Source code for eth_portfolio.buckets

import logging
from asyncio import gather
from typing import Optional, Set

from async_lru import alru_cache
from brownie import chain
from y.constants import STABLECOINS, WRAPPED_GAS_COIN
from y.datatypes import Address, AnyAddressType
from y.prices.lending.aave import aave
from y.prices.lending.compound import CToken, compound
from y.prices.stable_swap.curve import curve
from y.prices.yearn import YearnInspiredVault, is_yearn_vault

from eth_portfolio.constants import BTC_LIKE, ETH_LIKE, INTL_STABLECOINS

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OTHER_LONG_TERM_ASSETS: Set[Address] = {}.get(, set())

[docs] async def get_token_bucket(token: AnyAddressType) -> str: token = str(token) try: token = str(await _unwrap_token(token)) except ValueError as e: if str(e).startswith("Source for") and str(e).endswith("has not been verified"): return "Other short term assets" raise if _is_stable(token): return "Cash & cash equivalents" if token in ETH_LIKE: return "ETH" if token in BTC_LIKE: return "BTC" if token in OTHER_LONG_TERM_ASSETS: return "Other long term assets" return "Other short term assets"
@alru_cache(maxsize=None) async def _unwrap_token(token) -> str: """ Unwraps the base """ if str(token) in {"ETH", "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE"}: return token if await is_yearn_vault(token, sync=False): underlying = await YearnInspiredVault(token, asynchronous=True).underlying return await _unwrap_token(underlying) if curve and (pool := await curve.get_pool(token)): pool_tokens = set(await gather(*[_unwrap_token(coin) for coin in await pool.coins])) if pool_bucket := _pool_bucket(pool_tokens): return pool_bucket # type: ignore if aave and await aave.is_atoken(token): return str(await aave.underlying(token)) if compound and await compound.is_compound_market(token): try: return str(await CToken(token, asynchronous=True).underlying) except AttributeError: return WRAPPED_GAS_COIN return token def _pool_bucket(pool_tokens: set) -> Optional[str]: logger.debug("Pool tokens: %s", pool_tokens) if pool_tokens < BTC_LIKE: return list(BTC_LIKE)[0] if pool_tokens < ETH_LIKE: return list(ETH_LIKE)[0] if pool_tokens < STABLECOINS.keys(): return list(STABLECOINS.keys())[0] return list(INTL_STABLECOINS)[0] if pool_tokens < INTL_STABLECOINS else None def _is_stable(token: Address) -> bool: return token in STABLECOINS or token in INTL_STABLECOINS