This module provides asynchronous task management utilities, specifically focused on creating and handling mappings of tasks.
The main components include:
- TaskMapping: A class for managing and asynchronously generating tasks based on input iterables.
- TaskMappingKeys: A view to asynchronously iterate over the keys of a TaskMapping.
- TaskMappingValues: A view to asynchronously iterate over the values of a TaskMapping.
- TaskMappingItems: A view to asynchronously iterate over the items (key-value pairs) of a TaskMapping.
import asyncio
import contextlib
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import weakref
import a_sync.asyncio
from a_sync import exceptions
from a_sync._typing import *
from a_sync.a_sync import _kwargs
from a_sync.a_sync.base import ASyncGenericBase
from a_sync.a_sync.function import ASyncFunction
from a_sync.a_sync.method import (
from a_sync.a_sync.property import _ASyncPropertyDescriptorBase
from a_sync.asyncio import as_completed, create_task, gather
from a_sync.asyncio.gather import Excluder
from a_sync.iter import ASyncIterator, ASyncGeneratorFunction, ASyncSorter
from a_sync.primitives.locks import Event
from a_sync.primitives.queue import Queue, ProcessingQueue
from a_sync.utils.iterators import as_yielded, exhaust_iterator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MappingFn = Callable[Concatenate[K, P], Awaitable[V]]
class TaskMapping(DefaultDict[K, "asyncio.Task[V]"], AsyncIterable[Tuple[K, V]]):
A mapping of keys to asynchronous tasks with additional functionality.
`TaskMapping` is a specialized dictionary that maps keys to `asyncio` Tasks. It provides
convenient methods for creating, managing, and iterating over these tasks asynchronously.
Tasks are created automatically for each key using a provided function. You cannot manually set items in a `TaskMapping` using dictionary-like syntax.
>>> async def fetch_data(url: str) -> str:
... async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
... async with session.get(url) as response:
... return await response.text()
>>> tasks = TaskMapping(fetch_data, ['http://example.com', 'https://www.python.org'], name='url_fetcher', concurrency=5)
>>> async for key, result in tasks:
... print(f"Data for {key}: {result}")
Data for python.org: http://python.org
Data for example.com: http://example.com
You cannot manually set items in a `TaskMapping` using dictionary-like syntax. Tasks are created and managed internally.
See Also:
- :class:`asyncio.Task`
- :func:`asyncio.create_task`
- :func:`a_sync.asyncio.create_task`
concurrency: Optional[int] = None
"The max number of tasks that will run at one time."
_destroyed: bool = False
"Boolean indicating whether his mapping has been consumed and is no longer usable for aggregations."
_init_loader: Optional["asyncio.Task[None]"] = None
"An asyncio Task used to preload values from the iterables."
_init_loader_next: Optional[Callable[[], Awaitable[Tuple[Tuple[K, "asyncio.Task[V]"]]]]] = None
"A coro function that blocks until the _init_loader starts a new task(s), and then returns a `Tuple[Tuple[K, asyncio.Task[V]]]` with all of the new tasks and the keys that started them."
_name: Optional[str] = None
"Optional name for tasks created by this mapping."
_next: Event = None
"An asyncio Event that indicates the next result is ready"
_wrapped_func_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
"Additional keyword arguments passed to `_wrapped_func`."
__iterables__: Tuple[AnyIterableOrAwaitableIterable[K], ...] = ()
"The original iterables, if any, used to initialize this mapping."
__init_loader_coro: Optional[Awaitable[None]] = None
"""An optional asyncio Coroutine to be run by the `_init_loader`"""
__slots__ = "_wrapped_func", "__wrapped__", "__dict__", "__weakref__"
# NOTE: maybe since we use so many classvars here we are better off getting rid of slots
def __init__(
wrapped_func: MappingFn[K, P, V] = None,
*iterables: AnyIterableOrAwaitableIterable[K],
name: str = "",
concurrency: Optional[int] = None,
**wrapped_func_kwargs: P.kwargs,
) -> None:
Initialize a TaskMapping instance.
wrapped_func: A callable that takes a key and additional parameters and returns an Awaitable.
*iterables: Any number of iterables whose elements will be used as keys for task generation.
name: An optional name for the tasks created by this mapping.
concurrency: Maximum number of tasks to run concurrently.
**wrapped_func_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to wrapped_func.
async def process_item(item: int) -> int:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
return item * 2
task_map = TaskMapping(process_item, [1, 2, 3], concurrency=2)
if concurrency:
self.concurrency = concurrency
self.__wrapped__ = wrapped_func
"The original callable used to initialize this mapping without any modifications."
if iterables:
self.__iterables__ = iterables
wrapped_func = _unwrap(wrapped_func)
self._wrapped_func = wrapped_func
"The function used to create tasks for each key."
if isinstance(wrapped_func, ASyncMethodDescriptor) and not _kwargs.get_flag_name_legacy(
wrapped_func_kwargs["sync"] = False
if wrapped_func_kwargs:
self._wrapped_func_kwargs = wrapped_func_kwargs
if name:
self._name = name
if iterables:
self._next = Event(name=f"{self} `_next`")
async def _wrapped_set_next(
*args: P.args, __a_sync_recursion: int = 0, **kwargs: P.kwargs
) -> V:
return await wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs)
except exceptions.SyncModeInAsyncContextError as e:
e.args = *e.args, f"wrapped:{self.__wrapped__}"
except TypeError as e:
if __a_sync_recursion > 2 or not (
and "got multiple values for argument" in str(e)
# NOTE: args ordering is clashing with provided kwargs. We can handle this in a hacky way.
# TODO: perform this check earlier and pre-prepare the args/kwargs ordering
new_args = list(args)
new_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
for i, arg in enumerate(inspect.getfullargspec(self.__wrapped__).args):
if arg in kwargs:
new_args.insert(i, new_kwargs.pop(arg))
return await _wrapped_set_next(
__a_sync_recursion=__a_sync_recursion + 1,
except TypeError as e2:
raise (
if str(e2) == "unsupported callable"
else e2.with_traceback(e2.__traceback__)
self._wrapped_func = _wrapped_set_next
init_loader_queue: Queue[Tuple[K, "asyncio.Future[V]"]] = Queue()
self.__init_loader_coro = exhaust_iterator(
self._start_tasks_for_iterables(*iterables), queue=init_loader_queue
self._init_loader_next = init_loader_queue.get_all
except _NoRunningLoop:
# its okay if we get this exception, we can start the task as soon as the loop starts
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{type(self).__name__} for {self._wrapped_func} kwargs={self._wrapped_func_kwargs} tasks={len(self)} at {hex(id(self))}>"
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return id(self)
def __setitem__(self, item: Any, value: Any) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError("You cannot manually set items in a TaskMapping")
def __getitem__(self, item: K) -> "asyncio.Task[V]":
return dict.__getitem__(self, item)
except KeyError:
return self.__start_task(item)
def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, Dict[K, V]]:
"""Wait for all tasks to complete and return a dictionary of the results."""
return self.gather(sync=False).__await__()
async def __aiter__(self, pop: bool = False) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[K, V]]:
"""Asynchronously iterate through all key-task pairs, yielding the key-result pair as each task completes."""
# if you inited the TaskMapping with some iterators, we will load those
yielded = set()
if self._init_loader is None:
# if you didn't init the TaskMapping with iterators and you didn't start any tasks manually, we should fail
while not self._init_loader.done():
await self._wait_for_next_key()
while unyielded := [key for key in self if key not in yielded]:
if ready := {key: task for key in unyielded if (task := self[key]).done()}:
if pop:
for key, task in ready.items():
yield key, await self.pop(key)
for key, task in ready.items():
yield key, await task
await self._next.wait()
# loader is already done by this point, but we need to check for exceptions
await self._init_loader
# if there are any tasks that still need to complete, we need to await them and yield them
if unyielded := {key: self[key] for key in self if key not in yielded}:
if pop:
async for key, value in as_completed(unyielded, aiter=True):
yield key, value
async for key, value in as_completed(unyielded, aiter=True):
yield key, value
await self._if_pop_clear(pop)
def __delitem__(self, item: K) -> None:
task_or_fut = dict.__getitem__(self, item)
if not task_or_fut.done():
dict.__delitem__(self, item)
def keys(self, pop: bool = False) -> "TaskMappingKeys[K, V]":
return TaskMappingKeys(dict.keys(self), self, pop=pop)
def values(self, pop: bool = False) -> "TaskMappingValues[K, V]":
return TaskMappingValues(dict.values(self), self, pop=pop)
def items(self, pop: bool = False) -> "TaskMappingValues[K, V]":
return TaskMappingItems(dict.items(self), self, pop=pop)
async def close(self) -> None:
await self._if_pop_clear(True)
async def map(
*iterables: AnyIterableOrAwaitableIterable[K],
pop: bool = True,
yields: Literal["keys", "both"] = "both",
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[K, V]]:
Asynchronously map iterables to tasks and yield their results.
*iterables: Iterables to map over.
pop: Whether to remove tasks from the internal storage once they are completed.
yields: Whether to yield 'keys', 'values', or 'both' (key-value pairs).
Depending on `yields`, either keys, values,
or tuples of key-value pairs representing the results of completed tasks.
async def process_item(item: int) -> int:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
return item * 2
task_map = TaskMapping(process_item)
async for key, result in task_map.map([1, 2, 3]):
print(f"Processed {key}: {result}")
# make sure the init loader is started if needed
init_loader = self._init_loader
if iterables and init_loader:
raise ValueError(
"You cannot pass `iterables` to map if the TaskMapping was initialized with an (a)iterable."
if iterables:
async for _ in self._tasks_for_iterables(*iterables):
async for key, value in self.yield_completed(pop=pop):
yield _yield(key, value, yields)
except _EmptySequenceError:
if len(iterables) > 1:
# TODO gotta handle this situation
raise exceptions.EmptySequenceError(
"bob needs to code something so you can do this, go tell him"
) from None
# just pass thru
elif init_loader:
# check for exceptions if you passed an iterable(s) into the class init
await init_loader
"You must either initialize your TaskMapping with an iterable(s) or provide them during your call to map"
if self:
if pop:
async for key, value in as_completed(self, aiter=True):
yield _yield(key, value, yields)
async for key, value in as_completed(self, aiter=True):
yield _yield(key, value, yields)
await self._if_pop_clear(pop)
async def all(self, pop: bool = True) -> bool:
async for key, result in self.__aiter__(pop=pop):
if not bool(result):
return False
return True
except _EmptySequenceError:
return True
await self._if_pop_clear(pop)
async def any(self, pop: bool = True) -> bool:
async for key, result in self.__aiter__(pop=pop):
if bool(result):
return True
return False
except _EmptySequenceError:
return False
await self._if_pop_clear(pop)
async def max(self, pop: bool = True) -> V:
max = None
async for key, result in self.__aiter__(pop=pop):
if max is None or result > max:
max = result
except _EmptySequenceError:
raise exceptions.EmptySequenceError("max() arg is an empty sequence") from None
if max is None:
raise exceptions.EmptySequenceError("max() arg is an empty sequence") from None
return max
async def min(self, pop: bool = True) -> V:
"""Return the minimum result from the tasks in the mapping."""
min = None
async for key, result in self.__aiter__(pop=pop):
if min is None or result < min:
min = result
except _EmptySequenceError:
raise exceptions.EmptySequenceError("min() arg is an empty sequence") from None
if min is None:
raise exceptions.EmptySequenceError("min() arg is an empty sequence") from None
return min
async def sum(self, pop: bool = False) -> V:
"""Return the sum of the results from the tasks in the mapping."""
retval = 0
async for key, result in self.__aiter__(pop=pop):
retval += result
except _EmptySequenceError:
return 0
return retval
async def yield_completed(self, pop: bool = True) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[K, V]]:
Asynchronously yield tuples of key-value pairs representing the results of any completed tasks.
pop: Whether to remove tasks from the internal storage once they are completed.
Tuples of key-value pairs representing the results of completed tasks.
async def process_item(item: int) -> int:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
return item * 2
task_map = TaskMapping(process_item, [1, 2, 3])
async for key, result in task_map.yield_completed():
print(f"Completed {key}: {result}")
if pop:
for k, task in dict(self).items():
if task.done():
yield k, await self.pop(k)
for k, task in dict(self).items():
if task.done():
yield k, await task
async def gather(
return_exceptions: bool = False,
exclude_if: Excluder[V] = None,
tqdm: bool = False,
**tqdm_kwargs: Any,
) -> Dict[K, V]:
"""Wait for all tasks to complete and return a dictionary of the results."""
if self._init_loader:
await self._init_loader
return await gather(
def pop(self, item: K, *, cancel: bool = False) -> "Union[asyncio.Task[V], asyncio.Future[V]]":
"""Pop a task from the TaskMapping.
item: The key to pop.
cancel: Whether to cancel the task when popping it.
def pop(
self, item: K, default: K, *, cancel: bool = False
) -> "Union[asyncio.Task[V], asyncio.Future[V]]":
"""Pop a task from the TaskMapping.
item: The key to pop.
default: The default value to return if no matching key is found.
cancel: Whether to cancel the task when popping it.
def pop(self, *args: K, cancel: bool = False) -> "Union[asyncio.Task[V], asyncio.Future[V]]":
"""Pop a task from the TaskMapping.
*args: One key to pop.
cancel: Whether to cancel the task when popping it.
fut_or_task = dict.pop(self, *args)
if cancel:
return fut_or_task
def clear(self, cancel: bool = False) -> None:
"""# TODO write docs for this"""
if cancel and self._init_loader and not self._init_loader.done():
logger.debug("cancelling %s", self._init_loader)
if keys := tuple(self.keys()):
logger.debug("popping remaining %s tasks", self)
for k in keys:
self.pop(k, cancel=cancel)
def _init_loader(self) -> Optional["asyncio.Task[None]"]:
if self.__init_loader_coro:
logger.debug("starting %s init loader", self)
task = create_task(
name=f"{type(self).__name__} init loader loading {self.__iterables__} for {self}",
except RuntimeError as e:
raise _NoRunningLoop if str(e) == "no running event loop" else e
return task
def _queue(self) -> ProcessingQueue:
fn = functools.partial(self._wrapped_func, **self._wrapped_func_kwargs)
return ProcessingQueue(fn, self.concurrency, name=self._name)
def _raise_if_empty(self, msg: str = "") -> None:
if not self:
raise exceptions.MappingIsEmptyError(self, msg)
def _raise_if_not_empty(self) -> None:
if self:
raise exceptions.MappingNotEmptyError(self)
async def _tasks_for_iterables(
self, *iterables: AnyIterableOrAwaitableIterable[K]
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[K, "asyncio.Task[V]"]]:
"""Ensure tasks are running for each key in the provided iterables."""
# if we have any regular containers we can yield their contents right away
containers = [
for iterable in iterables
if not isinstance(iterable, AsyncIterable) and isinstance(iterable, Iterable)
for iterable in containers:
async for key in _yield_keys(iterable):
yield key, self[key]
if remaining := [iterable for iterable in iterables if iterable not in containers]:
async for key in as_yielded(*[_yield_keys(iterable) for iterable in remaining]): # type: ignore [attr-defined]
yield key, self[key] # ensure task is running
except _EmptySequenceError:
if len(iterables) == 1:
raise RuntimeError("DEV: figure out how to handle this situation") from None
async def _start_tasks_for_iterables(
self, *iterables: AnyIterableOrAwaitableIterable[K]
) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[K, "asyncio.Task[V]"]]:
"""Start new tasks for each key in the provided iterables."""
# if we have any regular containers we can yield their contents right away
containers = [
for iterable in iterables
if not isinstance(iterable, AsyncIterable) and isinstance(iterable, Iterable)
for iterable in containers:
async for key in _yield_keys(iterable):
yield key, self.__start_task(key)
if remaining := [iterable for iterable in iterables if iterable not in containers]:
async for key in as_yielded(*[_yield_keys(iterable) for iterable in remaining]): # type: ignore [attr-defined]
yield key, self.__start_task(key)
except _EmptySequenceError:
if len(iterables) == 1:
raise RuntimeError("DEV: figure out how to handle this situation") from None
def _if_pop_check_destroyed(self, pop: bool) -> None:
if pop:
if self._destroyed:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self} has already been consumed")
self._destroyed = True
async def _if_pop_clear(self, pop: bool) -> None:
if pop:
self._destroyed = True
# _queue is a cached_property, we don't want to create it if it doesn't exist
if self.concurrency and "_queue" in self.__dict__:
del self._queue
# we need to let the loop run once so the tasks can fully cancel
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async def _wait_for_next_key(self) -> None:
# NOTE if `_init_loader` has an exception it will return first, otherwise `_init_loader_next` will return always
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
create_task(self._init_loader_next(), log_destroy_pending=False),
for task in done:
# check for exceptions
await task
def __start_task(self, item: K) -> "asyncio.Future[V]":
if self.concurrency:
# NOTE: we use a queue instead of a Semaphore to reduce memory use for use cases involving many many tasks
fut = self._queue.put_nowait(item)
fut = create_task(
coro=self._wrapped_func(item, **self._wrapped_func_kwargs),
name=f"{self._name}[{item}]" if self._name else f"{item}",
dict.__setitem__(self, item, fut)
return fut
def __cleanup(self, t: "asyncio.Task[None]") -> None:
# clear the slot and let the bound Queue die
del self.__init_loader_coro
class _NoRunningLoop(Exception): ...
def _yield(
key: K, value: V, yields: Literal["keys"]
) -> K: ... # TODO write specific docs for this overload
def _yield(
key: K, value: V, yields: Literal["both"]
) -> Tuple[K, V]: ... # TODO write specific docs for this overload
def _yield(key: K, value: V, yields: Literal["keys", "both"]) -> Union[K, Tuple[K, V]]:
Yield either the key, value, or both based on the 'yields' parameter.
key: The key of the task.
value: The result of the task.
yields: Determines what to yield; 'keys' for keys, 'both' for key-value pairs.
The key, the value, or a tuple of both based on the 'yields' parameter.
if yields == "both":
return key, value
elif yields == "keys":
return key
raise ValueError(f"`yields` must be 'keys' or 'both'. You passed {yields}")
class _EmptySequenceError(ValueError): ...
async def _yield_keys(iterable: AnyIterableOrAwaitableIterable[K]) -> AsyncIterator[K]:
Asynchronously yield keys from the provided iterable.
iterable: An iterable that can be either synchronous or asynchronous.
Keys extracted from the iterable.
if not iterable:
raise _EmptySequenceError(iterable)
elif isinstance(iterable, AsyncIterable):
async for key in iterable:
yield key
elif isinstance(iterable, Iterable):
for key in iterable:
yield key
elif inspect.isawaitable(iterable):
async for key in _yield_keys(await iterable):
yield key
raise TypeError(iterable)
__unwrapped = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
def _unwrap(
wrapped_func: Union[
AnyFn[P, T], "ASyncMethodDescriptor[P, T]", _ASyncPropertyDescriptorBase[I, T]
) -> Callable[P, Awaitable[T]]:
if unwrapped := __unwrapped.get(wrapped_func):
return unwrapped
if isinstance(wrapped_func, (ASyncBoundMethod, ASyncMethodDescriptor)):
unwrapped = wrapped_func
elif isinstance(wrapped_func, _ASyncPropertyDescriptorBase):
unwrapped = wrapped_func.get
elif isinstance(wrapped_func, ASyncFunction):
# this speeds things up a bit by bypassing some logic
# TODO implement it like this elsewhere if profilers suggest
unwrapped = (
wrapped_func._modified_fn if wrapped_func._async_def else wrapped_func._asyncified
unwrapped = wrapped_func
__unwrapped[wrapped_func] = unwrapped
return unwrapped
_get_key: Callable[[Tuple[K, V]], K] = lambda k_and_v: k_and_v[0]
_get_value: Callable[[Tuple[K, V]], V] = lambda k_and_v: k_and_v[1]
class _TaskMappingView(ASyncGenericBase, Iterable[T], Generic[T, K, V]):
Base class for TaskMapping views that provides common functionality.
_get_from_item: Callable[[Tuple[K, V]], T]
_pop: bool = False
__slots__ = "__view__", "__mapping__"
def __init__(
self, view: Iterable[T], task_mapping: TaskMapping[K, V], pop: bool = False
) -> None:
self.__view__ = view
self.__mapping__: TaskMapping = weakref.proxy(task_mapping)
"actually a weakref.ProxyType[TaskMapping] but then type hints weren't working"
if pop:
self._pop = True
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]:
return iter(self.__view__)
def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, List[T]]:
return self.__await().__await__()
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.__view__)
async def aiterbykeys(self, reverse: bool = False) -> ASyncIterator[T]:
async for tup in ASyncSorter(
self.__mapping__.items(pop=self._pop), key=_get_key, reverse=reverse
yield self._get_from_item(tup)
async def aiterbyvalues(self, reverse: bool = False) -> ASyncIterator[T]:
async for tup in ASyncSorter(
self.__mapping__.items(pop=self._pop), key=_get_value, reverse=reverse
yield self._get_from_item(tup)
async def __await(self) -> List[T]:
return [result async for result in self]
class TaskMappingKeys(_TaskMappingView[K, K, V], Generic[K, V]):
Asynchronous view to iterate over the keys of a TaskMapping.
_get_from_item = lambda self, item: _get_key(item)
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[K]:
# strongref
mapping = self.__mapping__
yielded = set()
for key in self.__load_existing():
# there is no chance of duplicate keys here
yield key
if mapping._init_loader is None:
await mapping._if_pop_clear(self._pop)
async for key in self.__load_init_loader(yielded):
yield key
if self._pop:
# don't need to check yielded since we've been popping them as we go
for key in self.__load_existing():
yield key
await mapping._if_pop_clear(True)
for key in self.__load_existing():
if key not in yielded:
yield key
def __load_existing(self) -> Iterator[K]:
# strongref
mapping = self.__mapping__
if self._pop:
for key in tuple(mapping):
yield key
for key in tuple(mapping):
yield key
async def __load_init_loader(self, yielded: Set[K]) -> AsyncIterator[K]:
# strongref
mapping = self.__mapping__
if self._pop:
while not mapping._init_loader.done():
await mapping._wait_for_next_key()
for key in [k for k in mapping if k not in yielded]:
yield key
while not mapping._init_loader.done():
await mapping._wait_for_next_key()
for key in [k for k in mapping if k not in yielded]:
yield key
# check for any exceptions
await mapping._init_loader
class TaskMappingItems(_TaskMappingView[Tuple[K, V], K, V], Generic[K, V]):
Asynchronous view to iterate over the items (key-value pairs) of a TaskMapping.
_get_from_item = lambda self, item: item
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[K, V]]:
# strongref
mapping = self.__mapping__
if self._pop:
async for key in mapping.keys():
yield key, await mapping.pop(key)
async for key in mapping.keys():
yield key, await mapping[key]
class TaskMappingValues(_TaskMappingView[V, K, V], Generic[K, V]):
Asynchronous view to iterate over the values of a TaskMapping.
_get_from_item = lambda self, item: _get_value(item)
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[V]:
# strongref
mapping = self.__mapping__
if self._pop:
async for key in mapping.keys():
yield await mapping.pop(key)
async for key in mapping.keys():
yield await mapping[key]
__all__ = [