generic_exporters.processors package



generic_exporters.processors.framer module

class generic_exporters.processors.framer.DataFramer(query: QueryPlan, *, concurrency: int | None = None, sync: bool = True)

Bases: _GatheringTimeSeriesProcessorBase[DataFrame]

Inherit from this class to turn any Dataset into a pandas DataFrame.

You must define a start_timestamp method that will determine the start of the historical range, and a data_exists method that determines whether or not the datastore already contains data for the Metric at a particular timestamp. This class will handle the rest.


Exports the full history for this exporter’s Metric to the datastore

generic_exporters.processors.plotter module

class generic_exporters.processors.plotter.Plotter(query: QueryPlan, *, concurrency: int | None = None, sync: bool = True)

Bases: _GatheringTimeSeriesProcessorBase[Figure]

Inherit from this class to plot any Metric on a line chart.

You must define a start_timestamp method that will determine the start of the historical range, and a data_exists method that determines whether or not the datastore already contains data for the Metric at a particular timestamp. This class will handle the rest.

async _get_line(xscale: LinearScale | None = None, yscale: LinearScale | None = None) Lines

Exports the full history for this exporter’s Metric to the datastore

Module contents