Source code for y.prices.dex.balancer.v1

import asyncio
import logging
from contextlib import suppress
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import a_sync
from a_sync.a_sync import HiddenMethodDescriptor
from brownie import chain
from brownie.convert.datatypes import EthAddress
from brownie.exceptions import VirtualMachineError
from typing_extensions import Self
from web3.exceptions import ContractLogicError

from y._decorators import stuck_coro_debugger
from y.classes.common import ERC20
from y.constants import dai, usdc, wbtc, weth
from y.contracts import Contract, contract_creation_block_async
from y.datatypes import (
from y.exceptions import continue_if_call_reverted
from y.networks import Network
from y.prices import magic
from y.prices.dex.balancer._abc import BalancerABC, BalancerPool
from y.utils.cache import optional_async_diskcache

    Network.Mainnet: "0x3E66B66Fd1d0b02fDa6C811Da9E0547970DB2f21",

SCALES_TO_TRY = [1.0, 0.5, 0.1]
TOKENOUTS_TO_TRY = [weth, dai, usdc, wbtc]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

async def _calc_out_value(
    token_out: AddressOrContract,
    total_outout: int,
    scale: float,
    block: int,
    skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE,
) -> float:
    """Calculate the output value for a given token.

        token_out: The output token address or contract.
        total_outout: The total output amount.
        scale: The scale factor.
        block: The block number.
        skip_cache: Whether to skip the cache.

        The calculated output value.

        >>> await _calc_out_value(weth, 1000, 1.0, 12345678)

    See Also:
        - :func:`y.prices.magic.get_price`
    out_scale, out_price = await asyncio.gather(
        ERC20(token_out, asynchronous=True).scale,
        magic.get_price(token_out, block, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False),
    return (total_outout / out_scale) * float(out_price) / scale

[docs] class BalancerV1Pool(BalancerPool): """A Balancer V1 Pool."""
[docs] @a_sync.aka.cached_property @stuck_coro_debugger # @optional_async_diskcache async def tokens(self) -> List[ERC20]: """Get the list of tokens in the pool. Returns: A list of :class:`~y.classes.common.ERC20` tokens in the pool. Examples: >>> pool = BalancerV1Pool("0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678") >>> await pool.tokens [<ERC20 TKN '0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678'>, ...] See Also: - :class:`~y.classes.common.ERC20` """ contract = await Contract.coroutine(self.address) return [ ERC20(token, asynchronous=self.asynchronous) for token in await contract.getFinalTokens ]
__tokens__: HiddenMethodDescriptor[Self, List[ERC20]]
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_tvl( self, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE ) -> Optional[UsdValue]: """Get the total value locked (TVL) in the pool. Args: block: The block number to query. skip_cache: Whether to skip the cache. Returns: The total value locked in the pool, or None if it cannot be determined. Examples: >>> pool = BalancerV1Pool("0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678") >>> await pool.get_tvl() 123456.78 See Also: - :class:`~y.datatypes.UsdValue` """ token_balances = await self.get_balances(block=block, sync=False) good_balances = { token: balance for token, balance in token_balances.items() if await token.price( block=block, return_None_on_failure=True, skip_cache=skip_cache, sync=False, ) is not None } if not good_balances: return None prices = await good_balances, block=block, return_None_on_failure=True, skip_cache=skip_cache, ).values() # in case we couldn't get prices for all tokens, we can extrapolate from the prices we did get good_value = sum( balance * Decimal(price) for balance, price in zip(good_balances.values(), prices) ) return good_value / len(good_balances) * len(token_balances)
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_balances(self, block: Optional[Block] = None) -> Dict[ERC20, Decimal]: """Get the balances of tokens in the pool. Args: block: The block number to query. Returns: A dictionary mapping :class:`~y.classes.common.ERC20` tokens to their balances. Examples: >>> pool = BalancerV1Pool("0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678") >>> await pool.get_balances() {<ERC20 TKN '0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678'>: Decimal('1000'), ...} See Also: - :class:`~y.classes.common.ERC20` """ return await self.get_balance, self.__tokens__, block=block or "latest" )
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_balance(self, token: AnyAddressType, block: Block) -> Decimal: """Get the balance of a specific token in the pool. Args: token: The token address. block: The block number to query. Returns: The balance of the token in the pool. Examples: >>> pool = BalancerV1Pool("0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678") >>> await pool.get_balance("0xabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef") Decimal('1000') """ balance, scale = await asyncio.gather( self.check_liquidity(str(token), block, sync=False), ERC20(token, asynchronous=True).scale, ) return Decimal(balance) / scale
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger @a_sync.a_sync(ram_cache_maxsize=10_000, ram_cache_ttl=10 * 60) async def check_liquidity(self, token: Address, block: Block) -> int: """Check the liquidity of a specific token in the pool. Args: token: The token address. block: The block number to query. Returns: The liquidity of the token in the pool. Examples: >>> pool = BalancerV1Pool("0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678") >>> await pool.check_liquidity("0xabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef") 1000 """ if block < await self.deploy_block(sync=False): return 0 contract = await Contract.coroutine(self.address) try: return await contract.getBalance.coroutine(token, block_identifier=block) except Exception as e: # the pool was not yet finalized at this block # NOTE: does this happen for any pool except YLA? tbd... if "NOT_BOUND" in str(e): return 0 elif e.args and str(e.args[0]) == "execution reverted": # we only want to continue on exact match of the original (no extra context added) exception return 0 raise
[docs] class BalancerV1(BalancerABC[BalancerV1Pool]): """A Balancer V1 instance.""" _pool_type = BalancerV1Pool _check_methods = ( "getCurrentTokens()(address[])", "getTotalDenormalizedWeight()(uint)", "totalSupply()(uint)", )
[docs] def __init__(self, *, asynchronous: bool = False) -> None: """Initialize a BalancerV1 instance. Args: asynchronous: Whether to use asynchronous operations. Examples: >>> balancer = BalancerV1(asynchronous=True) """ super().__init__() self.asynchronous = asynchronous self.exchange_proxy = Contract(EXCHANGE_PROXY) if EXCHANGE_PROXY else None
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_token_price( self, token_address: AddressOrContract, block: Optional[Block] = None, skip_cache: bool = ENVS.SKIP_CACHE, ) -> Optional[UsdPrice]: """Get the price of a token in the pool. Args: token_address: The token address or contract. block: The block number to query. skip_cache: Whether to skip the cache. Returns: The price of the token in USD, or None if it cannot be determined. Examples: >>> balancer = BalancerV1(asynchronous=True) >>> await balancer.get_token_price("0xabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef") 1.23 See Also: - :class:`~y.datatypes.UsdPrice` """ if block is not None and block < await contract_creation_block_async( self.exchange_proxy, True ): return None for scale in SCALES_TO_TRY: # Can we get an output if we try smaller size? try consecutively smaller if output := await self.get_some_output( token_address, block=block, scale=scale, sync=False ): return await _calc_out_value( *output, scale, block=block, skip_cache=skip_cache )
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def check_liquidity_against( self, token_in: AddressOrContract, token_out: AddressOrContract, scale: int = 1, block: Optional[Block] = None, ) -> Optional[int]: """Check the liquidity of a token against another token in the pool. Args: token_in: The input token address or contract. token_out: The output token address or contract. scale: The scale factor. block: The block number to query. Returns: The total output amount, or None if it cannot be determined. Examples: >>> balancer = BalancerV1(asynchronous=True) >>> await balancer.check_liquidity_against("0xabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef", "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678") 1000 """ amount_in = await ERC20(token_in, asynchronous=True).scale * scale with suppress(ValueError, VirtualMachineError, ContractLogicError): # across various dep versions we get these various excs view_split_exact_in = await self.exchange_proxy.viewSplitExactIn.coroutine( token_in, token_out, amount_in, 32, # NOTE: 32 is max block_identifier=block, ) return view_split_exact_in["totalOutput"]
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def get_some_output( self, token_in: AddressOrContract, scale: int = 1, block: Optional[Block] = None ) -> Optional[Tuple[EthAddress, int]]: """Get some output for a given input token. Args: token_in: The input token address or contract. scale: The scale factor. block: The block number to query. Returns: A tuple containing the output token address and the total output amount, or None if it cannot be determined. Examples: >>> balancer = BalancerV1(asynchronous=True) >>> await balancer.get_some_output("0xabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef") ('0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678', 1000) """ for token_out in TOKENOUTS_TO_TRY: if output := await self.check_liquidity_against( token_in, token_out, block=block, scale=scale, sync=False ): return token_out, output
[docs] @stuck_coro_debugger async def check_liquidity( self, token: Address, block: Block, ignore_pools: Tuple[Pool, ...] = () ) -> int: """Check the liquidity of a token in the pool. Args: token: The token address. block: The block number to query. ignore_pools: A tuple of pools to ignore. Returns: The liquidity of the token in the pool. Examples: >>> balancer = BalancerV1(asynchronous=True) >>> await balancer.check_liquidity("0xabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef", 12345678) 1000 """ pools = [] pools = [pool for pool in pools if pool not in ignore_pools] return ( await BalancerV1Pool.check_liquidity.max( pools, token=token, block=block, sync=False ) if pools else 0 )