Source code for a_sync._smart

import asyncio
import logging
import warnings
import weakref

import a_sync.asyncio
from a_sync._typing import *

    from a_sync import SmartProcessingQueue

_Args = Tuple[Any]
_Kwargs = Tuple[Tuple[str, Any]]
_Key = Tuple[_Args, _Kwargs]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _SmartFutureMixin(Generic[T]):
    _queue: Optional["SmartProcessingQueue[Any, Any, T]"] = None
    _key: _Key
    _waiters: "weakref.WeakSet[SmartTask[T]]"
    def __await__(self: Union["SmartFuture", "SmartTask"]) -> Generator[Any, None, T]:
        if self.done():
            return self.result()  # May raise too.
        self._asyncio_future_blocking = True
        self._waiters.add(current_task := asyncio.current_task(self._loop))
        current_task.add_done_callback(self._waiter_done_cleanup_callback)  # type: ignore [union-attr]
        logger.debug("awaiting %s", self)
        yield self  # This tells Task to wait for completion.
        if not self.done():
            raise RuntimeError("await wasn't used with future")
        return self.result()  # May raise too.
    def num_waiters(self: Union["SmartFuture", "SmartTask"]) -> int:
        # NOTE: we check .done() because the callback may not have ran yet and its very lightweight
        if self.done():
            # if there are any waiters left, there won't be once the event loop runs once
            return 0
        return sum(getattr(waiter, 'num_waiters', 1) or 1 for waiter in self._waiters)
    def _waiter_done_cleanup_callback(self: Union["SmartFuture", "SmartTask"], waiter: "SmartTask") -> None:
        "Removes the waiter from _waiters, and _queue._futs if applicable"
        if not self.done():
    def _self_done_cleanup_callback(self: Union["SmartFuture", "SmartTask"]) -> None:
        if queue := self._queue:

[docs] class SmartFuture(_SmartFutureMixin[T], asyncio.Future): _queue = None _key = None
[docs] def __init__( self, *, queue: Optional["SmartProcessingQueue[Any, Any, T]"], key: Optional[_Key] = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(loop=loop) if queue: self._queue = weakref.proxy(queue) if key: self._key = key self._waiters = weakref.WeakSet() self.add_done_callback(SmartFuture._self_done_cleanup_callback)
def __repr__(self): return f"<{type(self).__name__} key={self._key} waiters={self.num_waiters} {self._state}>" def __lt__(self, other: "SmartFuture[T]") -> bool: """heap considers lower values as higher priority so a future with more waiters will be 'less than' a future with less waiters.""" #other = other_ref() #if other is None: # # garbage collected refs should always process first so they can be popped from the queue # return False return self.num_waiters > other.num_waiters
[docs] def create_future( *, queue: Optional["SmartProcessingQueue"] = None, key: Optional[_Key] = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ) -> SmartFuture[V]: return SmartFuture(queue=queue, key=key, loop=loop or asyncio.get_event_loop())
[docs] class SmartTask(_SmartFutureMixin[T], asyncio.Task):
[docs] def __init__( self, coro: Awaitable[T], *, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(coro, loop=loop, name=name) self._waiters: Set["asyncio.Task[T]"] = set() self.add_done_callback(SmartTask._self_done_cleanup_callback)
[docs] def smart_task_factory(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, coro: Awaitable[T]) -> SmartTask[T]: """ Task factory function that an event loop calls to create new tasks. This factory function utilizes ez-a-sync's custom :class:`~SmartTask` implementation. Args: loop: The event loop. coro: The coroutine to run in the task. Returns: A SmartTask instance running the provided coroutine. """ return SmartTask(coro, loop=loop)
[docs] def set_smart_task_factory(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None) -> None: """ Set the event loop's task factory to :func:`~smart_task_factory` so all tasks will be SmartTask instances. Args: loop: Optional; the event loop. If None, the current event loop is used. """ if loop is None: loop = a_sync.asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.set_task_factory(smart_task_factory)
[docs] def shield(arg: Awaitable[T], *, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None) -> SmartFuture[T]: """ Wait for a future, shielding it from cancellation. The statement res = await shield(something()) is exactly equivalent to the statement res = await something() *except* that if the coroutine containing it is cancelled, the task running in something() is not cancelled. From the POV of something(), the cancellation did not happen. But its caller is still cancelled, so the yield-from expression still raises CancelledError. Note: If something() is cancelled by other means this will still cancel shield(). If you want to completely ignore cancellation (not recommended) you can combine shield() with a try/except clause, as follows: try: res = await shield(something()) except CancelledError: res = None """ if loop is not None: warnings.warn("The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, " "and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) inner = asyncio.ensure_future(arg, loop=loop) if inner.done(): # Shortcut. return inner loop = asyncio.futures._get_loop(inner) outer = create_future(loop=loop) # special handling to connect SmartFutures to SmartTasks if enabled if (waiters := getattr(inner, "_waiters", None)) is not None: waiters.add(outer) def _inner_done_callback(inner): if outer.cancelled(): if not inner.cancelled(): # Mark inner's result as retrieved. inner.exception() return if inner.cancelled(): outer.cancel() else: exc = inner.exception() if exc is not None: outer.set_exception(exc) else: outer.set_result(inner.result()) def _outer_done_callback(outer): if not inner.done(): inner.remove_done_callback(_inner_done_callback) inner.add_done_callback(_inner_done_callback) outer.add_done_callback(_outer_done_callback) return outer
__all__ = ["create_future", "shield", "SmartFuture", "SmartTask", "smart_task_factory", "set_smart_task_factory"]