Source code for a_sync.future

# type: ignore [var-annotated]

import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
from functools import partial, wraps
from inspect import isawaitable

from a_sync._typing import *

[docs] def future(callable: Union[Callable[P, Awaitable[T]], Callable[P, T]] = None, **kwargs: Unpack[ModifierKwargs]) -> Callable[P, Union[T, "ASyncFuture[T]"]]: return _ASyncFutureWrappedFn(callable, **kwargs)
async def _gather_check_and_materialize(*things: Unpack[MaybeAwaitable[T]]) -> List[T]: return await asyncio.gather(*[_check_and_materialize(thing) for thing in things]) async def _check_and_materialize(thing: T) -> T: return await thing if isawaitable(thing) else thing def _materialize(meta: "ASyncFuture[T]") -> T: try: return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(meta) except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError(f"{meta} result is not set and the event loop is running, you will need to await it first") from e MetaNumeric = Union[Numeric, "ASyncFuture[int]", "ASyncFuture[float]", "ASyncFuture[Decimal]"]
[docs] class ASyncFuture(concurrent.futures.Future, Awaitable[T]): __slots__ = "__awaitable__", "__dependencies", "__dependants", "__task"
[docs] def __init__(self, awaitable: Awaitable[T], dependencies: List["ASyncFuture"] = []) -> None: self.__awaitable__ = awaitable self.__dependencies = dependencies for dependency in dependencies: assert isinstance(dependency, ASyncFuture) dependency.__dependants.append(self) self.__dependants: List[ASyncFuture] = [] self.__task = None super().__init__()
def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.__awaitable__) def __repr__(self) -> str: string = f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self._state} for {self.__awaitable__}" if self.cancelled(): pass elif self.done(): string += f" exception={self.exception()}" if self.exception() else f" result={super().result()}" return string + ">" def __list_dependencies(self, other) -> List["ASyncFuture"]: if isinstance(other, ASyncFuture): return [self, other] return [self] @property def result(self) -> Union[Callable[[], T], Any]: """ If this future is not done, it will work like cf.Future.result. It will block, await the awaitable, and return the result when ready. If this future is done and the result has attribute `results`, will return `getattr(future_result, 'result')` If this future is done and the result does NOT have attribute `results`, will again work like cf.Future.result """ if self.done(): if hasattr(r := super().result(), 'result'): # can be property, method, whatever. should work. return r.result # the result should be callable like an asyncio.Future return super().result return lambda: _materialize(self) def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any: return getattr(_materialize(self), attr)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key) -> Any: return _materialize(self)[key]
# NOTE: broken, do not use. I think def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None: _materialize(self)[key] = value # not sure what to call these def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool: return _materialize(ASyncFuture(self.__contains(key), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(key))) def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, T]: return self.__await().__await__() async def __await(self) -> T: if not self.done(): self.set_result(await self.__task__) return self._result @property def __task__(self) -> "asyncio.Task[T]": if self.__task is None: self.__task = asyncio.create_task(self.__awaitable__) return self.__task
[docs] def __iter__(self): return _materialize(self).__iter__()
[docs] def __next__(self): return _materialize(self).__next__()
def __enter__(self): return _materialize(self).__enter__() def __exit__(self, *args): return _materialize(self).__exit__(*args) @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __add__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... def __add__(self, other: MetaNumeric) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__add(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __sub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... def __sub__(self, other: MetaNumeric) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__sub(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __mul__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__mul(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __pow__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__pow(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __truediv__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__truediv(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __floordiv__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__floordiv(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __pow__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__pow(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __radd__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... def __radd__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__radd(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload def __rsub__(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... def __rsub__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__rsub(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __rmul__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__rmul(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __rtruediv__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__rtruediv(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __rfloordiv__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__rfloordiv(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __rpow__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__rpow(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __eq__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return bool(ASyncFuture(self.__eq(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other))) def __gt__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__gt(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __ge__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__ge(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __lt__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__lt(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) def __le__(self, other) -> "ASyncFuture": return ASyncFuture(self.__le(other), dependencies=self.__list_dependencies(other)) # Maths @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __add(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... async def __add(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a + b @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __sub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... async def __sub(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a - b async def __mul(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a * b async def __truediv(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a / b async def __floordiv(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a // b async def __pow(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a ** b # rMaths @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __radd(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... async def __radd(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(other, self) return a + b @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: float) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: int) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Decimal) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[int]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[float]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[float]) -> "ASyncFuture[float]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[Decimal]", other: Awaitable[int]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... @overload async def __rsub(self: "ASyncFuture[int]", other: Awaitable[Decimal]) -> "ASyncFuture[Decimal]":... async def __rsub(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(other, self) return a - b async def __rmul(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(other, self) return a * b async def __rtruediv(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(other, self) return a / b async def __rfloordiv(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(other, self) return a // b async def __rpow(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(other, self) return a ** b async def __iadd(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) self._result = a + b return self._result async def __isub(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) self._result = a - b return self._result async def __imul(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) self._result = a * b return self._result async def __itruediv(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) self._result = a / b return self._result async def __ifloordiv(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) self._result = a // b return self._result async def __ipow(self, other) -> "Any": a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) self._result = a ** b return self._result # Comparisons async def __eq(self, other) -> bool: a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a == b async def __gt(self, other) -> bool: a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a > b async def __ge(self, other) -> bool: a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a >= b async def __lt(self, other) -> bool: a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a < b async def __le(self, other) -> bool: a, b = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, other) return a <= b # not sure what to call these async def __contains(self, item: Any) -> bool: _self, _item = await _gather_check_and_materialize(self, item) return _item in _self # conversion # NOTE: We aren't allowed to return ASyncFutures here :( def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(_materialize(self)) def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return bytes(_materialize(self)) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(_materialize(self)) def __int__(self) -> int: return int(_materialize(self)) def __float__(self) -> float: return float(_materialize(self)) # WIP internals @property def __dependants__(self) -> Set["ASyncFuture"]: dependants = set() for dep in self.__dependants: dependants.add(dep) dependants.union(dep.__dependants__) return dependants @property def __dependencies__(self) -> Set["ASyncFuture"]: dependencies = set() for dep in self.__dependencies: dependencies.add(dep) dependencies.union(dep.__dependencies__) return dependencies def __sizeof__(self) -> int: if isinstance(self.__awaitable__, Coroutine): return sum(sys.getsizeof(v) for v in self.__awaitable__.cr_frame.f_locals.values()) elif isinstance(self.__awaitable__, asyncio.Future): raise NotImplementedError raise NotImplementedError
@final class _ASyncFutureWrappedFn(Callable[P, ASyncFuture[T]]): __slots__ = "callable", "wrapped", "_callable_name" def __init__(self, callable: Union[Callable[P, Awaitable[T]], Callable[P, T]] = None, **kwargs: Unpack[ModifierKwargs]): from a_sync import a_sync if callable: self.callable = callable self._callable_name = callable.__name__ a_sync_callable = a_sync(callable, default="async", **kwargs) @wraps(callable) def future_wrap(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> "ASyncFuture[T]": return ASyncFuture(a_sync_callable(*args, **kwargs, sync=False)) self.wrapped = future_wrap else: self.wrapped = partial(_ASyncFutureWrappedFn, **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> ASyncFuture[T]: return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.callable}>" def __get__(self, instance: I, owner: Type[I]) -> Union[Self, "_ASyncFutureInstanceMethod[I, P, T]"]: if owner is None: return self else: return _ASyncFutureInstanceMethod(self, instance) @final class _ASyncFutureInstanceMethod(Generic[I, P, T]): # NOTE: probably could just replace this with functools.partial def __init__( self, wrapper: _ASyncFutureWrappedFn[P, T], instance: I, ) -> None: try: self.__module__ = wrapper.__module__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__name__ = wrapper.__name__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__qualname__ = wrapper.__qualname__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__doc__ = wrapper.__doc__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__annotations__ = wrapper.__annotations__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__dict__.update(wrapper.__dict__) except AttributeError: pass self.__instance = instance self.__wrapper = wrapper def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} for {self.__wrapper.callable} bound to {self.__instance}>" def __call__(self, /, *fn_args: P.args, **fn_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: return self.__wrapper(self.__instance, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs) __all__ = ["future", "ASyncFuture"]