Source code for a_sync.asyncio.create_task

This module extends asyncio.create_task to support any Awaitable,
manage task lifecycle, and enhance error handling.

import asyncio
import logging

from a_sync import exceptions
from a_sync._typing import *

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def create_task( coro: Awaitable[T], *, name: Optional[str] = None, skip_gc_until_done: bool = False, log_destroy_pending: bool = True, ) -> "asyncio.Task[T]": """ Extends asyncio.create_task to support any Awaitable, manage task lifecycle, and enhance error handling. Unlike asyncio.create_task, which requires a coroutine, this function accepts any Awaitable, ensuring broader compatibility. It optionally prevents the task from being garbage-collected until completion and provides enhanced error management by wrapping exceptions in a custom exception. Args: coro: An Awaitable object from which to create the task. name: Optional name for the task, aiding in debugging. skip_gc_until_done: If True, the task is kept alive until it completes, preventing garbage collection. log_destroy_pending: If False, asyncio's default error log when a pending task is destroyed is suppressed. Returns: An asyncio.Task object created from the provided Awaitable. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutine(coro): coro = __await(coro) task = asyncio.create_task(coro, name=name) if skip_gc_until_done: __persisted_tasks.add(asyncio.create_task(__persisted_task_exc_wrap(task))) if log_destroy_pending is False: asyncio.Task.__del__ task._log_destroy_pending = False __prune_persisted_tasks() return task
__persisted_tasks: Set["asyncio.Task[Any]"] = set() async def __await(awaitable: Awaitable[T]) -> T: """Wait for the completion of an Awaitable.""" try: return await awaitable except RuntimeError as e: args = [e, awaitable] if isinstance(awaitable, asyncio.tasks._GatheringFuture): args.append(awaitable._children) raise RuntimeError(*args) from None def __prune_persisted_tasks(): """Remove completed tasks from the set of persisted tasks.""" for task in tuple(__persisted_tasks): if task.done() and (e := task.exception()): # force exceptions related to this lib to bubble up if not isinstance(e, exceptions.PersistedTaskException): logger.exception(e) raise e # we have to manually log the traceback that asyncio would usually log # since we already got the exception from the task and the usual handler will now not run context = { 'message': f'{task.__class__.__name__} exception was never retrieved', 'exception': e, 'future': task, } if task._source_traceback: context['source_traceback'] = task._source_traceback task._loop.call_exception_handler(context) __persisted_tasks.discard(task) async def __persisted_task_exc_wrap(task: "asyncio.Task[T]") -> T: """ Wrap a task to handle its exception in a specialized manner. Args: task: The asyncio Task to wrap. Returns: The result of the task, if successful. Raises: PersistedTaskException: Wraps any exception raised by the task for special handling. """ try: return await task except Exception as e: raise exceptions.PersistedTaskException(e, task) from e __all__ = ["create_task"]