Source code for y.exceptions

import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional

from brownie import Contract as BrownieContract
from brownie.exceptions import CompilerError
from web3.exceptions import ContractLogicError

from y.datatypes import AnyAddressType

    from y.prices.dex.uniswap.v2 import UniswapV2Pool

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# General

[docs] class yPriceMagicError(ValueError): """ Custom exception for ypricemagic-related errors. This exception is raised when any error occurs inside of ypricemagic. For example, if a price fails to fetch or if there are unexpected Exceptions while calculating prices. """
[docs] def __init__( self, exc: Exception, token_address: str, block: Optional[int], symbol: str ): self.token = token_address """ The token that caused the error. """ self.block = block """ The block that was queried when the error occurred. """ self.exception = exc """ The original :class:`~Exception` that was raised and wrapped with the yPriceMagicError. """ detail = exc.__class__.__name__ if not isinstance(self.exception, PriceError): detail += f"({exc})" # We do the import here to avoid a circular dependency from y import Network super().__init__( f"{detail} while fetching {Network.printable()} {symbol} {token_address} at block {block}" )
[docs] class PriceError(Exception): """ Raised when a queried price is not found. """
[docs] def __init__(self, logger: logging.Logger, symbol: str): super().__init__( f"No price found for {symbol} {logger.address} at block {logger.block}" )
[docs] class UnsupportedNetwork(ValueError): """ Raised when an operation is attempted on an unsupported blockchain network. """
[docs] class NonStandardERC20(Exception): """ Raised when an ERC20 token contract is expected but the provided address is not a standard ERC20 token. """
[docs] class CantFetchParam(Exception): pass
[docs] class TokenError(ValueError): """Raised when a token contract is not the correct contract type for the desired operation."""
[docs] def __init__( self, token: AnyAddressType, desired_type: str, *optional_extra_args: Any ): super().__init__(f"{token} is not a {desired_type}", *optional_extra_args)
# Explorer Exceptions class _ExplorerError(Exception): """ Base class for exceptions related to block explorer interactions. These errors are specific to issues encountered when interacting with blockchain explorers like Etherscan. """
[docs] class InvalidAPIKeyError(_ExplorerError): """ Raised when the API key for the block explorer has been rejected. This typically occurs when making requests to a block explorer API with a missing, incorrect, or banned key. """ _msg = "The block explorer for this network says your API key is invalid."
[docs] def __init__(self, msg: str = ""): super().__init__(msg or self._msg)
# Contracts
[docs] class ContractNotVerified(_ExplorerError): """ Raised when attempting to fetch the ABI for an unverified contract from a block explorer. """
[docs] class NoProxyImplementation(Exception): """ Raised when the implementation address of a proxy contract cannot be determined. This may occur when trying to interact with proxy contracts that don't follow standard patterns. """
[docs] class MessedUpBrownieContract(Exception): """ Raised when there's an issue initialized a Brownie contract instance, typically in the compilation step. """
[docs] def __init__(self, address, *args: object) -> None: super().__init__(*args) # try to recache the contract try: BrownieContract.from_explorer(address) except CompilerError: pass # didn't work, oh well except Exception as e: if "invalid literal for int() with base 16: ''" in str(e): pass # didn't work, oh well elif "list index out of range" in str(e): pass # didn't work, oh well elif "pop from an empty deque" in str(e): pass # didn't work, oh well elif "'UsingForDirective' object has no attribute 'typeName'" in str(e): pass # didn't work, oh well elif contract_not_verified(e): pass # not verified, won't work else: raise
[docs] def contract_not_verified(e: Exception) -> bool: triggers = [ "Contract source code not verified", "has not been verified", ] return any(trigger in str(e) for trigger in triggers)
# Pool detection
[docs] class NotAUniswapV2Pool(Exception): """ Raised when a contract is incorrectly identified as a Uniswap V2 pool. """ # NOTE: we use this exc to get the non-pool out of the pool singleton so it doesn't grow forever # TODO: Refactor this goofy thing out
[docs] def __init__(self, non_pool: "UniswapV2Pool"): from y.prices.dex.uniswap.v2 import UniswapV2Pool UniswapV2Pool._ChecksumASyncSingletonMeta__instances[True].pop( non_pool.address, None ) UniswapV2Pool._ChecksumASyncSingletonMeta__instances[False].pop( non_pool.address, None ) super().__init__(non_pool.address)
[docs] class NotABalancerV2Pool(Exception): """ Raised when a contract is incorrectly identified as a Balancer V2 pool. """
# Uni
[docs] class CantFindSwapPath(Exception): pass
[docs] class TokenNotFound(ValueError): """ Raised when a specified token cannot be found in a given container. This is usually used when searching for a token in a liquidity pool. """
[docs] def __init__(self, token, container): super().__init__(f"{token} is not in {container}")
# Calls
[docs] class CalldataPreparationError(Exception): """ Raised when there's an error in preparing calldata for a contract interaction. """
[docs] class CallReverted(Exception): """ Raised when a contract call is reverted. """
[docs] def call_reverted(e: Exception) -> bool: if isinstance(e, ContractLogicError): return True triggers = [ "execution reverted", "No data was returned - the call likely reverted", "invalid opcode: opcode 0xfe not defined", "Tried to read 32 bytes. Only got 0 bytes", "error processing call Revert", "invalid opcode: INVALID", ] return any(trigger in str(e) for trigger in triggers)
[docs] def continue_if_call_reverted(e: Exception) -> None: if call_reverted(e): return else: raise e
[docs] def out_of_gas(e: Exception) -> bool: return "out of gas" in str(e)
# Provider Exceptions:
[docs] class NodeNotSynced(Exception): pass
[docs] @contextmanager def reraise_excs_with_extra_context(*extra_context: Any, after: bool = True): try: yield except Exception as e: e.args = (*e.args, *extra_context) raise