import asyncio
import io
import json
import os
import re
import time
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import TextWrapper
from threading import get_ident # noqa
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import eth_abi
import requests
import solcx
from eth_utils import combomethod, remove_0x_prefix
from hexbytes import HexBytes
from semantic_version import Version
from vvm import get_installable_vyper_versions
from vvm.utils.convert import to_vyper_version
from web3._utils import filters
from web3.datastructures import AttributeDict
from web3.types import LogReceipt
from brownie._config import BROWNIE_FOLDER, CONFIG, REQUEST_HEADERS, _load_project_compiler_config
from brownie.convert.datatypes import Wei
from brownie.convert.normalize import format_input, format_output
from brownie.convert.utils import (
from brownie.exceptions import (
from brownie.project import compiler
from brownie.project.flattener import Flattener
from brownie.typing import AccountsType, TransactionReceiptType
from brownie.utils import color
from . import accounts, chain
from .event import _add_deployment_topics, _get_topics, event_watcher
from .state import (
from .web3 import ContractEvent, _ContractEvents, _resolve_address, web3
_unverified_addresses: Set = set()
_explorer_tokens = {
"optimistic": "OPTIMISMSCAN_TOKEN",
"etherscan": "ETHERSCAN_TOKEN",
"bscscan": "BSCSCAN_TOKEN",
"polygonscan": "POLYGONSCAN_TOKEN",
"ftmscan": "FTMSCAN_TOKEN",
"arbiscan": "ARBISCAN_TOKEN",
"snowtrace": "SNOWTRACE_TOKEN",
"aurorascan": "AURORASCAN_TOKEN",
"moonscan": "MOONSCAN_TOKEN",
"gnosisscan": "GNOSISSCAN_TOKEN",
class _ContractBase:
_dir_color = "bright magenta"
def __init__(self, project: Any, build: Dict, sources: Dict) -> None:
self._project = project
self._build = build.copy()
self._sources = sources
self.topics = _get_topics(self.abi)
self.selectors = {
build_function_selector(i): i["name"] for i in self.abi if i["type"] == "function"
# this isn't fully accurate because of overloaded methods - will be removed in `v2.0.0`
self.signatures = {
i["name"]: build_function_selector(i) for i in self.abi if i["type"] == "function"
def abi(self) -> List:
return self._build["abi"]
def _name(self) -> str:
return self._build["contractName"]
def info(self) -> None:
Display NatSpec documentation for this contract.
if self._build.get("natspec"):
def get_method(self, calldata: str) -> Optional[str]:
sig = calldata[:10].lower()
return self.selectors.get(sig)
def decode_input(self, calldata: Union[str, bytes]) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
Decode input calldata for this contract.
calldata : str | bytes
Calldata for a call to this contract
Signature of the function that was called
Decoded input arguments
if not isinstance(calldata, HexBytes):
calldata = HexBytes(calldata)
fn_selector = calldata[:4].hex() # type: ignore
abi = next(
for i in self.abi
if i["type"] == "function" and build_function_selector(i) == fn_selector
if abi is None:
raise ValueError("Four byte selector does not match the ABI for this contract")
function_sig = build_function_signature(abi)
types_list = get_type_strings(abi["inputs"])
result = eth_abi.decode(types_list, calldata[4:])
input_args = format_input(abi, result)
return function_sig, input_args
class ContractContainer(_ContractBase):
"""List-like container class that holds all Contract instances of the same
type, and is used to deploy new instances of that contract.
abi: Complete contract ABI.
bytecode: Bytecode used to deploy the contract.
signatures: Dictionary of {'function name': "bytes4 signature"}
topics: Dictionary of {'event name': "bytes32 topic"}"""
def __init__(self, project: Any, build: Dict) -> None:
self.tx = None
self.bytecode = build["bytecode"]
self._contracts: List["ProjectContract"] = []
super().__init__(project, build, project._sources)
self.deploy = ContractConstructor(self, self._name)
# messes with tests if it is created on init
# instead we create when it's requested, but still define it here
self._flattener: Flattener = None # type: ignore
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator:
return iter(self._contracts)
def __getitem__(self, i: Any) -> "ProjectContract":
return self._contracts[i]
def __delitem__(self, key: Any) -> None:
item = self._contracts[key]
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._contracts)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if CONFIG.argv["cli"] == "console":
return str(self._contracts)
return super().__repr__()
def _reset(self) -> None:
for contract in self._contracts:
contract._reverted = True
def _revert(self, height: int) -> None:
reverted = [
for i in self._contracts
if (i.tx and i.tx.block_number is not None and i.tx.block_number > height)
or len(web3.eth.get_code(i.address).hex()) <= 4
for contract in reverted:
contract._reverted = True
def remove(self, contract: "ProjectContract") -> None:
"""Removes a contract from the container.
contract: Contract instance of address string of the contract."""
if contract not in self._contracts:
raise TypeError("Object is not in container.")
def at(
address: str,
owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None,
tx: Optional[TransactionReceiptType] = None,
persist: bool = True,
) -> "ProjectContract":
"""Returns a contract address.
Raises ValueError if no bytecode exists at the address.
address: Address string of the contract.
owner: Default Account instance to send contract transactions from.
tx: Transaction ID of the contract creation."""
address = _resolve_address(address)
contract = _find_contract(address)
if isinstance(contract, ProjectContract):
if contract._name == self._name and contract._project == self._project:
return contract
raise ContractExists(
f"'{contract._name}' declared at {address} in project '{contract._project._name}'"
build = self._build
contract = ProjectContract(self._project, build, address, owner, tx)
if not _verify_deployed_code(address, build["deployedBytecode"], build["language"]):
# prevent trace attempts when the bytecode doesn't match
del contract._build["pcMap"]
if CONFIG.network_type == "live":
if persist:
return contract
def _add_from_tx(self, tx: TransactionReceiptType) -> None:
if tx.status and tx.contract_address is not None:
self.at(tx.contract_address, tx.sender, tx)
except ContractNotFound:
# if the contract self-destructed during deployment
def get_verification_info(self) -> Dict:
Return a dict with flattened source code for this contract
and further information needed for verification
language = self._build["language"]
if language == "Vyper":
raise TypeError(
"Etherscan does not support API verification of source code "
"for vyper contracts. You need to verify the source manually"
elif language == "Solidity":
if self._flattener is None:
source_fp = (
config = self._project._compiler_config
remaps = dict(
lambda s: s.split("=", 1),
libs = {lib.strip("_") for lib in re.findall("_{1,}[^_]*_{1,}", self.bytecode)}
compiler_settings = {
"evmVersion": self._build["compiler"]["evm_version"],
"optimizer": config["solc"]["optimizer"],
"libraries": {
Path(source_fp).name: {lib: self._project[lib][-1].address for lib in libs}
self._flattener = Flattener(source_fp, self._name, remaps, compiler_settings)
build_json = self._build
return {
"standard_json_input": self._flattener.standard_input_json,
"contract_name": build_json["contractName"],
"compiler_version": build_json["compiler"]["version"],
"optimizer_enabled": build_json["compiler"]["optimizer"]["enabled"],
"optimizer_runs": build_json["compiler"]["optimizer"]["runs"],
"license_identifier": self._flattener.license,
"bytecode_len": len(build_json["bytecode"]),
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported language for source verification: {language}")
def publish_source(self, contract: Any, silent: bool = False) -> bool:
"""Flatten contract and publish source on the selected explorer"""
# Check required conditions for verifying
url = CONFIG.active_network.get("explorer")
if url is None:
raise ValueError("Explorer API not set for this network")
env_token = next((v for k, v in _explorer_tokens.items() if k in url), None)
if env_token is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Publishing source is only supported on {', '.join(_explorer_tokens)},"
"change the Explorer API"
if os.getenv(env_token):
api_key = os.getenv(env_token)
host = urlparse(url).netloc
host = host[host.index(".") + 1 :]
raise ValueError(
f"An API token is required to verify contract source code. Visit https://{host}/ "
f"to obtain a token, and then store it as the environment variable ${env_token}"
address = _resolve_address(contract.address)
# Get source code and contract/compiler information
contract_info = self.get_verification_info()
# Select matching license code (https://etherscan.io/contract-license-types)
license_code = 1
identifier = contract_info["license_identifier"].lower()
if "unlicensed" in identifier:
license_code = 2
elif "mit" in identifier:
license_code = 3
elif "agpl" in identifier and "3.0" in identifier:
license_code = 13
elif "lgpl" in identifier:
if "2.1" in identifier:
license_code = 6
elif "3.0" in identifier:
license_code = 7
elif "gpl" in identifier:
if "2.0" in identifier:
license_code = 4
elif "3.0" in identifier:
license_code = 5
elif "bsd-2-clause" in identifier:
license_code = 8
elif "bsd-3-clause" in identifier:
license_code = 9
elif "mpl" in identifier and "2.0" in identifier:
license_code = 10
elif identifier.startswith("osl") and "3.0" in identifier:
license_code = 11
elif "apache" in identifier and "2.0" in identifier:
license_code = 12
# get constructor arguments
params_tx: Dict = {
"apikey": api_key,
"module": "account",
"action": "txlist",
"address": address,
"page": 1,
"sort": "asc",
"offset": 1,
i = 0
while True:
response = requests.get(url, params=params_tx, headers=REQUEST_HEADERS)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(
f"Status {response.status_code} when querying {url}: {response.text}"
data = response.json()
if int(data["status"]) == 1:
# Constructor arguments received
# Wait for contract to be recognized by etherscan
# This takes a few seconds after the contract is deployed
# After 10 loops we throw with the API result message (includes address)
if i >= 10:
raise ValueError(f"API request failed with: {data['result']}")
elif i == 0 and not silent:
print(f"Waiting for {url} to process contract...")
i += 1
if data["message"] == "OK":
constructor_arguments = data["result"][0]["input"][contract_info["bytecode_len"] + 2 :]
constructor_arguments = ""
# Submit verification
payload_verification: Dict = {
"apikey": api_key,
"module": "contract",
"action": "verifysourcecode",
"contractaddress": address,
"sourceCode": io.StringIO(json.dumps(self._flattener.standard_input_json)),
"codeformat": "solidity-standard-json-input",
"contractname": f"{self._flattener.contract_file}:{self._flattener.contract_name}",
"compilerversion": f"v{contract_info['compiler_version']}",
"optimizationUsed": 1 if contract_info["optimizer_enabled"] else 0,
"runs": contract_info["optimizer_runs"],
"constructorArguements": constructor_arguments,
"licenseType": license_code,
response = requests.post(url, data=payload_verification, headers=REQUEST_HEADERS)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(
f"Status {response.status_code} when querying {url}: {response.text}"
data = response.json()
if int(data["status"]) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to submit verification request: {data['result']}")
# Status of request
guid = data["result"]
if not silent:
print("Verification submitted successfully. Waiting for result...")
params_status: Dict = {
"apikey": api_key,
"module": "contract",
"action": "checkverifystatus",
"guid": guid,
while True:
response = requests.get(url, params=params_status, headers=REQUEST_HEADERS)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(
f"Status {response.status_code} when querying {url}: {response.text}"
data = response.json()
if data["result"] == "Pending in queue":
if not silent:
print("Verification pending...")
if not silent:
col = "bright green" if data["message"] == "OK" else "bright red"
print(f"Verification complete. Result: {color(col)}{data['result']}{color}")
return data["message"] == "OK"
def _slice_source(self, source: str, offset: list) -> str:
"""Slice the source of the contract, preserving any comments above the first line."""
offset_start = offset[0]
top_source = source[:offset_start]
top_lines = top_source.split("\n")[::-1]
comment_open = False
for line in top_lines:
stripped = line.strip()
if (
not stripped
or stripped.startswith(("//", "/*", "*"))
or stripped.endswith("*/")
or comment_open
offset_start = offset_start - len(line) - 1
if stripped.endswith("*/"):
comment_open = True
elif stripped.startswith("/*"):
comment_open = False
# Stop on the first non-empty, non-comment line
offset_start = max(0, offset_start)
return source[offset_start : offset[1]].strip()
class ContractConstructor:
_dir_color = "bright magenta"
def __init__(self, parent: "ContractContainer", name: str) -> None:
self._parent = parent
self.abi = next(i for i in parent.abi if i["type"] == "constructor")
self.abi["name"] = "constructor"
except Exception:
self.abi = {"inputs": [], "name": "constructor", "type": "constructor"}
self._name = name
def payable(self) -> bool:
if "payable" in self.abi:
return self.abi["payable"]
return self.abi["stateMutability"] == "payable"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{type(self).__name__} '{self._name}.constructor({_inputs(self.abi)})'>"
def __call__(
self, *args: Tuple, publish_source: bool = False, silent: bool = False
) -> Union["Contract", TransactionReceiptType]:
"""Deploys a contract.
*args: Constructor arguments. The last argument MUST be a dictionary
of transaction values containing at minimum a 'from' key to
specify which account to deploy this contract from.
* Contract instance if the transaction confirms
* TransactionReceipt if the transaction is pending or reverts"""
args, tx = _get_tx(None, args)
if not tx["from"]:
raise AttributeError(
"Final argument must be a dict of transaction parameters that "
"includes a `from` field specifying the address to deploy from"
return tx["from"].deploy(
def _autosuggest(obj: "ContractConstructor") -> List:
return _contract_method_autosuggest(obj.abi["inputs"], True, obj.payable)
def encode_input(self, *args: tuple) -> str:
bytecode = self._parent.bytecode
# find and replace unlinked library pointers in bytecode
for marker in re.findall("_{1,}[^_]*_{1,}", bytecode):
library = marker.strip("_")
if not self._parent._project[library]:
raise UndeployedLibrary(
f"Contract requires '{library}' library, but it has not been deployed yet"
address = self._parent._project[library][-1].address[-40:]
bytecode = bytecode.replace(marker, address)
data = format_input(self.abi, args)
types_list = get_type_strings(self.abi["inputs"])
return bytecode + eth_abi.encode(types_list, data).hex()
def estimate_gas(self, *args: Tuple) -> int:
Estimate the gas cost for the deployment.
Raises VirtualMachineError if the transaction would revert.
Constructor arguments. The last argument MUST be a dictionary
of transaction values containing at minimum a 'from' key to
specify which account to deploy this contract from.
Estimated gas value in wei.
args, tx = _get_tx(None, args)
if not tx["from"]:
raise AttributeError(
"Final argument must be a dict of transaction parameters that "
"includes a `from` field specifying the sender of the transaction"
return tx["from"].estimate_gas(amount=tx["value"], data=self.encode_input(*args))
class InterfaceContainer:
Container class that provides access to interfaces within a project.
def __init__(self, project: Any) -> None:
self._project = project
# automatically populate with interfaces in `data/interfaces`
# overwritten if a project contains an interface with the same name
for path in BROWNIE_FOLDER.glob("data/interfaces/*.json"):
with path.open() as fp:
abi = json.load(fp)
self._add(path.stem, abi)
def _add(self, name: str, abi: List) -> None:
constructor = InterfaceConstructor(name, abi)
setattr(self, name, constructor)
class InterfaceConstructor:
Constructor used to create Contract objects from a project interface.
def __init__(self, name: str, abi: List) -> None:
self._name = name
self.abi = abi
self.selectors = {
build_function_selector(i): i["name"] for i in self.abi if i["type"] == "function"
def __call__(self, address: str, owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None) -> "Contract":
return Contract.from_abi(self._name, address, self.abi, owner, persist=False)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{type(self).__name__} '{self._name}'>"
def decode_input(self, calldata: Union[str, bytes]) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
Decode input calldata for this contract.
calldata : str | bytes
Calldata for a call to this contract
Signature of the function that was called
Decoded input arguments
if not isinstance(calldata, HexBytes):
calldata = HexBytes(calldata)
fn_selector = calldata[:4].hex() # type: ignore
abi = next(
for i in self.abi
if i["type"] == "function" and build_function_selector(i) == fn_selector
if abi is None:
raise ValueError("Four byte selector does not match the ABI for this contract")
function_sig = build_function_signature(abi)
types_list = get_type_strings(abi["inputs"])
result = eth_abi.decode(types_list, calldata[4:])
input_args = format_input(abi, result)
return function_sig, input_args
class _DeployedContractBase(_ContractBase):
"""Methods for interacting with a deployed contract.
Each public contract method is available as a ContractCall or ContractTx
instance, created when this class is instantiated.
bytecode: Bytecode of the deployed contract, including constructor args.
tx: TransactionReceipt of the of the tx that deployed the contract."""
_reverted = False
_initialized = False
def __init__(
self, address: str, owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None, tx: TransactionReceiptType = None
) -> None:
address = _resolve_address(address)
self.bytecode = (
self._build.get("deployedBytecode", None) or web3.eth.get_code(address).hex()[2:]
if not self.bytecode:
raise ContractNotFound(f"No contract deployed at {address}")
self._owner = owner
self.tx = tx
self.address = address
self.events = ContractEvents(self)
_add_deployment_topics(address, self.abi)
fn_names = [i["name"] for i in self.abi if i["type"] == "function"]
for abi in [i for i in self.abi if i["type"] == "function"]:
name = f"{self._name}.{abi['name']}"
sig = build_function_signature(abi)
natspec: Dict = {}
if self._build.get("natspec"):
natspec = self._build["natspec"]["methods"].get(sig, {})
if fn_names.count(abi["name"]) == 1:
fn = _get_method_object(address, abi, name, owner, natspec)
self._check_and_set(abi["name"], fn)
# special logic to handle function overloading
if not hasattr(self, abi["name"]):
overloaded = OverloadedMethod(address, name, owner)
self._check_and_set(abi["name"], overloaded)
getattr(self, abi["name"])._add_fn(abi, natspec)
self._initialized = True
def _check_and_set(self, name: str, obj: Any) -> None:
if name == "balance":
f"'{self._name}' defines a 'balance' function, "
f"'{self._name}.balance' is available as {self._name}.wei_balance",
setattr(self, "wei_balance", self.balance)
elif hasattr(self, name):
"Namespace collision between contract function and "
f"brownie `Contract` class member: '{self._name}.{name}'\n"
f"The {name} function will not be available when interacting with {self._name}",
setattr(self, name, obj)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(f"{self._name}{self.address}{self._project}")
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.address
def __repr__(self) -> str:
alias = self._build.get("alias")
if alias:
return f"<'{alias}' Contract '{self.address}'>"
return f"<{self._name} Contract '{self.address}'>"
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, _DeployedContractBase):
return self.address == other.address and self.bytecode == other.bytecode
if isinstance(other, str):
address = _resolve_address(other)
return address == self.address
except ValueError:
return False
return super().__eq__(other)
def __getattribute__(self, name: str) -> Any:
if super().__getattribute__("_reverted"):
raise ContractNotFound("This contract no longer exists.")
return super().__getattribute__(name)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(f"Contract '{self._name}' object has no attribute '{name}'")
def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
if self._initialized and hasattr(self, name):
if isinstance(getattr(self, name), _ContractMethod):
raise AttributeError(
f"{self._name}.{name} is a contract function, it cannot be assigned to"
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def get_method_object(self, calldata: str) -> Optional["_ContractMethod"]:
Given a calldata hex string, returns a `ContractMethod` object.
sig = calldata[:10].lower()
if sig not in self.selectors:
return None
fn = getattr(self, self.selectors[sig], None)
if isinstance(fn, OverloadedMethod):
return next((v for v in fn.methods.values() if v.signature == sig), None)
return fn
def balance(self) -> Wei:
"""Returns the current ether balance of the contract, in wei."""
balance = web3.eth.get_balance(self.address)
return Wei(balance)
def _deployment_path(self) -> Optional[Path]:
if not self._project._path or (
CONFIG.network_type != "live" and not CONFIG.settings["dev_deployment_artifacts"]
return None
chainid = CONFIG.active_network["chainid"] if CONFIG.network_type == "live" else "dev"
path = self._project._build_path.joinpath(f"deployments/{chainid}")
return path.joinpath(f"{self.address}.json")
def _save_deployment(self) -> None:
path = self._deployment_path()
chainid = CONFIG.active_network["chainid"] if CONFIG.network_type == "live" else "dev"
deployment_build = self._build.copy()
deployment_build["deployment"] = {
"address": self.address,
"chainid": chainid,
"blockHeight": web3.eth.block_number,
if path:
if not path.exists():
with path.open("w") as fp:
json.dump(deployment_build, fp)
def _delete_deployment(self) -> None:
path = self._deployment_path()
if path:
if path.exists():
class Contract(_DeployedContractBase):
Object to interact with a deployed contract outside of a project.
def __init__(
self, address_or_alias: str, *args: Any, owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
Recreate a `Contract` object from the local database.
The init method is used to access deployments that have already previously
been stored locally. For new deployments use `from_abi` or `from_etherscan`.
address_or_alias : str
Address or user-defined alias of the deployment.
owner : Account, optional
Contract owner. If set, transactions without a `from` field
will be performed using this account.
address_or_alias = address_or_alias.strip()
if args or kwargs:
"Initializing `Contract` in this manner is deprecated." " Use `from_abi` instead.",
kwargs["owner"] = owner
return self._deprecated_init(address_or_alias, *args, **kwargs)
address = ""
address = _resolve_address(address_or_alias)
build, sources = _get_deployment(address)
except Exception:
build, sources = _get_deployment(alias=address_or_alias)
if build is not None:
address = build["address"]
if build is None or sources is None:
if (
not address
or not CONFIG.settings.get("autofetch_sources")
or not CONFIG.active_network.get("explorer")
if not address:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown alias: '{address_or_alias}'")
raise ValueError(f"Unknown contract address: '{address}'")
contract = self.from_explorer(address, owner=owner, silent=True)
build, sources = contract._build, contract._sources
address = contract.address
_ContractBase.__init__(self, None, build, sources)
_DeployedContractBase.__init__(self, address, owner)
def _deprecated_init(
name: str,
address: Optional[str] = None,
abi: Optional[List] = None,
manifest_uri: Optional[str] = None,
owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None,
) -> None:
if manifest_uri:
raise ValueError("ethPM functionality removed")
if not address:
raise TypeError("Address cannot be None unless creating object from manifest")
build = {"abi": abi, "contractName": name, "type": "contract"}
_ContractBase.__init__(self, None, build, {}) # type: ignore
_DeployedContractBase.__init__(self, address, owner, None)
def from_abi(
name: str,
address: str,
abi: List,
owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None,
persist: bool = True,
) -> "Contract":
Create a new `Contract` object from an ABI.
name : str
Name of the contract.
address : str
Address where the contract is deployed.
abi : dict
Contract ABI, given as a dictionary.
owner : Account, optional
Contract owner. If set, transactions without a `from` field
will be performed using this account.
address = _resolve_address(address)
build = {
"abi": abi,
"address": address,
"contractName": name,
"type": "contract",
"deployedBytecode": web3.eth.get_code(address).hex()[2:],
self = cls.__new__(cls)
_ContractBase.__init__(self, None, build, {}) # type: ignore
_DeployedContractBase.__init__(self, address, owner, None)
if persist:
return self
def from_explorer(
address: str,
as_proxy_for: Optional[str] = None,
owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None,
silent: bool = False,
persist: bool = True,
) -> "Contract":
Create a new `Contract` object with source code queried from a block explorer.
address : str
Address where the contract is deployed.
as_proxy_for : str, optional
Address of the implementation contract, if `address` is a proxy contract.
The generated object will send transactions to `address`, but use the ABI
and NatSpec of `as_proxy_for`. This field is only required when the
block explorer API does not provide an implementation address.
owner : Account, optional
Contract owner. If set, transactions without a `from` field will be
performed using this account.
address = _resolve_address(address)
data = _fetch_from_explorer(address, "getsourcecode", silent)
is_verified = bool(data["result"][0].get("SourceCode"))
if is_verified:
abi = json.loads(data["result"][0]["ABI"])
name = data["result"][0]["ContractName"]
# if the source is not available, try to fetch only the ABI
data_abi = _fetch_from_explorer(address, "getabi", True)
except ValueError as exc:
raise exc
abi = json.loads(data_abi["result"].strip())
name = "UnknownContractName"
if not silent:
f"{address}: Was able to fetch the ABI but not the source code. "
"Some functionality will not be available.",
if as_proxy_for is None:
# always check for an EIP1967 proxy - https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1967
implementation_eip1967 = web3.eth.get_storage_at(
address, int(web3.keccak(text="eip1967.proxy.implementation").hex(), 16) - 1
# always check for an EIP1822 proxy - https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1822
implementation_eip1822 = web3.eth.get_storage_at(address, web3.keccak(text="PROXIABLE"))
if len(implementation_eip1967) > 0 and int(implementation_eip1967.hex(), 16):
as_proxy_for = _resolve_address(implementation_eip1967[-20:])
elif len(implementation_eip1822) > 0 and int(implementation_eip1822.hex(), 16):
as_proxy_for = _resolve_address(implementation_eip1822[-20:])
elif data["result"][0].get("Implementation"):
# for other proxy patterns, we only check if etherscan indicates
# the contract is a proxy. otherwise we could have a false positive
# if there is an `implementation` method on a regular contract.
# first try to call `implementation` per EIP897
# https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-897
contract = cls.from_abi(name, address, abi)
as_proxy_for = contract.implementation.call()
except Exception:
# if that fails, fall back to the address provided by etherscan
as_proxy_for = _resolve_address(data["result"][0]["Implementation"])
if as_proxy_for == address:
as_proxy_for = None
# if this is a proxy, fetch information for the implementation contract
if as_proxy_for is not None:
implementation_contract = Contract.from_explorer(as_proxy_for)
abi = implementation_contract._build["abi"]
if not is_verified:
return cls.from_abi(name, address, abi, owner)
compiler_str = data["result"][0]["CompilerVersion"]
if compiler_str.startswith("vyper:"):
version = to_vyper_version(compiler_str[6:])
is_compilable = version in get_installable_vyper_versions()
except Exception:
is_compilable = False
version = cls.get_solc_version(compiler_str, address)
is_compilable = (
version >= Version("0.4.22")
and version
in solcx.get_installable_solc_versions() + solcx.get_installed_solc_versions()
except Exception:
is_compilable = False
if not is_compilable:
if not silent:
f"{address}: target compiler '{compiler_str}' cannot be installed or is not "
"supported by Brownie. Some debugging functionality will not be available.",
return cls.from_abi(name, address, abi, owner)
elif data["result"][0]["OptimizationUsed"] in ("true", "false"):
if not silent:
f"Blockscout explorer API has limited support by Brownie. " # noqa
"Some debugging functionality will not be available.",
return cls.from_abi(name, address, abi, owner)
optimizer = {
"enabled": bool(int(data["result"][0]["OptimizationUsed"])),
"runs": int(data["result"][0]["Runs"]),
evm_version = data["result"][0].get("EVMVersion", "Default")
if evm_version == "Default":
evm_version = None
source_str = "\n".join(data["result"][0]["SourceCode"].splitlines())
if source_str.startswith("{{"):
# source was verified using compiler standard JSON
input_json = json.loads(source_str[1:-1])
sources = {k: v["content"] for k, v in input_json["sources"].items()}
evm_version = input_json["settings"].get("evmVersion", evm_version)
remappings = input_json["settings"].get("remappings", [])
sources, optimizer=optimizer, evm_version=evm_version, remappings=remappings
output_json = compiler.compile_from_input_json(input_json)
build_json = compiler.generate_build_json(input_json, output_json)
if source_str.startswith("{"):
# source was submitted as multiple files
sources = {k: v["content"] for k, v in json.loads(source_str).items()}
# source was submitted as a single file
if compiler_str.startswith("vyper"):
path_str = f"{name}.vy"
path_str = f"{name}-flattened.sol"
sources = {path_str: source_str}
build_json = compiler.compile_and_format(
except Exception as e:
if not silent:
f"{address}: Compilation failed due to {type(e).__name__}. Falling back to ABI,"
" some functionality will not be available.",
return cls.from_abi(name, address, abi, owner)
build_json = build_json[name]
if as_proxy_for is not None:
build_json.update(abi=abi, natspec=implementation_contract._build.get("natspec"))
if not _verify_deployed_code(
address, build_json["deployedBytecode"], build_json["language"]
if not silent:
f"{address}: Locally compiled and on-chain bytecode do not match!",
del build_json["pcMap"]
self = cls.__new__(cls)
_ContractBase.__init__(self, None, build_json, sources) # type: ignore
_DeployedContractBase.__init__(self, address, owner)
if persist:
return self
def get_solc_version(cls, compiler_str: str, address: str) -> Version:
Return the solc compiler version either from the passed compiler string
or try to find the latest available patch semver compiler version.
compiler_str: str
The compiler string passed from the contract metadata.
address: str
The contract address to check for.
version = Version(compiler_str.lstrip("v")).truncate()
compiler_config = _load_project_compiler_config(Path(os.getcwd()))
solc_config = compiler_config["solc"]
if "use_latest_patch" in solc_config:
use_latest_patch = solc_config["use_latest_patch"]
needs_patch_version = False
if isinstance(use_latest_patch, bool):
needs_patch_version = use_latest_patch
elif isinstance(use_latest_patch, list):
needs_patch_version = address in use_latest_patch
if needs_patch_version:
versions = [Version(str(i)) for i in solcx.get_installable_solc_versions()]
for v in filter(lambda x: x < version.next_minor(), versions):
if v > version:
version = v
return version
def remove_deployment(
cls, address: str = None, alias: str = None
) -> Tuple[Optional[Dict], Optional[Dict]]:
Removes this contract from the internal deployments db
with the passed address or alias.
address: str | None
An address to apply
alias: str | None
An alias to apply
return _remove_deployment(address, alias)
def set_alias(self, alias: Optional[str], persist: bool = True) -> None:
Apply a unique alias this object. The alias can be used to restore the
object in future sessions.
alias: str | None
An alias to apply. If `None`, any existing alias is removed.
if "chainid" not in CONFIG.active_network:
raise ValueError("Cannot set aliases in a development environment")
if alias is not None:
if "." in alias or alias.lower().startswith("0x"):
raise ValueError("Invalid alias")
build, _ = _get_deployment(alias=alias)
if build is not None:
if build["address"] != self.address:
raise ValueError("Alias is already in use on another contract")
if persist:
_add_deployment(self, alias)
self._build["alias"] = alias
def alias(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self._build.get("alias")
class ProjectContract(_DeployedContractBase):
"""Methods for interacting with a deployed contract as part of a Brownie project."""
def __init__(
project: Any,
build: Dict,
address: str,
owner: Optional[AccountsType] = None,
tx: TransactionReceiptType = None,
) -> None:
_ContractBase.__init__(self, project, build, project._sources)
_DeployedContractBase.__init__(self, address, owner, tx)
class ContractEvents(_ContractEvents):
def __init__(self, contract: _DeployedContractBase):
self.linked_contract = contract
# Ignoring type since ChecksumAddress type is an alias for string
_ContractEvents.__init__(self, contract.abi, web3, contract.address) # type: ignore
def subscribe(
self, event_name: str, callback: Callable[[AttributeDict], None], delay: float = 2.0
) -> None:
Subscribe to event with a name matching 'event_name', calling the 'callback'
function on new occurrence giving as parameter the event log receipt.
event_name (str): Name of the event to subscribe to.
callback (Callable[[AttributeDict], None]): Function called whenever an event occurs.
delay (float, optional): Delay between each check for new events. Defaults to 2.0.
target_event: ContractEvent = self.__getitem__(event_name) # type: ignore
event_watcher.add_event_callback(event=target_event, callback=callback, delay=delay)
def get_sequence(
self, from_block: int, to_block: int = None, event_type: Union[ContractEvent, str] = None
) -> Union[List[AttributeDict], AttributeDict]:
"""Returns the logs of events of type 'event_type' that occurred between the
blocks 'from_block' and 'to_block'. If 'event_type' is not specified,
it retrieves the occurrences of all events in the contract.
from_block (int): The block from which to search for events that have occurred.
to_block (int, optional): The block on which to stop searching for events.
if not specified, it is set to the most recently mined block (web3.eth.block_number).
Defaults to None.
event_type (ContractEvent, str, optional): Type or name of the event to be searched
between the specified blocks. Defaults to None.
if 'event_type' is specified:
[list]: List of events of type 'event_type' that occurred between
'from_block' and 'to_block'.
event_logbook [dict]: Dictionary of events of the contract that occurred
between 'from_block' and 'to_block'.
if to_block is None or to_block > web3.eth.block_number:
to_block = web3.eth.block_number
# Returns event sequence for the specified event
if event_type is not None:
if isinstance(event_type, str):
# If 'event_type' is a string, search for an event with a name matching it.
event_type: ContractEvent = self.__getitem__(event_type) # type: ignore
return self._retrieve_contract_events(event_type, from_block, to_block)
# Returns event sequence for all contract events
events_logbook = dict()
for event in ContractEvents.__iter__(self):
events_logbook[event.event_name] = self._retrieve_contract_events(
event, from_block, to_block
return AttributeDict(events_logbook)
def listen(self, event_name: str, timeout: float = 0) -> Coroutine:
Creates a listening Coroutine object ending whenever an event matching
'event_name' occurs. If timeout is superior to zero and no event matching
'event_name' has occured, the Coroutine ends when the timeout is reached.
The Coroutine return value is an AttributeDict filled with the following fields :
- 'event_data' (AttributeDict): The event log receipt that was caught.
- 'timed_out' (bool): False if the event did not timeout, else True
If the 'timeout' parameter is not passed or is inferior or equal to 0,
the Coroutine listens indefinitely.
event_name (str): Name of the event to be listened to.
timeout (float, optional): Timeout value in seconds. Defaults to 0.
Coroutine: Awaitable object listening for the event matching 'event_name'.
_triggered: bool = False
_received_data: Union[AttributeDict, None] = None
def _event_callback(event_data: AttributeDict) -> None:
Fills the nonlocal varialbe '_received_data' with the received
argument 'event_data' and sets the nonlocal '_triggered' variable to True
nonlocal _triggered, _received_data
_received_data = event_data
_triggered = True
_listener_end_time = time.time() + timeout
async def _listening_task(is_timeout: bool, end_time: float) -> AttributeDict:
"""Generates and returns a coroutine listening for an event"""
nonlocal _triggered, _received_data
timed_out: bool = False
while not _triggered:
if is_timeout and end_time <= time.time():
timed_out = True
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
return AttributeDict({"event_data": _received_data, "timed_out": timed_out})
target_event: ContractEvent = self.__getitem__(event_name) # type: ignore
event=target_event, callback=_event_callback, delay=0.2, repeat=False
return _listening_task(bool(timeout > 0), _listener_end_time)
def _retrieve_contract_events(
self, event_type: ContractEvent, from_block: int = None, to_block: int = None
) -> List[LogReceipt]:
Retrieves all log receipts from 'event_type' between 'from_block' and 'to_block' blocks
if to_block is None:
to_block = web3.eth.block_number
if from_block is None and isinstance(to_block, int):
from_block = to_block - 10
event_filter: filters.LogFilter = event_type.create_filter(
fromBlock=from_block, toBlock=to_block
return event_filter.get_all_entries()
class OverloadedMethod:
def __init__(self, address: str, name: str, owner: Optional[AccountsType]):
self._address = address
self._name = name
self._owner = owner
self.methods: Dict = {}
self.natspec: Dict = {}
def _add_fn(self, abi: Dict, natspec: Dict) -> None:
fn = _get_method_object(self._address, abi, self._name, self._owner, natspec)
key = tuple(i["type"].replace("256", "") for i in abi["inputs"])
self.methods[key] = fn
def _get_fn_from_args(self, args: Tuple) -> "_ContractMethod":
input_length = len(args)
if args and isinstance(args[-1], dict):
input_length -= 1
keys = [i for i in self.methods if len(i) == input_length]
if not keys:
raise ValueError("No function matching the given number of arguments")
if len(keys) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Contract has more than one function '{self._name}' requiring "
f"{input_length} arguments. You must explicitly declare which function "
f"you are calling, e.g. {self._name}['{','.join(keys[0])}'](*args)"
return self.methods[keys[0]]
def __getitem__(self, key: Union[Tuple, str]) -> "_ContractMethod":
if isinstance(key, str):
key = tuple(i.strip() for i in key.split(","))
key = tuple(i.replace("256", "") for i in key)
return self.methods[key]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<OverloadedMethod '{self._name}'>"
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.methods)
def __call__(
self, *args: Tuple, block_identifier: Union[int, str, bytes] = None, override: Dict = None
) -> Any:
fn = self._get_fn_from_args(args)
kwargs = {"block_identifier": block_identifier, "override": override}
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
return fn(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
def call(
self, *args: Tuple, block_identifier: Union[int, str, bytes] = None, override: Dict = None
) -> Any:
Call the contract method without broadcasting a transaction.
The specific function called is chosen based on the number of
arguments given. If more than one function exists with this number
of arguments, a `ValueError` is raised.
Contract method inputs. You can optionally provide a
dictionary of transaction properties as the last arg.
block_identifier : int | str | bytes, optional
A block number or hash that the call is executed at. If not given, the
latest block used. Raises `ValueError` if this value is too far in the
past and you are not using an archival node.
override : dict, optional
A mapping from addresses to balance, nonce, code, state, stateDiff
overrides for the context of the call.
Contract method return value(s).
fn = self._get_fn_from_args(args)
return fn.call(*args, block_identifier=block_identifier, override=override)
def transact(self, *args: Tuple) -> TransactionReceiptType:
Broadcast a transaction that calls this contract method.
The specific function called is chosen based on the number of
arguments given. If more than one function exists with this number
of arguments, a `ValueError` is raised.
Contract method inputs. You can optionally provide a
dictionary of transaction properties as the last arg.
Object representing the broadcasted transaction.
fn = self._get_fn_from_args(args)
return fn.transact(*args)
def encode_input(self, *args: Tuple) -> Any:
Generate encoded ABI data to call the method with the given arguments.
Contract method inputs
Hexstring of encoded ABI data
fn = self._get_fn_from_args(args)
return fn.encode_input(*args)
def decode_input(self, hexstr: str) -> List:
Decode input call data for this method.
hexstr : str
Hexstring of input call data
Decoded values
selector = HexBytes(hexstr)[:4].hex()
fn = next((i for i in self.methods.values() if i == selector), None)
if fn is None:
raise ValueError(
"Data cannot be decoded using any input signatures of functions of this name"
return fn.decode_input(hexstr)
def decode_output(self, hexstr: str) -> Tuple:
Decode hexstring data returned by this method.
hexstr : str
Hexstring of returned call data
Decoded values
for fn in self.methods.values():
return fn.decode_output(hexstr)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(
"Data cannot be decoded using any output signatures of functions of this name"
def info(self) -> None:
Display NatSpec documentation for this method.
fn_sigs = []
for fn in self.methods.values():
for sig in sorted(fn_sigs, key=lambda k: len(k)):
class _ContractMethod:
_dir_color = "bright magenta"
def __init__(
address: str,
abi: Dict,
name: str,
owner: Optional[AccountsType],
natspec: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> None:
self._address = address
self._name = name
self.abi = abi
self._owner = owner
self.signature = build_function_selector(abi)
self._input_sig = build_function_signature(abi)
self.natspec = natspec or {}
def __repr__(self) -> str:
pay = "payable " if self.payable else ""
return f"<{type(self).__name__} {pay}'{self.abi['name']}({_inputs(self.abi)})'>"
def payable(self) -> bool:
if "payable" in self.abi:
return self.abi["payable"]
return self.abi["stateMutability"] == "payable"
def _autosuggest(obj: "_ContractMethod") -> List:
# this is a staticmethod to be compatible with `_call_suggest` and `_transact_suggest`
return _contract_method_autosuggest(
obj.abi["inputs"], isinstance(obj, ContractTx), obj.payable
def info(self) -> None:
Display NatSpec documentation for this method.
def call(
self, *args: Tuple, block_identifier: Union[int, str, bytes] = None, override: Dict = None
) -> Any:
Call the contract method without broadcasting a transaction.
Contract method inputs. You can optionally provide a
dictionary of transaction properties as the last arg.
block_identifier : int | str | bytes, optional
A block number or hash that the call is executed at. If not given, the
latest block used. Raises `ValueError` if this value is too far in the
past and you are not using an archival node.
override : dict, optional
A mapping from addresses to balance, nonce, code, state, stateDiff
overrides for the context of the call.
Contract method return value(s).
args, tx = _get_tx(self._owner, args)
if tx["from"]:
tx["from"] = str(tx["from"])
del tx["required_confs"]
tx.update({"to": self._address, "data": self.encode_input(*args)})
data = web3.eth.call({k: v for k, v in tx.items() if v}, block_identifier, override)
except ValueError as e:
raise VirtualMachineError(e) from None
if self.abi["outputs"] and not data:
raise ValueError("No data was returned - the call likely reverted")
return self.decode_output(data)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f"Call reverted: {decode_typed_error(data)}") from None
def transact(self, *args: Tuple, silent: bool = False) -> TransactionReceiptType:
Broadcast a transaction that calls this contract method.
Contract method inputs. You can optionally provide a
dictionary of transaction properties as the last arg.
Object representing the broadcasted transaction.
args, tx = _get_tx(self._owner, args)
if not tx["from"]:
raise AttributeError(
"Final argument must be a dict of transaction parameters that "
"includes a `from` field specifying the sender of the transaction"
return tx["from"].transfer(
def decode_input(self, hexstr: str) -> List:
Decode input call data for this method.
hexstr : str
Hexstring of input call data
Decoded values
types_list = get_type_strings(self.abi["inputs"])
result = eth_abi.decode(types_list, HexBytes(hexstr)[4:])
return format_input(self.abi, result)
def encode_input(self, *args: Tuple) -> str:
Generate encoded ABI data to call the method with the given arguments.
Contract method inputs
Hexstring of encoded ABI data
data = format_input(self.abi, args)
types_list = get_type_strings(self.abi["inputs"])
return self.signature + eth_abi.encode(types_list, data).hex()
def decode_output(self, hexstr: str) -> Tuple:
Decode hexstring data returned by this method.
hexstr : str
Hexstring of returned call data
Decoded values
types_list = get_type_strings(self.abi["outputs"])
result = eth_abi.decode(types_list, HexBytes(hexstr))
result = format_output(self.abi, result)
if len(result) == 1:
result = result[0]
return result
def estimate_gas(self, *args: Tuple) -> int:
Estimate the gas cost for a transaction.
Raises VirtualMachineError if the transaction would revert.
Contract method inputs
Estimated gas value in wei.
args, tx = _get_tx(self._owner, args)
if not tx["from"]:
raise AttributeError(
"Final argument must be a dict of transaction parameters that "
"includes a `from` field specifying the sender of the transaction"
return tx["from"].estimate_gas(
class ContractTx(_ContractMethod):
A public payable or non-payable contract method.
abi : dict
Contract ABI specific to this method.
signature : str
Bytes4 method signature.
def __call__(self, *args: Tuple, silent: bool = False) -> TransactionReceiptType:
Broadcast a transaction that calls this contract method.
Contract method inputs. You can optionally provide a
dictionary of transaction properties as the last arg.
Object representing the broadcasted transaction.
return self.transact(*args, silent=silent)
class ContractCall(_ContractMethod):
A public view or pure contract method.
abi : dict
Contract ABI specific to this method.
signature : str
Bytes4 method signature.
def __call__(
self, *args: Tuple, block_identifier: Union[int, str, bytes] = None, override: Dict = None
) -> Any:
Call the contract method without broadcasting a transaction.
Contract method inputs. You can optionally provide a
dictionary of transaction properties as the last arg.
block_identifier : int | str | bytes, optional
A block number or hash that the call is executed at. If not given, the
latest block used. Raises `ValueError` if this value is too far in the
past and you are not using an archival node.
override : dict, optional
A mapping from addresses to balance, nonce, code, state, stateDiff
overrides for the context of the call.
Contract method return value(s).
if not CONFIG.argv["always_transact"] or block_identifier is not None:
return self.call(*args, block_identifier=block_identifier, override=override)
args, tx = _get_tx(self._owner, args)
tx.update({"gas_price": 0, "from": self._owner or accounts[0]})
pc, revert_msg = None, None
self.transact(*args, tx)
except VirtualMachineError as exc:
pc, revert_msg = exc.pc, exc.revert_msg
except Exception:
return self.call(*args)
except VirtualMachineError as exc:
if pc == exc.pc and revert_msg and exc.revert_msg is None:
# in case we miss a dev revert string
exc.revert_msg = revert_msg
raise exc
def _get_tx(owner: Optional[AccountsType], args: Tuple) -> Tuple:
# set / remove default sender
if owner is None:
owner = accounts.default
default_owner = CONFIG.active_network["settings"]["default_contract_owner"]
if CONFIG.mode == "test" and default_owner is False:
owner = None
# seperate contract inputs from tx dict and set default tx values
tx = {
"from": owner,
"value": 0,
"gas": None,
"gas_buffer": None,
"nonce": None,
"required_confs": 1,
"allow_revert": None,
if args and isinstance(args[-1], dict):
args = args[:-1]
# key substitution to provide compatibility with web3.py
for key, target in [("amount", "value"), ("gas_limit", "gas"), ("gas_price", "gasPrice")]:
if key in tx:
tx[target] = tx[key]
# enable the magic of ganache's `evm_unlockUnknownAccount`
if isinstance(tx["from"], str):
tx["from"] = accounts.at(tx["from"], force=True)
elif isinstance(tx["from"], _DeployedContractBase):
tx["from"] = accounts.at(tx["from"].address, force=True)
return args, tx
def _get_method_object(
address: str, abi: Dict, name: str, owner: Optional[AccountsType], natspec: Dict
) -> Union["ContractCall", "ContractTx"]:
if "constant" in abi:
constant = abi["constant"]
constant = abi["stateMutability"] in ("view", "pure")
if constant:
return ContractCall(address, abi, name, owner, natspec)
return ContractTx(address, abi, name, owner, natspec)
def _inputs(abi: Dict) -> str:
types_list = get_type_strings(abi["inputs"], {"fixed168x10": "decimal"})
params = zip([i["name"] for i in abi["inputs"]], types_list)
return ", ".join(
f"{i[1]}{color('bright blue')}{' '+i[0] if i[0] else ''}{color}" for i in params
def _verify_deployed_code(address: str, expected_bytecode: str, language: str) -> bool:
actual_bytecode = web3.eth.get_code(address).hex()[2:]
expected_bytecode = remove_0x_prefix(expected_bytecode) # type: ignore
if expected_bytecode.startswith("730000000000000000000000000000000000000000"):
# special case for Solidity libraries
return (
and actual_bytecode[42:] == expected_bytecode[42:]
if "_" in expected_bytecode:
for marker in re.findall("_{1,}[^_]*_{1,}", expected_bytecode):
idx = expected_bytecode.index(marker)
actual_bytecode = actual_bytecode[:idx] + actual_bytecode[idx + 40 :]
expected_bytecode = expected_bytecode[:idx] + expected_bytecode[idx + 40 :]
if language == "Solidity":
# do not include metadata in comparison
idx = -(int(actual_bytecode[-4:], 16) + 2) * 2
actual_bytecode = actual_bytecode[:idx]
idx = -(int(expected_bytecode[-4:], 16) + 2) * 2
expected_bytecode = expected_bytecode[:idx]
if language == "Vyper":
# don't check immutables section
# TODO actually grab data section length from layout.
return actual_bytecode.startswith(expected_bytecode)
return actual_bytecode == expected_bytecode
def _print_natspec(natspec: Dict) -> None:
wrapper = TextWrapper(initial_indent=f" {color('bright magenta')}")
for key in [i for i in ("title", "notice", "author", "details") if i in natspec]:
wrapper.subsequent_indent = " " * (len(key) + 4)
print(wrapper.fill(f"@{key} {color}{natspec[key]}"))
for key, value in natspec.get("params", {}).items():
wrapper.subsequent_indent = " " * 9
print(wrapper.fill(f"@param {color('bright blue')}{key}{color} {value}"))
if "return" in natspec:
wrapper.subsequent_indent = " " * 10
print(wrapper.fill(f"@return {color}{natspec['return']}"))
for key in sorted(natspec.get("returns", [])):
wrapper.subsequent_indent = " " * 10
print(wrapper.fill(f"@return {color}{natspec['returns'][key]}"))
def _fetch_from_explorer(address: str, action: str, silent: bool) -> Dict:
url = CONFIG.active_network.get("explorer")
if url is None:
raise ValueError("Explorer API not set for this network")
if address in _unverified_addresses:
raise ValueError(f"Source for {address} has not been verified")
code = web3.eth.get_code(address).hex()[2:]
# EIP-1167: Minimal Proxy Contract
if code[:20] == "363d3d373d3d3d363d73" and code[60:] == "5af43d82803e903d91602b57fd5bf3":
address = _resolve_address(code[20:60])
# Vyper <0.2.9 `create_forwarder_to`
elif (
code[:30] == "366000600037611000600036600073"
and code[70:] == "5af4602c57600080fd5b6110006000f3"
address = _resolve_address(code[30:70])
# 0xSplits Clones
elif (
== "36603057343d52307f830d2d700a97af574b186c80d40429385d24241565b08a7c559ba283a964d9b160203da23d3df35b3d3d3d3d363d3d37363d73" # noqa e501
and code[160:] == "5af43d3d93803e605b57fd5bf3"
address = _resolve_address(code[120:160])
params: Dict = {"module": "contract", "action": action, "address": address}
explorer, env_key = next(
((k, v) for k, v in _explorer_tokens.items() if k in url), (None, None)
if env_key is not None:
if os.getenv(env_key):
params["apiKey"] = os.getenv(env_key)
elif not silent:
f"No {explorer} API token set. You may experience issues with rate limiting. "
f"Visit https://{explorer}.io/register to obtain a token, and then store it "
f"as the environment variable ${env_key}",
if not silent:
f"Fetching source of {color('bright blue')}{address}{color} "
f"from {color('bright blue')}{urlparse(url).netloc}{color}..."
response = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=REQUEST_HEADERS)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(f"Status {response.status_code} when querying {url}: {response.text}")
data = response.json()
if int(data["status"]) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to retrieve data from API: {data}")
return data
# console auto-completion logic
def _call_autosuggest(method: Any) -> List:
# since methods are not unique for each object, we use `__reduce__`
# to locate the specific object so we can access the correct ABI
method = method.__reduce__()[1][0]
return _contract_method_autosuggest(method.abi["inputs"], False, False)
def _transact_autosuggest(method: Any) -> List:
method = method.__reduce__()[1][0]
return _contract_method_autosuggest(method.abi["inputs"], True, method.payable)
# assign the autosuggest functionality to various methods
ContractConstructor.encode_input.__dict__["_autosuggest"] = _call_autosuggest
_ContractMethod.call.__dict__["_autosuggest"] = _call_autosuggest
_ContractMethod.encode_input.__dict__["_autosuggest"] = _call_autosuggest
ContractConstructor.estimate_gas.__dict__["_autosuggest"] = _transact_autosuggest
_ContractMethod.estimate_gas.__dict__["_autosuggest"] = _transact_autosuggest
_ContractMethod.transact.__dict__["_autosuggest"] = _transact_autosuggest
def _contract_method_autosuggest(args: List, is_transaction: bool, is_payable: bool) -> List:
types_list = get_type_strings(args, {"fixed168x10": "decimal"})
params = zip([i["name"] for i in args], types_list)
if not is_transaction:
tx_hint: List = []
elif is_payable:
tx_hint = [" {'from': Account", " 'value': Wei}"]
tx_hint = [" {'from': Account}"]
return [f" {i[1]}{' '+i[0] if i[0] else ''}" for i in params] + tx_hint
def _comment_slicer(match: Match) -> str:
start, mid, end = match.group(1, 2, 3)
if mid is None:
# single line comment
return ""
elif start is not None or end is not None:
# multi line comment at start or end of a line
return ""
elif "\n" in mid:
# multi line comment with line break
return "\n"
# multi line comment without line break
return " "