Source code for a_sync.a_sync.function

import functools
import inspect
import logging
import sys

from async_lru import _LRUCacheWrapper
from async_property.base import \
    AsyncPropertyDescriptor  # type: ignore [import]
from async_property.cached import \
    AsyncCachedPropertyDescriptor  # type: ignore [import]

from a_sync._typing import *
from a_sync.a_sync import _flags, _helpers, _kwargs
from a_sync.a_sync.modifiers.manager import ModifierManager

    from a_sync import TaskMapping
    from a_sync.a_sync.method import (ASyncBoundMethod, ASyncBoundMethodAsyncDefault, 

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ModifiedMixin: modifiers: ModifierManager __slots__ = "modifiers", "wrapped"
[docs] def _asyncify(self, func: SyncFn[P, T]) -> CoroFn[P, T]: """Applies only async modifiers.""" coro_fn = _helpers._asyncify(func, self.modifiers.executor) return self.modifiers.apply_async_modifiers(coro_fn)
@functools.cached_property def _await(self) -> Callable[[Awaitable[T]], T]: """Applies only sync modifiers.""" return self.modifiers.apply_sync_modifiers(_helpers._await) @functools.cached_property def default(self) -> DefaultMode: return self.modifiers.default
[docs] def _validate_wrapped_fn(fn: Callable) -> None: """Ensures 'fn' is an appropriate function for wrapping with a_sync.""" if isinstance(fn, (AsyncPropertyDescriptor, AsyncCachedPropertyDescriptor)): return # These are always valid if not callable(fn): raise TypeError(f'Input is not callable. Unable to decorate {fn}') if isinstance(fn, _LRUCacheWrapper): fn = fn.__wrapped__ _check_not_genfunc(fn) fn_args = inspect.getfullargspec(fn)[0] for flag in _flags.VIABLE_FLAGS: if flag in fn_args: raise RuntimeError(f"{fn} must not have any arguments with the following names: {_flags.VIABLE_FLAGS}")
[docs] class ASyncFunction(ModifiedMixin, Generic[P, T]): # NOTE: We can't use __slots__ here because it breaks functools.update_wrapper @overload def __init__(self, fn: CoroFn[P, T], **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs]) -> None:... @overload def __init__(self, fn: SyncFn[P, T], **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs]) -> None:...
[docs] def __init__(self, fn: AnyFn[P, T], **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs]) -> None: _validate_wrapped_fn(fn) self.modifiers = ModifierManager(modifiers) self.__wrapped__ = fn functools.update_wrapper(self, self.__wrapped__)
def __post_init__(self) -> None: self.__doc__ += "\n\n" self.__doc__ += f"Since {self.__name__} is an `~a_sync.a_sync.function.ASyncFunction`, you can optionally pass either a `sync` or `asynchronous` kwarg with a boolean value." @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, sync: Literal[True], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, sync: Literal[False], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, T]:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, asynchronous: Literal[False], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, asynchronous: Literal[True], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, T]:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> MaybeCoro[T]:...
[docs] def __call__(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> MaybeCoro[T]: logger.debug("calling %s fn: %s with args: %s kwargs: %s", self, self.fn, args, kwargs) return self.fn(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.__module__}.{self.__name__} at {hex(id(self))}>" @functools.cached_property def fn(self): # -> Union[SyncFn[[CoroFn[P, T]], MaybeAwaitable[T]], SyncFn[[SyncFn[P, T]], MaybeAwaitable[T]]]: """Returns the final wrapped version of 'self._fn' decorated with all of the a_sync goodness.""" return self._async_wrap if self._async_def else self._sync_wrap if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) or TYPE_CHECKING: # we can specify P.args in python>=3.11 but in lower versions it causes a crash. Everything should still type check correctly on all versions. def map(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[P.args], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> "TaskMapping[P, T]": from a_sync import TaskMapping return TaskMapping(self, *iterables, concurrency=concurrency, name=task_name, **function_kwargs) async def any(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[P.args], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> bool: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).any(pop=True, sync=False) async def all(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[P.args], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> bool: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).all(pop=True, sync=False) async def min(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[P.args], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).min(pop=True, sync=False) async def max(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[P.args], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).max(pop=True, sync=False) async def sum(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[P.args], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).sum(pop=True, sync=False) else:
[docs] def map(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[Any], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> "TaskMapping[P, T]": from a_sync import TaskMapping return TaskMapping(self, *iterables, concurrency=concurrency, name=task_name, **function_kwargs)
[docs] async def any(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[Any], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> bool: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).any(pop=True, sync=False)
[docs] async def all(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[Any], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> bool: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).all(pop=True, sync=False)
[docs] async def min(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[Any], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).min(pop=True, sync=False)
[docs] async def max(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[Any], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).max(pop=True, sync=False)
[docs] async def sum(self, *iterables: AnyIterable[Any], concurrency: Optional[int] = None, task_name: str = "", **function_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: return await*iterables, concurrency=concurrency, task_name=task_name, **function_kwargs).sum(pop=True, sync=False)
@functools.cached_property def _sync_default(self) -> bool: """If user did not specify a default, we defer to the function. 'def' vs 'async def'""" return True if self.default == 'sync' else False if self.default == 'async' else not self._async_def @property def _async_def(self) -> bool: return asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.__wrapped__)
[docs] def _run_sync(self, kwargs: dict) -> bool: if flag := _kwargs.get_flag_name(kwargs): # If a flag was specified in the kwargs, we will defer to it. return _kwargs.is_sync(flag, kwargs, pop_flag=True) else: # No flag specified in the kwargs, we will defer to 'default'. return self._sync_default
@functools.cached_property def _asyncified(self) -> CoroFn[P, T]: """Turns 'self._fn' async and applies both sync and async modifiers.""" if self._async_def: raise TypeError(f"Can only be applied to sync functions, not {self.__wrapped__}") return self._asyncify(self._modified_fn) # type: ignore [arg-type] @functools.cached_property def _modified_fn(self) -> AnyFn[P, T]: """ Applies sync modifiers to 'self._fn' if 'self._fn' is a sync function. Applies async modifiers to 'self._fn' if 'self._fn' is a sync function. """ if self._async_def: return self.modifiers.apply_async_modifiers(self.__wrapped__) # type: ignore [arg-type] return self.modifiers.apply_sync_modifiers(self.__wrapped__) # type: ignore [return-value] @functools.cached_property def _async_wrap(self): # -> SyncFn[[CoroFn[P, T]], MaybeAwaitable[T]]: """The final wrapper if self._fn is an async function.""" @functools.wraps(self._modified_fn) def async_wrap(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> MaybeAwaitable[T]: # type: ignore [name-defined] should_await = self._run_sync(kwargs) # Must take place before coro is created, we're popping a kwarg. coro = self._modified_fn(*args, **kwargs) return self._await(coro) if should_await else coro return async_wrap @functools.cached_property def _sync_wrap(self): # -> SyncFn[[SyncFn[P, T]], MaybeAwaitable[T]]: """The final wrapper if self._fn is a sync function.""" @functools.wraps(self._modified_fn) def sync_wrap(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> MaybeAwaitable[T]: # type: ignore [name-defined] if self._run_sync(kwargs): return self._modified_fn(*args, **kwargs) return self._asyncified(*args, **kwargs) return sync_wrap
if sys.version_info < (3, 10): _inherit = ASyncFunction[AnyFn[P, T], ASyncFunction[P, T]] else: _inherit = ASyncFunction[[AnyFn[P, T]], ASyncFunction[P, T]]
[docs] class ASyncDecorator(ModifiedMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs]) -> None: assert 'default' in modifiers, modifiers self.modifiers = ModifierManager(modifiers) self.validate_inputs()
[docs] def validate_inputs(self) -> None: if self.modifiers.default not in ['sync', 'async', None]: raise ValueError(f"'default' must be either 'sync', 'async', or None. You passed {self.modifiers.default}.")
@overload def __call__(self, func: AnyFn[Concatenate[B, P], T]) -> "ASyncBoundMethod[B, P, T]": # type: ignore [override] ... @overload def __call__(self, func: AnyFn[P, T]) -> ASyncFunction[P, T]: # type: ignore [override] ...
[docs] def __call__(self, func: AnyFn[P, T]) -> ASyncFunction[P, T]: # type: ignore [override] if self.default == "async": return ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault(func, **self.modifiers) elif self.default == "sync": return ASyncFunctionSyncDefault(func, **self.modifiers) elif asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): return ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault(func, **self.modifiers) else: return ASyncFunctionSyncDefault(func, **self.modifiers)
[docs] def _check_not_genfunc(func: Callable) -> None: if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(func) or inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func): raise ValueError("unable to decorate generator functions with this decorator")
# Mypy helper classes
[docs] class ASyncFunctionSyncDefault(ASyncFunction[P, T]): def __post_init__(self) -> None: self.__doc__ += "\n\n" self.__doc__ += f"Since {self.__name__} is an `~a_sync.a_sync.function.ASyncFunctionSyncDefault`, you can optionally pass `sync=False` or `asynchronous=True` to force it to return a coroutine. Without either kwarg, it will run synchronously." @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, sync: Literal[True], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, sync: Literal[False], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, T]:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, asynchronous: Literal[False], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, asynchronous: Literal[True], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, T]:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:...
[docs] def __call__(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> MaybeCoro[T]: return self.fn(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault(ASyncFunction[P, T]): def __post_init__(self) -> None: self.__doc__ += "\n\n" self.__doc__ += f"Since {self.__name__} is an `~a_sync.a_sync.function.ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault`, you can optionally pass `sync=True` or `asynchronous=False` to force it to run synchronously and return a value. Without either kwarg, it will return a coroutine for you to await." @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, sync: Literal[True], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, sync: Literal[False], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, T]:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, asynchronous: Literal[False], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, asynchronous: Literal[True], **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, T]:... @overload def __call__(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, T]:...
[docs] def __call__(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> MaybeCoro[T]: return self.fn(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class ASyncDecoratorSyncDefault(ASyncDecorator): @overload def __call__(self, func: AnyFn[Concatenate[B, P], T]) -> "ASyncBoundMethodSyncDefault[P, T]": # type: ignore [override] ... @overload def __call__(self, func: AnyBoundMethod[P, T]) -> ASyncFunctionSyncDefault[P, T]: # type: ignore [override] ... @overload def __call__(self, func: AnyFn[P, T]) -> ASyncFunctionSyncDefault[P, T]: # type: ignore [override] ...
[docs] def __call__(self, func: AnyFn[P, T]) -> ASyncFunctionSyncDefault[P, T]: return ASyncFunctionSyncDefault(func, **self.modifiers)
[docs] class ASyncDecoratorAsyncDefault(ASyncDecorator): @overload def __call__(self, func: AnyFn[Concatenate[B, P], T]) -> "ASyncBoundMethodAsyncDefault[P, T]": # type: ignore [override] ... @overload def __call__(self, func: AnyBoundMethod[P, T]) -> ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault[P, T]: # type: ignore [override] ... @overload def __call__(self, func: AnyFn[P, T]) -> ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault[P, T]: # type: ignore [override] ...
[docs] def __call__(self, func: AnyFn[P, T]) -> ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault[P, T]: return ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault(func, **self.modifiers)