import functools
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, NewType, Optional, Tuple, Union, overload
import brownie
from import (
from brownie.typing import AccountsType
from eth_retry import auto_retry
from import _patch_call
from dank_mids.brownie_patch.overloaded import _patch_overloaded_method
from dank_mids.brownie_patch.types import (
from dank_mids.helpers._helpers import DankWeb3
EventName = NewType("EventName", str)
"""A type representing the name of an event in a smart contract.
See Also:
:class:``: Brownie's implementation of contract events.
LogTopic = NewType("LogTopic", str)
"""A type representing a log topic in Ethereum transactions.
See Also:
:meth:`Web3.eth.get_logs`: method for retrieving logs.
Method = NewType("Method", str)
"""A type representing the name of a method in a smart contract.
See Also:
:class:``: Brownie's implementation of contract methods.
Signature = NewType("Signature", str)
"""A type representing the signature of a method in a smart contract."""
class Contract(brownie.Contract):
An extended version of brownie.Contract with additional functionality for Dank Mids.
This class provides lazy initialization of contract methods and supports
asynchronous operations through Dank Mids middleware.
def from_abi(
name: str,
address: str,
abi: List[dict],
owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None,
persist: bool = True,
) -> "Contract":
Create a new Contract instance from an ABI.
This method allows for the creation of a Contract instance using a provided ABI,
which is useful when working with contracts that are not in the project's build
files and not verified on a block explorer.
name: The name of the contract.
address: The address of the deployed contract.
abi: The ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the contract.
owner: The account that owns this contract instance.
persist: Whether to persist the contract data to brownie's local db for future use.
A new Contract instance.
persisted = brownie.Contract.from_abi(name, address, abi, owner, _check_persist(persist))
return Contract(persisted.address)
def from_ethpm(
name: str,
manifest_uri: str,
address: Optional[str] = None,
owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None,
persist: bool = True,
) -> "Contract":
Create a new Contract instance from an ethPM manifest.
This method allows for the creation of a Contract instance using an ethPM manifest,
which is a standardized format for Ethereum smart contract packages.
name: The name of the contract.
manifest_uri: The URI of the ethPM manifest.
address: The address of the deployed contract (optional).
owner: The account that owns this contract instance.
persist: Whether to persist the contract data to brownie's local db for future use.
A new Contract instance.
persisted = brownie.Contract.from_ethpm(
name, manifest_uri, address, owner, _check_persist(persist)
return Contract(persisted.address)
def from_explorer(
address: str,
as_proxy_for: Optional[str] = None,
owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None,
silent: bool = False,
persist: bool = True,
) -> "Contract":
Create a new Contract instance by fetching the ABI from a block explorer.
This method is useful for interacting with contracts that are not part of the current project,
as it automatically fetches the contract's ABI from a block explorer.
address: The address of the deployed contract.
as_proxy_for: The address of the implementation contract if this is a proxy contract.
owner: The account that owns this contract instance.
silent: Whether to suppress console output during the process.
persist: Whether to persist the contract data to brownie's db for future use.
A new Contract instance.
persisted = brownie.Contract.from_explorer(
address, as_proxy_for, owner, silent, _check_persist(persist)
return Contract(persisted.address)
topics: Dict[str, str]
"""A dictionary mapping event names to their corresponding topics."""
signatures: Dict[Method, Signature]
"""A dictionary mapping method names to their corresponding signatures."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Initialize the Contract instance.
This method sets up lazy initialization for contract methods.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
Get rid of the contract call objects so we can materialize them on a JIT basis.
This method sets up lazy initialization for contract methods.
for name in self.__method_names__:
if name in {"_name", "_owner"}:
# this is a property defined on _ContractBase and cannot be written to
object.__setattr__(self, name, _ContractMethodPlaceholder)
def __getattribute__(self, name: str) -> DankContractMethod:
Get a contract method attribute.
This method implements lazy initialization of contract methods.
If a method object does not yet exist, it is created and cached.
name: The name of the attribute to get.
The contract method object.
attr = super().__getattribute__(name)
if attr is _ContractMethodPlaceholder:
attr = self.__get_method_object__(name)
object.__setattr__(self, name, attr)
return attr
def __method_names__(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""List of method names defined in the contract ABI."""
return tuple(i["name"] for i in self.abi if i["type"] == "function")
def __get_method_object__(self, name: str) -> DankContractMethod:
Get a method object for the given method name.
This method handles both regular and overloaded contract methods,
returning an appropriate DankContractMethod object.
name: The name of the method to get.
The initialized contract method object.
from dank_mids import web3
overloaded = self.__method_names__.count(name) > 1
for abi in self.abi:
if abi["type"] != "function" or abi["name"] != name:
full_name = f"{self._name}.{name}"
sig = build_function_signature(abi)
natspec: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if self._build.get("natspec"):
natspec = self._build["natspec"]["methods"].get(sig, {})
if overloaded is False:
return _get_method_object(self.address, abi, full_name, self._owner, natspec)
# special logic to handle function overloading
elif overloaded is True:
overloaded = DankOverloadedMethod(self.address, full_name, self._owner)
overloaded._add_fn(abi, natspec)
return overloaded # type: ignore [return-value]
def patch_contract(contract: Contract, w3: Optional[DankWeb3] = None) -> Contract: ...
def patch_contract(
contract: Union[brownie.Contract, str], w3: Optional[DankWeb3] = None
) -> brownie.Contract: ...
def patch_contract(
contract: Union[Contract, brownie.Contract, str], w3: Optional[DankWeb3] = None
) -> Union[Contract, brownie.Contract]:
Patch a contract with async and call batching functionalities.
contract: The contract to patch.
w3: Optional DankWeb3 instance.
The patched contract.
if not isinstance(contract, brownie.Contract):
contract = brownie.Contract(contract)
if w3 is None and
from dank_mids import dank_web3 as w3
if w3 is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"You must make sure either brownie is connected or you pass in a Web3 instance."
for k, v in contract.__dict__.items():
_patch_if_method(v, w3)
return contract
def _patch_if_method(method: ContractMethod, w3: DankWeb3) -> None:
Patch a contract method if it's a ContractCall, ContractTx, or OverloadedMethod.
method: The contract method to patch.
w3: The DankWeb3 instance to use for async calls.
if isinstance(method, (ContractCall, ContractTx)):
_patch_call(method, w3)
elif isinstance(method, OverloadedMethod):
_patch_overloaded_method(method, w3)
class _ContractMethodPlaceholder:
A sentinel object that indicates a Contract has a member by a specific name.
This class is used internally to represent methods that exist on a contract
but haven't been fully initialized yet, allowing for lazy loading of method objects.
def _check_persist(persist: bool) -> Literal[True]:
Check if persistence is enabled and raise an error if it's not.
This function is used to ensure that contract data persistence is enabled.
persist: Boolean indicating whether to persist a :class:`~Contract` to brownie's local db.
True if persist is True.
NotImplementedError: If persist is False, indicating that dank_mids
requires persistence to be enabled.
if not persist:
raise NotImplementedError("persist: False")
return persist