Source code for a_sync.asyncio.as_completed

This module extends Python's :func:`asyncio.as_completed` with additional functionality.

import asyncio

    from tqdm.asyncio import tqdm_asyncio
except ImportError as e:
    class tqdm_asyncio:  # type: ignore [no-redef]
        def as_completed(*args, **kwargs):
            raise ImportError("You must have tqdm installed to use this feature")
from a_sync._typing import *
from a_sync.iter import ASyncIterator

def as_completed(fs: Iterable[Awaitable[T]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, return_exceptions: bool = False, aiter: Literal[False] = False, tqdm: bool = False, **tqdm_kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Coroutine[Any, Any, T]]:
def as_completed(fs: Iterable[Awaitable[T]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, return_exceptions: bool = False, aiter: Literal[True] = True, tqdm: bool = False, **tqdm_kwargs: Any) -> ASyncIterator[T]:
def as_completed(fs: Mapping[K, Awaitable[V]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, return_exceptions: bool = False, aiter: Literal[False] = False, tqdm: bool = False, **tqdm_kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Coroutine[Any, Any, Tuple[K, V]]]:
def as_completed(fs: Mapping[K, Awaitable[V]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, return_exceptions: bool = False, aiter: Literal[True] = True, tqdm: bool = False, **tqdm_kwargs: Any) -> ASyncIterator[Tuple[K, V]]:
[docs] def as_completed(fs, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, return_exceptions: bool = False, aiter: bool = False, tqdm: bool = False, **tqdm_kwargs: Any): """ Concurrently awaits a list of awaitable objects or mappings of awaitables and returns an iterator of results. This function extends Python's asyncio.as_completed, providing additional features for mixed use cases of individual awaitable objects and mappings of awaitables. Differences from asyncio.as_completed: - Uses type hints for use with static type checkers. - Supports either individual awaitables or a k:v mapping of awaitables. - Can be used as an async iterator which yields the result values. Example below. - Provides progress reporting using tqdm if 'tqdm' is set to True. Args: fs (Iterable[Awaitable[T] or Mapping[K, Awaitable[V]]]): The awaitables to await concurrently. It can be a list of individual awaitables or a mapping of awaitables. timeout (float, optional): The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for the completion of awaitables. Defaults to None (no timeout). return_exceptions (bool, optional): If True, exceptions are returned as results instead of raising them. Defaults to False. aiter (bool, optional): If True, returns an async iterator of results. Defaults to False. tqdm (bool, optional): If True, enables progress reporting using tqdm. Defaults to False. **tqdm_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for tqdm if progress reporting is enabled. Returns: Iterator[Coroutine[Any, Any, T] or ASyncIterator[Tuple[K, V]]]: An iterator of results when awaiting individual awaitables or an async iterator when awaiting mappings. Examples: Awaiting individual awaitables: ``` awaitables = [async_function1(), async_function2()] for coro in as_completed(awaitables): val = await coro ... async for val in as_completed(awaitables, aiter=True): ... ``` Awaiting mappings of awaitables: ``` mapping = {'key1': async_function1(), 'key2': async_function2()} for coro in as_completed(mapping): k, v = await coro ... async for k, v in as_completed(mapping, aiter=True): ... ``` """ if isinstance(fs, Mapping): return as_completed_mapping(fs, timeout=timeout, return_exceptions=return_exceptions, aiter=aiter, tqdm=tqdm, **tqdm_kwargs) if return_exceptions: fs = [_exc_wrap(f) for f in fs] return ( ASyncIterator(__yield_as_completed(fs, timeout=timeout, tqdm=tqdm, **tqdm_kwargs)) if aiter else tqdm_asyncio.as_completed(fs, timeout=timeout, **tqdm_kwargs) if tqdm else asyncio.as_completed(fs, timeout=timeout) )
@overload def as_completed_mapping(mapping: Mapping[K, Awaitable[V]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, return_exceptions: bool = False, aiter: Literal[True] = True, tqdm: bool = False, **tqdm_kwargs: Any) -> ASyncIterator[Tuple[K, V]]: ... @overload def as_completed_mapping(mapping: Mapping[K, Awaitable[V]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, return_exceptions: bool = False, aiter: Literal[False] = False, tqdm: bool = False, **tqdm_kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Coroutine[Any, Any, Tuple[K, V]]]: ...
[docs] def as_completed_mapping(mapping: Mapping[K, Awaitable[V]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, return_exceptions: bool = False, aiter: bool = False, tqdm: bool = False, **tqdm_kwargs: Any) -> Union[Iterator[Coroutine[Any, Any, Tuple[K, V]]], ASyncIterator[Tuple[K, V]]]: """ Concurrently awaits a mapping of awaitable objects and returns an iterator or async iterator of results. This function is designed to await a mapping of awaitable objects, where each key-value pair represents a unique awaitable. It enables concurrent execution and gathers results into an iterator or an async iterator. Args: mapping (Mapping[K, Awaitable[V]]): A dictionary-like object where keys are of type K and values are awaitable objects of type V. timeout (float, optional): The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for the completion of awaitables. Defaults to None (no timeout). return_exceptions (bool, optional): If True, exceptions are returned as results instead of raising them. Defaults to False. aiter (bool, optional): If True, returns an async iterator of results. Defaults to False. tqdm (bool, optional): If True, enables progress reporting using tqdm. Defaults to False. **tqdm_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for tqdm if progress reporting is enabled. Returns: Union[Iterator[Coroutine[Any, Any, Tuple[K, V]]] or ASyncIterator[Tuple[K, V]]]: An iterator of results or an async iterator when awaiting mappings. Example: ``` mapping = {'key1': async_function1(), 'key2': async_function2()} for coro in as_completed_mapping(mapping): k, v = await coro ... async for k, v in as_completed_mapping(mapping, aiter=True): ... ``` """ return as_completed([__mapping_wrap(k, v, return_exceptions=return_exceptions) for k, v in mapping.items()], timeout=timeout, aiter=aiter, tqdm=tqdm, **tqdm_kwargs)
async def _exc_wrap(awaitable: Awaitable[T]) -> Union[T, Exception]: try: return await awaitable except Exception as e: return e async def __yield_as_completed(futs: Iterable[Awaitable[T]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, return_exceptions: bool = False, tqdm: bool = False, **tqdm_kwargs: Any) -> AsyncIterator[T]: for fut in as_completed(futs, timeout=timeout, return_exceptions=return_exceptions, tqdm=tqdm, **tqdm_kwargs): yield await fut @overload async def __mapping_wrap(k: K, v: Awaitable[V], return_exceptions: Literal[True] = True) -> Union[V, Exception]:... @overload async def __mapping_wrap(k: K, v: Awaitable[V], return_exceptions: Literal[False] = False) -> V:... async def __mapping_wrap(k: K, v: Awaitable[V], return_exceptions: bool = False) -> Union[V, Exception]: try: return k, await v except Exception as e: if return_exceptions: return k, e raise __all__ = ["as_completed", "as_completed_mapping"]