Source code for a_sync.a_sync.decorator

# mypy: disable-error-code=valid-type
# mypy: disable-error-code=misc
from a_sync._typing import *
from a_sync.a_sync import _flags, config
from a_sync.a_sync.function import (ASyncDecorator, ASyncFunction, ASyncDecoratorAsyncDefault, 
                             ASyncDecoratorSyncDefault, ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault, 

# The a_sync decorator #

# @a_sync
# def some_fn():
#     pass
# @a_sync
# async def some_fn():
#     pass

def a_sync(
    default: Literal["async"],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncDecoratorAsyncDefault:...

def a_sync(
    default: Literal["sync"],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncDecoratorSyncDefault:...

def a_sync(
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncDecorator:...

@overload # async def, None default
def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: CoroFn[P, T],
    default: Literal[None] = None,
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault[P, T]:...

@overload # sync def none default
def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: SyncFn[P, T],
    default: Literal[None] = None,
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncFunctionSyncDefault[P, T]:...

# @a_sync(default='async')
# def some_fn():
#     pass
# @a_sync(default='async')
# async def some_fn():
#     pass
# NOTE These should output a decorator that will be applied to 'some_fn'

def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: Literal[None],
    default: Literal['async'],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncDecoratorAsyncDefault:...

@overload # if you try to use default as the only arg
def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: Literal['async'],
    default: Literal[None],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncDecoratorAsyncDefault:...

# a_sync(some_fn, default='async')

@overload # async def, async default
def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: CoroFn[P, T],
    default: Literal['async'],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault[P, T]:...

@overload # sync def async default
def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: SyncFn[P, T],
    default: Literal['async'],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncFunctionAsyncDefault[P, T]:...

# a_sync(some_fn, default='sync')

@overload # async def, sync default
def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: CoroFn[P, T],
    default: Literal['sync'],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncFunctionSyncDefault:...

@overload # sync def sync default
def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: SyncFn[P, T],
    default: Literal['sync'],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncFunctionSyncDefault:...

# @a_sync(default='sync')
# def some_fn():
#     pass
# @a_sync(default='sync')
# async def some_fn():
#     pass
# NOTE These should output a decorator that will be applied to 'some_fn'

def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: Literal[None],
    default: Literal['sync'],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncDecoratorSyncDefault:...

@overload # if you try to use default as the only arg
def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: Literal['sync'],
    default: Literal[None] = None,
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncDecoratorSyncDefault:...

@overload # if you try to use default as the only arg
def a_sync(  
    coro_fn: Literal['sync'],
    default: Literal[None],
    **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs],
) -> ASyncDecoratorSyncDefault:...
# catchall
[docs] def a_sync( coro_fn: Optional[AnyFn[P, T]] = None, default: DefaultMode = config.DEFAULT_MODE, **modifiers: Unpack[ModifierKwargs], # default values are set by passing these kwargs into a ModifierManager object. ) -> Union[ASyncDecorator, ASyncFunction[P, T]]: """ A versatile decorator that enables both synchronous and asynchronous execution of functions. This decorator allows a function to be called either synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the context and parameters. It provides a powerful way to write code that can be used in both synchronous and asynchronous environments. Args: coro_fn: The function to be decorated. Can be either a coroutine function or a regular function. default: Determines the default execution mode. Can be 'async', 'sync', or None. If None, the mode is inferred from the decorated function type. **modifiers: Additional keyword arguments to modify the behavior of the decorated function. See :class:`ModifierKwargs` for available options. Modifiers: lib defaults: async settings cache_type: CacheType = None, - This can be None or 'memory'. 'memory' is a lru cache which can be modified with the 'cache_typed','ram_cache_maxsize','ram_cache_ttl' modifiers. cache_typed: bool = False, - Set to True if you want types considered treated for cache keys. ie with cache_typed=True, Decimal(0) and 0 will be considered separate keys. ram_cache_maxsize: Optional[int] = -1, - The maxsize for your lru cache. None if cache is unbounded. If you set this value without specifying a cache type, 'memory' will automatically be applied. ram_cache_ttl: Optional[int] = None, - The ttl for items in your lru cache. Set to None. If you set this value without specifying a cache type, 'memory' will automatically be applied. runs_per_minute: Optional[int] = None, - Setting this value enables a rate limiter for the decorated function. semaphore: SemaphoreSpec = None, - drop in a Semaphore for your async defined functions. sync settings executor: Executor = config.default_sync_executor Returns: An :class:`~ASyncDecorator` if used as a decorator factory, or an :class:`~ASyncFunction` if used directly on a function. Examples: The decorator can be used in several ways. 1. As a simple decorator: ```python >>> @a_sync ... async def some_async_fn(): ... return True >>> await some_fn() True >>> some_fn(sync=True) True ``` ``` >>> @a_sync ... def some_sync_fn(): ... return True >>> some_sync_fn() True >>> some_sync_fn(sync=False) <coroutine object some_sync_fn at 0x12345678> ``` 2. As a decorator with default mode specified: ```python >>> @a_sync(default='sync') ... async def some_fn(): ... return True ... >>> some_fn() True ``` 3. As a decorator with modifiers: ```python >>> @a_sync(cache_type='memory', runs_per_minute=60) ... async def some_fn(): ... return True ... >>> some_fn(sync=True) True ``` 4. Applied directly to a function: ```python >>> some_fn = a_sync(some_existing_function, default='sync') >>> some_fn() "some return value" ``` The decorated function can then be called either synchronously or asynchronously: ```python result = some_fn() # Synchronous call result = await some_fn() # Asynchronous call ``` The execution mode can also be explicitly specified during the call: ```python result = some_fn(sync=True) # Force synchronous execution result = await some_fn(sync=False) # Force asynchronous execution ``` This decorator is particularly useful for libraries that need to support both synchronous and asynchronous usage, or for gradually migrating synchronous code to asynchronous without breaking existing interfaces. """ # If the dev tried passing a default as an arg instead of a kwarg, ie: @a_sync('sync')... if coro_fn in ['async', 'sync']: default = coro_fn # type: ignore [assignment] coro_fn = None if default == "sync": deco = ASyncDecoratorSyncDefault(default=default, **modifiers) elif default == "async": deco = ASyncDecoratorAsyncDefault(default=default, **modifiers) else: deco = ASyncDecorator(default=default, **modifiers) return deco if coro_fn is None else deco(coro_fn) # type: ignore [arg-type]
# TODO: in a future release, I will make this usable with sync functions as well