Optional[PoolSpecialization] = None, vault: Optional[BalancerV2Vault] = None, asynchronous: bool = False, _deploy_block: Optional[Block] = None, ): super().__init__(address, asynchronous=asynchronous, _deploy_block=_deploy_block) if id is not None: = id if specialization is not None: self.pool_type = specialization if vault is not None: self.vault = vault
[docs] @a_sync.aka.cached_property async def id(self) -> PoolId: return await Call(self.address, ['getPoolId()(bytes32)'])
__id__: HiddenMethodDescriptor[Self, PoolId]
[docs] @a_sync.aka.cached_property @stuck_coro_debugger async def vault(self) -> Optional[BalancerV2Vault]: with suppress(ContractLogicError): vault = await Call(self.address, ['getVault()(address)']) if vault == ZERO_ADDRESS: return None elif vault: return BalancerV2Vault(vault, asynchronous=True) # in earlier web3 versions, we would get `None`. More recently, we get ContractLogicError. This handles both if == Network.Mainnet and await self.__build_name__ == "CronV1Pool": # NOTE: these `CronV1Pool` tokens ARE balancer pools but don't match the expected pool abi? return BalancerV2Vault("0xBA12222222228d8Ba445958a75a0704d566BF2C8", asynchronous=True)
__vault__: HiddenMethodDescriptor[Self, Optional[BalancerV2Vault]]
[docs] @a_sync.aka.cached_property @stuck_coro_debugger async def pool_type(self) -> Union[PoolSpecialization, int]: vault = await self.__vault__ if vault is None: raise ValueError(f"{self} has no vault") from None elif poolid := await self.__id__: _, specialization = await vault.contract.getPool.coroutine(poolid) elif == Network.Mainnet and await self.__build_name__ == "CronV1Pool": # NOTE: these `CronV1Pool` tokens ARE balancer pools but don't match the expected pool abi? return PoolSpecialization.CronV1Pool else: raise ValueError(f"{self} has no poolid") from None try: return PoolSpecialization(specialization) except ValueError: if self.address not in _warned: with suppress(ContractNotVerified): logger.warning( "ypricemagic does not recognize this pool type, please add `%s = %s` to %s.PoolSpecialization (pool=%s)", await self.__build_name__, specialization, __name__, self.address ) _warned.add(self.address) return specialization
__pool_type__: HiddenMethodDescriptor[Self, Optional[PoolSpecialization]]
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_tvl(self, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE) -> Optional[UsdValue]: if balances := await self.get_balances(block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False): # overwrite ref to big obj with ref to little obj balances = iter(tuple(balances.values())) return UsdValue(await WeiBalance.value_usd.sum(balances, sync=False))
[docs] @a_sync_ttl_cache @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_balances(self, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE) -> Dict[ERC20, WeiBalance]: vault = await self.__vault__ if vault is None: return {} tokens, balances, lastChangedBlock = await vault.get_pool_tokens(await self.__id__, block=block, sync=False) return { ERC20(token, asynchronous=self.asynchronous): WeiBalance(balance, token, block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache) for token, balance in zip(tokens, balances) # NOTE: some pools include themselves in their own token list, and we should ignore those if token != self.address }
[docs] async def get_balance(self, token_address: Address, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE) -> Optional[WeiBalance]: if info := await self.get_balances(block=block, sync=False): try: return info[token_address] except KeyError: raise TokenNotFound(token_address, self) from None
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_token_price(self, token_address: AnyAddressType, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE) -> Optional[UsdPrice]: get_balances_coro = self.get_balances(block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False) if self.__nonweighted: # this await will return immediately once cached token_balances = await get_balances_coro weights = self.__weights else: token_balances, weights = await asyncio.gather(get_balances_coro, self.weights(block=block, sync=False)) pool_token_info = list(zip(token_balances.keys(), token_balances.values(), weights)) for pool_token, token_balance, token_weight in pool_token_info: if pool_token == token_address: break paired_token_balance: Optional[WeiBalance] = None for pool_token, balance, weight in pool_token_info: if pool_token in constants.STABLECOINS: paired_token_balance, paired_token_weight = balance, weight break elif pool_token == constants.WRAPPED_GAS_COIN: paired_token_balance, paired_token_weight = balance, weight break elif len(pool_token_info) == 2 and pool_token != token_address: paired_token_balance, paired_token_weight = balance, weight break if paired_token_balance is None: return None token_value_in_pool, token_balance_readable = await asyncio.gather(paired_token_balance.__value_usd__, token_balance.__readable__) token_value_in_pool /= paired_token_weight * token_weight return UsdPrice(token_value_in_pool / token_balance_readable)
# NOTE: We can't cache this as a cached property because some balancer pool tokens can change. Womp
[docs] @a_sync_ttl_cache @stuck_coro_debugger async def tokens(self, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE) -> Tuple[ERC20, ...]: if self.__tokens: return self.__tokens tokens = tuple((await self.get_balances(block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False)).keys()) if await self.__pool_type__ in PoolSpecialization.with_immutable_tokens(): self.__tokens = tokens return tokens
[docs] @a_sync_ttl_cache @stuck_coro_debugger async def weights(self, block: Optional[Block] = None) -> List[int]: contract = await Contract.coroutine(self.address) try: return await contract.getNormalizedWeights.coroutine(block_identifier = block) except AttributeError: # Contract has no method `getNormalizedWeights` self.__nonweighted = True num_tokens = len(await self.tokens(block=block, sync=False)) self.__weights = [10 ** 18 // num_tokens] * num_tokens return self.__weights
[docs] class BalancerV2(BalancerABC[BalancerV2Pool]): _pool_type = BalancerV2Pool _check_methods = ('getPoolId()(bytes32)','getPausedState()((bool,uint,uint))','getSwapFeePercentage()(uint)')
[docs] def __init__(self, asynchronous: bool = False) -> None: self.asynchronous = asynchronous self.vaults = [BalancerV2Vault(vault, asynchronous=self.asynchronous) for vault in BALANCER_V2_VAULTS]
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_token_price(self, token_address: Address, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE) -> UsdPrice: if deepest_pool := await self.deepest_pool_for(token_address, block=block, sync=False): return await deepest_pool.get_token_price(token_address, block, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False)
# NOTE: we need a tiny semaphore here because balancer is super arduous and every unpricable token must pass thru this section
[docs] @a_sync.Semaphore(10) @stuck_coro_debugger async def deepest_pool_for(self, token_address: Address, block: Optional[Block] = None) -> Optional[BalancerV2Pool]: kwargs = {"token_address": token_address, "block": block} deepest_pools =, **kwargs) if deepest_pools := {vault.address: deepest_pool async for vault, deepest_pool in deepest_pools if deepest_pool is not None}: logger.debug("%s deepest pools for %s at %s: %s", self, token_address, block, deepest_pools) async for pool in, **kwargs).keys(pop=True).aiterbyvalues(reverse=True): return pool
# TODO: afilter # deepest_pools =, **kwargs).values(pop=True).afilter() # async for pool in, **kwargs).keys(pop=True).aiterbyvalues(reverse=True): # return pool balancer = BalancerV2(asynchronous=True) _lookup_balance_from_tuple: Callable[[Tuple[Any, T]], T] = lambda pool_and_balance: pool_and_balance[1] "Takes a tuple[K, V] and returns V." _warned = set()