Source code for y.classes.singleton

import threading
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import DefaultDict, Generic, TypeVar

from a_sync.a_sync._meta import ASyncMeta
from checksum_dict import ChecksumAddressDict
from checksum_dict.base import AnyAddressOrContract

T = TypeVar("T", bound=object)

[docs] class ChecksumASyncSingletonMeta(ASyncMeta, Generic[T]):
[docs] def __init__(cls, name, bases, namespace): super().__init__(name, bases, namespace) cls.__instances: DefaultDict[bool, ChecksumAddressDict[T]] = defaultdict(ChecksumAddressDict) cls.__locks = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(threading.Lock)) cls.__locks_lock: threading.Lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] def __call__(cls, address: AnyAddressOrContract, *args, **kwargs) -> T: # type: ignore # NOTE This will only work if you init your objects using a kwarg not a positional arg # TODO Make it work with posiional args address = str(address) is_sync = cls.__a_sync_instance_will_be_sync__(args, kwargs) try: instance = cls.__instances[is_sync][address] except KeyError: with cls.__get_address_lock(address, is_sync): # Try to get the instance again, in case it was added while waiting for the lock try: instance = cls.__instances[is_sync][address] except KeyError: instance = super().__call__(address, *args, **kwargs) cls.__instances[is_sync][address] = instance cls.__delete_address_lock(address, is_sync) assert instance.asynchronous is not is_sync, f"You must initialize your objects with 'asynchronous' specified as a kwarg, not a positional arg. {instance} {kwargs} {is_sync} {instance.asynchronous} {args} {kwargs}" return instance
def __get_address_lock(cls, address: AnyAddressOrContract, is_sync: bool) -> threading.Lock: """ Makes sure the singleton is actually a singleton. """ with cls.__locks_lock: return cls.__locks[is_sync][address] def __delete_address_lock(cls, address: AnyAddressOrContract, is_sync: bool) -> None: """ No need to maintain locks for initialized addresses. """ with cls.__locks_lock: try: del cls.__locks[is_sync][address] except KeyError: pass